My story/Introduction

Hello everyone.

My name is Mandee. I am a 25 year old mother and a full time student working on my associates in Office Administration as well as m bachelors in Psychology. I attend Montgomery County Community College. I am currently a stay at home mom to my son. Due to current situations with my son, my son's father and I felt it was best for me to be home with our son. So, I have been going to school in the meantime to earn my degrees for a better job when he is able to start attending public school. I will have my certificate in Office Administration after this semester is over so I will be walking in May of this year. I will also be walking again in December for my A.A.S. in Office Administration. Only one more semester to go!! I am hoping to earn my bachelors in Psychology by the end of 2015.

I just currently started gaining weight within the last two years. I have never been above 125 pounds before that. I am now currently 156.2 pounds but as of last year I was 180 pounds. Because this weight is so new to me, I am having a hard time coping with it as well as loosing it. I feel like the recognition that I am overweight, just really hit me hard recently and made me realize that this is real and I need to do something about this before it gets out of hand. I would not say I have an overeating problem. If anything it is quite the opposite. I do not eat sweets or snacks such as chips or ice cream. Up until starting my weight loss, I was having a hard time feeling hungry and some days would only eat one maybe two meals. I do not drink anything besides milk and plenty of water. That is how I have always been. My doctor thinks I may have a problem with my thyroid so he recently just ordered me to have blood work to check if there is an underlying problem. I am hoping to have those results this coming week.

I do workout every day. I use Jillian Michael's 30-Day Shred as well as Blogilates. I have lost just over 20 pounds so far using those two. I do not have time to attend a gym. My son needs me right now home with him and being a full-time student takes up a lot of my time. I am looking for friends that also meet their weight loss goals from the comfort of their own home and not by attending gyms. I feel like that type of similar motivation and advice would benefit me the most. However if someone who does attend a gym to loose weight and has some valuable advice and motivation then by all means, friend me!


  • suzely0530
    suzely0530 Posts: 150 Member
    Hi there Mandee, my name is Suzanne. I have been on MFP for over a year and log on several times per day. I have been going to the gym for almost 2 years (cardio & heavy lifting) but 8 wks ago decided to try something knew so I'm doing P90X3. I would be happy to offer you support...I don't know where I'd be if it weren't for the friends I've met through this site. Any other ladies who are looking for support can feel free to add me :)
  • MANDEEx88
    MANDEEx88 Posts: 32 Member
    Hey Suzanne, it is nice to "meet" you.

    Thank you for responding to my post. I am glad that I have someone for advice who clearly knows how to take care of her health and fitness needs. I appreciate it. I was looking at your profile to see what sort of foods you eat so that I could get a better idea for myself but I also had noticed your pictures as well and I just have to say wow! You are most certainly in shape and I envy your toned arms! LOL.

    I see that you noted that you have been doing P90X for 8 weeks. Do you see a significant change in your body from 8 weeks ago?