peri and just don't know how to begin

I am 53 going through perimenopause. Having all sorts of crazy symptoms. No energy but need to loose this extra weight. I am 5'5 weigh 176 and think if I could loose about 45 or 50 pounds I would feel better. If you too are going through this please give me your input and help me get motivated. I'm feeling so lost. I don't know where or how to begin. Thanks for any and all your help and good luck with your goals. Hugs


  • 55romaine
    Hi just start by logging everything you eat on mfp and start with simple exercise such as walking for a few minutes. You can increase the exercise slowly. If you need. Support feel fre to add me. I have sent a friend request.
  • jan5500
    jan5500 Posts: 47 Member
    Hi. It's a great time to start. Rest assured the symptoms will all go away. Being active will help. When I went through it, I became less active and gained too much weight. The extra weight did not help. I will be 60 in a few months; 5'4"; started a healthy weight loss and light exercise plan on December 6, 2013 at 173 pounds. I am now 143 pounds and I feel great, sleep better, have improved my cholesterol levels to the point that my doctor no longer wants blood work every 6 months and I am wearing clothes I never thought I would wear again in my life. There are plenty of great people here who will support you every step of the way. Feel free to add me. I am sending a friend request.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Accurately weigh/measure/log everything. Set your calorie goal to lose 1 pound per week. (not 2, that is too aggressive). Get some regular exercise even if it is just some brisk walking. If after a month you aren't losing any weight, then look at your carb/protein ratios. The hormonal fluctuations can cause insulin resistance and you may have to reduce carbs.
  • cherys
    cherys Posts: 387 Member

    I felt exactly as you do about 6 months ago. Shattered all the time and getting fatter. I started by joining some fitness classes, asking friends to come for a walk and catch up instead of meeting for coffee or wine, and doing some powerwalking. I was definitely the least fit person in all of the classes, and one of the plumpest. I didn't go every week, but tried to most weeks.

    Then I discovered an outdoor fitness class. It was brilliant to get all that fresh air and sunlight and to enjoy nature while getting fit. Suddenly I wanted to go every week. Then the instructor suggested I join her running group. I laughed. I'm nearly 50 and have never run in my life, not even for a bus, not even when I weighed 130lbs. But she talked me into it and taught me posture and how to strike the ground correctly, which shoes to buy (not crazily expensive either.) Since then I've been running two times a week on average. My energy is increased, my moods are much better and without dieting I've lost the first 7lbs. Now I'm on MFP to be more careful about food, as I was still scoffing cake and crisps and wine despite the exercise.

    So my suggestion is to get moving outdoors, whatever the weather, and with someone. Now I meet someone to go running with every week. As we are not close friends, just running partners I wouldn't dare let her down. We push each other and encourage each other a bit. But maybe it's just that old truth of trying everything - zumba or bellydancing or aquaerobics etc until you find something you really love and look forward to, that you can afford. But it's also important to build some exercise and variety in every week - I still walk with friends on non-running days.

    If you work, ask colleagues if they want to powerwalk for 15 mins at lunch time, and also walk 20 mins of the way home each day.

    The main thing is to get into a habit of exercise that you enjoy. Also, I found having a professional trainer really valuable. I'm not naturally very co-ordinated and the tips she gave about how to run really transformed my outlook on exercise. I have about one personal session with her every few months just to pick up new skills, and then go to her classes (outdoor bootcamps) the rest of the time.
  • lavaughan69
    lavaughan69 Posts: 459 Member
    I'm not perimenopausal yet, I'm 43, but definitely suffer from fatigue and when I started MFP I was 182lbs (I'm also 5'5"). I started last march and I'm down to 135 now. I love to walk so that's my primary exercise. At the beginning I felt a little overwhelmed by the counting and weighing and logging and trying to exercise so eventually I decided to just focus on eating better and getting the diet part working for me. It's really 80% of the battle. I added exercise once I got the food part figured out.