Coke Zero



  • Dude. There is so much broscience on this thread.

    Coke Zero has about 1 calorie per can.

    I don't even count it towards my 1650 numbers.

    I drink 2 cans most days and maybe 3 on the odd occasion.

    It neither hinder or benefits weight loss

    and it isn't bad for you either (unless your drinking like 5 litres a day)

    If you like it, have some.
  • onandoff
    onandoff Posts: 122 Member
    Coke , Zero or not, it's still a carbonated drink ( a lot of sugars and sodium) and the best thing you could do for your health is to give it up.
    I'd recomend watching "Sugar - The Bitter truth" found online to find more about what you put inside your body... And some "Dead doctors don't lie" along with it...
  • I love my Diet Coke because it eases my caffeine withdrawal headaches... :P
  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    Coke , Zero or not, it's still a carbonated drink ( a lot of sugars and sodium) and the best thing you could do for your health is to give it up.
    I'd recomend watching "Sugar - The Bitter truth" found online to find more about what you put inside your body... And some "Dead doctors don't lie" along with it...
    NO. Just NO! :angry:
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    Dude. There is so much broscience on this thread.

    Coke Zero has about 1 calorie per can.

    I don't even count it towards my 1650 numbers.

    I drink 2 cans most days and maybe 3 on the odd occasion.

    It neither hinder or benefits weight loss

    and it isn't bad for you either (unless your drinking like 5 litres a day)

    If you like it, have some.

  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    Coke , Zero or not, it's still a carbonated drink ( a lot of sugars and sodium) and the best thing you could do for your health is to give it up.
    I'd recomend watching "Sugar - The Bitter truth" found online to find more about what you put inside your body... And some "Dead doctors don't lie" along with it...
    Coke Zero doesn't have a lot of sugar.
    That's the nice thing about artificial sweeteners. You get the same amount of sweetness from a teeny tiny amount. And sodium? less than 30 milligrams per serving.
    The bitter truth is that there is no bitter truth. Your body needs its glucose.

    Stop pseudoscience.
  • littleburgy
    littleburgy Posts: 570 Member
    I love coke zero. And Pepsi Max. And diet soda. No farks given, my waistline is small.

    I don't drink it to replace the recommended water daily, though.
  • Will it kill you? Probably not. Is it good for you? No.
  • I drink as much soda as I want...problem is I am not allowed to have one unless I drink all my water first. Point of post..........

    I usually average a soda 1-2 times a week. By the time I get done drinking the water I need I do not want anything else *snorts*
  • Luv2Smile55
    Luv2Smile55 Posts: 133 Member
    I love my coca cola - always have. Lived on it in my 20's. Now it's strictly Coke Zero or Diet Coke but I prefer the taste of Coke Zero as it's not so sweet.

    I realised in my early 30's that I am very caffeine sensitive and it disrupts my sleep so I only allow myself one can of Coke Zero before or with lunch and the occasional caffeine free diet coke in the evenings. I know it's not good for me but the less I have the more I crave so by limiting myself to it being a treat I satisfy the craving without too much impact.

    I have a couple of cunning ploys to make sure I only drink one a day! I keep it in a cupboard not the fridge as I don't like it warm! I then put one can in the fridge at a time. If having had my first can I want another, I put it in the fridge (hiding it behind something!) - by the time it's cold enough to drink I have had a large glass of water and I am busy doing something else, and usually the craving has gone.

    Healthwise the biggest issues are the acids and the caffeine. Dentists hate all carbonated drinks for the same reason - they soften and destroy tooth enamel. I think moderation is the key.

    Find your balance.

    Great news for caffeine sensitive people ... They now make a caffeine free Coke Zero :happy:
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    Will it kill you? Probably not. Is it good for you? No.

    Will it kill you? Absolutely not. Is it bad for you? No.

    Thats better
  • It's not very nutritious, but it probably won't do too much damage if you have one every once in a while. (Personally, I can't stand the taste of Coke Zero, but to each their own :) )
  • Will it kill you? Probably not. Is it good for you? No.

    Will it kill you? Absolutely not. Is it bad for you? No.

    Thats better

    Nothing like rationalizing. :laugh:

    Still doesn't make it good for you.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    Will it kill you? Probably not. Is it good for you? No.

    Will it kill you? Absolutely not. Is it bad for you? No.

    Thats better

    Nothing like rationalizing. :laugh:

    Still doesn't make it good for you.

    Why do you think it's bad for you?
  • andit001
    andit001 Posts: 33 Member
    There have been studies done that people who drink diet sodas have bigger waistlines than those who don't.

    I lost a lot of weight while still drinking diet sodas. I finally kicked the habit and I'm glad I did. I'll drink it every now and then but it's water for me.

    Maybe because people with bigger waistlines more likely tend to use diet products in general? That's no argument if you don't know the reason of the drinking.
    SOCOLOCO87 Posts: 128 Member
    From personal experience staying away from the Coke Zero and other diet soda's made me feel better when working out. However, I believe moderation is fine. I like the earlier suggestion for drinking at least the same amount of water that you have as the soda, plus more. I will Have one every now and then though. =)
  • Why do you think it's bad for you?

    What I said was that it is not good for you.
  • ibjent
    ibjent Posts: 23 Member
    As part of my new year journey, I gave up all sodas for at least a year and artificial sweeteners for good. I loved Coke Zero. However, I didn't like the price I had to pay to support my habit. The verdict is still out on just how harmful artificial sweeteners are, but for me I just couldn't shake the feeling that it really can't be good for me. I had a headache for 2 days when I gave AS up, however, now I'm okay and I feel good about the choice I made. The bonus is that my mom decided she could do it too. :)
  • ibleedunionblue
    ibleedunionblue Posts: 324 Member
    Find it amusing that Coke Zero has a calorie or two. I dont expect to log that since I'm quite sure that I burn 1 calorie walking to the fridge and opening the bottle.
  • Find it amusing that Coke Zero has a calorie or two. I dont expect to log that since I'm quite sure that I burn 1 calorie walking to the fridge and opening the bottle.

    They had enough trouble marketing it as Coke Zero. Can you imagine "Coke Two"