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At this restaurant:

I'd love to hear y'alls thoughts. I have about 800 calories to eat for dinner tonight at this restaurant and trying to find something not calorie-laden.


  • Grilled Salmon Filet (17)
    Fresh Atlantic salmon grilled and topped with herbed sage butter, served with steamed vegetables.

    Probably around 650-750 calories.
  • Mediterranean Flatbread 11
    Toasted Naan bread with hummus, Sriracha, feta cheese, kalamata olives, roasted red peppers, grilled chicken, and spring mix. Served with sweet potato fries.

    Probably closer to 800 calories.

    That actually sounds amazing.
  • airen123
    airen123 Posts: 149
    The naan does sound good. Hmm. Thanks for responding!