cant eat anymore

Hi I have been bulking for around 2 months approx. And recently every time I go to eat I just have no appetite for any food but force myself to eat an amount. I always go over my calories but alot of the calories are because I drink milk .

Any tips for gaining appetite back?

And with so many calories being because of milk will this effect me gaining?



  • EllieB_5
    EllieB_5 Posts: 247 Member
    If you've suddenly lost your appetite you should see a doctor. It's probably nothing, but it could also be a big deal. You could also stop drinking milk and see if your appetite comes back; milk can kill appetite even if you're not lactose intolerant.

    Consuming mostly milk could hinder your progress depending on the type of milk. When on a slim fast diet, milk-based shakes are what you drink to help you lose weight.
  • Open your diary?
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    If you've suddenly lost your appetite you should see a doctor. It's probably nothing, but it could also be a big deal. You could also stop drinking milk and see if your appetite comes back; milk can kill appetite even if you're not lactose intolerant.

    Consuming mostly milk could hinder your progress depending on the type of milk. When on a slim fast diet, milk-based shakes are what you drink to help you lose weight.


    consuming lots of milk is a great way to gain weight. high in protein- great calorie choice. GOMAD exists for a reason.

    if you eat a surplus- it becomes difficult to eat- stop eating clean great food- go for higher calorie food that you can eat less of- oreos- ice cream- milk- soda- beer whatever.

    Still eat your chicken and quinona and whatever- but if you are a couple hundred short- go for the gusto- no bonus points in the bulking department for having the "cleanest" bulk ever.

    It's been two months- have you seen any progress? maybe time for maintenance or a cut? I mean that's really the thing- are you meeting your goal or not?
  • jfraser1992
    jfraser1992 Posts: 12 Member
    If you've suddenly lost your appetite you should see a doctor. It's probably nothing, but it could also be a big deal. You could also stop drinking milk and see if your appetite comes back; milk can kill appetite even if you're not lactose intolerant.

    Consuming mostly milk could hinder your progress depending on the type of milk. When on a slim fast diet, milk-based shakes are what you drink to help you lose weight.


    consuming lots of milk is a great way to gain weight. high in protein- great calorie choice. GOMAD exists for a reason.

    if you eat a surplus- it becomes difficult to eat- stop eating clean great food- go for higher calorie food that you can eat less of- oreos- ice cream- milk- soda- beer whatever.

    Still eat your chicken and quinona and whatever- but if you are a couple hundred short- go for the gusto- no bonus points in the bulking department for having the "cleanest" bulk ever.

    It's been two months- have you seen any progress? maybe time for maintenance or a cut? I mean that's really the thing- are you meeting your goal or not?

    yh I have met my goal and gone over in fact, but due to (if everything goes right) leaving for the army in 6 months I hope to gain at least another 2 stone while getting more fit so was hoping to not cut yet is there a time when you really should cut ?

    Thanks j
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    I find more carbs tends to drive my appetite....
    The more I eat it, the more I want.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    yh I have met my goal and gone over in fact, but due to (if everything goes right) leaving for the army in 6 months I hope to gain at least another 2 stone while getting more fit so was hoping to not cut yet is there a time when you really should cut ?

    Thanks j

    bulks are up to you- or timing or events- it's not really a thing- longer bulks mean longer cuts. they can range from 6 weeks to 6 months

    just remember more bulking = longer harder cuts. I'm a girl- so I'm not so sure a short hard dirty bulk would have gotten me anywhere but fat in a hurry.... so I went for 4-6 months- but I knowingly will have a longer cut period. I accepted it- and currently am wrapping up my 4 month of bulking and was considering quitting- started a new program am going to stick with it- I'm kind of cranky and miserable- but I want the gainz.

    totally up to you- 6 months you could do 2 more cycles of shorter cut bulk cycles if you wanted.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    I find more carbs tends to drive my appetite....
    The more I eat it, the more I want.

    Good point, this happens to me too. Fat and protein keeps me really full but I could eat poptarts for days on end.
  • steve0820
    steve0820 Posts: 510 Member
    Hi I have been bulking for around 2 months approx. And recently every time I go to eat I just have no appetite for any food but force myself to eat an amount. I always go over my calories but alot of the calories are because I drink milk .

    Any tips for gaining appetite back?

    And with so many calories being because of milk will this effect me gaining?


    You can try and cut portions and eat more often. Helps for me
    Try to avoid drinking anything during a meal, it fills you up quicker.

    What kind of training are you doing? Heavy lifting? For me, heavy lifting pretty much equals hunger for the most part. But you will probably still have days, where, you just don't feel like eating, but it needs to be done. That's when I usually reach for the ice cream!!
  • jackielou867
    jackielou867 Posts: 422 Member
    I struggled with this. If I have a lot left after dinner I reach for the ice cream. I like to mix it with peanut butter. Or if you like to drink your calories I would go a banana and peanut butter smoothie. Don't like nuts, try some coconut oil. Avocado added to a salad bumps the calories, good fats. There are plenty of options of calorie dense foods, just need to find some you like and add them in. After a year of losing I had a bit of an aversion to sugar but you have to have a little. I eat 6 times a day and if my meal is too large I put it aside and finish it later. I also pre log most of the day so if I am looking a bit low I can add into the day rather than have to much left at night.
  • People who have fewer items on their plates for a meal typically eat less than someone with a variety foods on their plate. It Increases the appetite to have a variety of different foods on the plate, and more so when they are vibrant, varying colors more than if the food is all one color or dull in color.
  • sound like a great idea. I am always under on cal. So hard for me to make my cal,. I am kinda at a stand still. My husband tries to eat all his cal. and he is losing. Men stink when it comes to losing it. He said it is cuz I eat so little cuz I cant seem to eat breakfast. If you have any other great ideas please pass them on. Thanks
  • jayche
    jayche Posts: 1,128 Member
  • default
    default Posts: 124 Member
    Eat calorie denser foods?
  • DeadliftAddict
    DeadliftAddict Posts: 746 Member
    You will probably have to add some calorie dense foods into your diet. They won't make you full but will get in extra calories. There is nothing wrong with having some calorie dense food. Just don't make it the bulk of your diet, unless you can make fit your macro and caloric needs. Long as you are getting in your micro nutrient needs eat some. As for milk hurting you. Jim Wendler recommends to some people to drink milk to add size. Especially if you are a hard gainer. He would recommend you drink a gallon of vitamin D milk so I don't think it will hurt you. He knows how to put size on a human frame.
  • DeadliftAddict
    DeadliftAddict Posts: 746 Member
    sound like a great idea. I am always under on cal. So hard for me to make my cal,. I am kinda at a stand still. My husband tries to eat all his cal. and he is losing. Men stink when it comes to losing it. He said it is cuz I eat so little cuz I cant seem to eat breakfast. If you have any other great ideas please pass them on. Thanks

    If you can't seem to eat breakfast then you basically intermittent fast. No biggie, you have to eat breakfast. Just do what you can to eat more calories in the meals you do it. Am example would be to keep this easy. Most peoples take on a basic healthy meal. 4-6oz of chicken breast with broccoli and rice (brown or white it doesn't matter). So you eat this in the amounts that it takes up 400-450 calories of your diet. Now with this add some calorie dense foods to up those calories but not up you fullness very much. Like a candy bar, or some chips, or better yet ice cream. one serving of most basic ice creams will get you another 140-170 calories, 17-24 carbs, 6-10 fat, and 4-7 protein. Now you have got 600-700 calories or so that you have eaten. First from the filling nutrient dense stuff and the rest from calorie dense not so filling stuff.
  • darreneatschicken
    darreneatschicken Posts: 669 Member
    What are some examples of calorie dense foods? I've read so far: ice cream, chips, candy bars, pop tarts, oreos, milk, soda, beer, avocado, peanut butter, and carbs.

    If there's nothing wrong with filling up on liquids (someone correct me if I'm wrong), I think smoothies are a great way to go. Yogurt too. They don't fill you up as much as some other foods and so, will leave you space for more :)

    I also never eat breakfast. I don't know if this is a bad thing, but I am always trying to hit my macro count. I'm also someone who finds it hard to eat. Been failing a lot: I'll gain 2 lbs, then lose 2 lbs.
  • jackielou867
    jackielou867 Posts: 422 Member
    If you are not able to eat a lot in the morning try a couple of eggs, boiled, poached or scrambled, fried if you are bulking, just the whites if you need to keep calories low. If you don't eat because of time, boil them the night before and they are good to go. A big protein hit at the start of the day is good for bulkers and slimmers alike.
    I soak porridge oats in milk overnight, with yogurt and berries, stir it all up, in the morning I can eat it just as it is, no cooking. Need more calories, add some honey instead of berries and in the morning add a banana.
  • jfraser1992
    jfraser1992 Posts: 12 Member
    I just stopped taking so much protein in the morning and sticking to carbs and its worked well thanks
  • jfraser1992
    jfraser1992 Posts: 12 Member
    And within terms to things like pop tarts isn't the sugar bad for bulking ?