Do people lose weight via swimming?



  • Rkebler12
    I don't know why everyone keeps saying that you can't lose weight swimming because its definitely possible. In high school I was on the swim team for 3 years and I can tell u that I lost a tremendous amount of weight. Those looking for weight loss with a leisurely swim your going to have to swim for more than an hour. I would say maybe 2 1/2 hrs at least. I used to swim 5 days a week for 3 hrs every practice doing interval swimming, distance, and hell even just kicking. I can tell you now I lost 80 lbs of "FAT" in two months but gained 30 lbs of lean muscle. Plus if u want to lose weight swimming you can't give into what my team called the swimmers my munchies where you feel like you need to eat a lot to survive because its not true actually that's your body trying to hold onto the weight that you just burned. Also if your not gasping for air after a set your not going hard enough, and you won't burn until u hit "the wall" it's the point where you e burned all the calories that you have eaten and your transitioning to burning straight fat and its where most people give up. At that point if your serious you can't give up. Also you should be drinking about 2 liters of water every 2 1/2 hr workout. Anyone that says you can't lose be it a veteran swimmer or not is crazy and probly over eats all the time so they don't burn anything off. I know it can happen cause I did it I went from a fat 200 lb 5 ft tubby 38% body fat to 5 ft 5, 145 lbs 10% body fat in two 1/2 months. By the way I did it without killing myself or starving myself or even stop eating what I like I just ate a little less at each meal. Hope this helps some people. Plus if you don't know what your talking about and you don't have any good advice to contribute and just want to be a critic please don't write cause its not helping anyone people want results and motivation not some downer that's trying to crush their dreams of being what they want to be and looking the way they want to just because you think it's fun.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Curious if anyone has successfully lost weight with diet and swimming. I am swimming about 4 times a week for 45 minutes straight each time and am seeing limited success.

    There are two reasons why swimming may not cause much weight loss. The first is that swimming is designed to be very efficient at moving a person through the water rather than against the water. In contrast, something like aquacize is designed to be "inefficient"--forcing one to move their bulk against the water. The bigger you are, the harder you have to work. (As you get smaller, you must go faster to get the same effect. )

    The second reason is that the cold water and exercise combine to make you REALLY hungry after being in the pool and people tend to eat more than they think. There's a lady in my aquacize class who always promotes going for doughnuts and coffee to her friends after their exercise session. Then they wonder why they are not losing weight. :laugh:
  • SunshineNo1
    SunshineNo1 Posts: 35 Member
    I am not a regular swimmer but I would like to go for swimming regularly. Why? Because it builds up your stamina like anything. Its amazing how much stamina and flexibility your body gains after regular swimming. I lived in 3rd floor at the time I went back to swimming. I used to go out of breath every single day to climb the stairs and get easily tired. But after swimming just for a month, I gained so much stamina that climbing stairs of 10 floors seems easy to me. I used to also get sound sleep no matter what for 8 hours and that kept me active with more energy throughout the day. I was even able to do my workouts without getting tired.

    Swimming is amazing. You will lose weight a little bit but more than that its the strength and stamina you will gain.