good protein/complex carb to eat after workout

I need to eat the above after a workout and I dont want to drink some post workout shake. So looking to see what others eat after their workout.


  • michael300891
    Need to determine why you "need" to eat the above first.

    That will inform the quantity and thus the product.

    If your an endurance athlete training daily, you need a lot of carbohydrate immediately post exercise to replenish muscle sugar (glycogen stores) so that you can perform optimally the next day.

    In contrast, if your trying to gain muscle you want a greater focus on protein and less on carbohydrate content.

    Again, if your goal is to lose fat, then minimal carbohydrate intake post exercise would be the choice to maximise fat utilisation in the hours after exercise.

    Your goals come first, then you determine your macro requirements, then you determine suitable sources.

    Feel free to ask me any further questions

    Doctoral Researcher in Exercise Adaptation and Metabolism:
  • Hozman121
    Hozman121 Posts: 76 Member
    Well certainly losing weight/fat is the priority right now. I see a wellness doctor who restricts my calories, gives me goals to meet for exercise. Right now I have only been eating 3 times a day plus 45-90 minutes of exercise a day. She wants me to add in 1 snack after gym to include a complex carb and protein then depending where I am in my calories for the day another more protein based snack in afternoon.

    My breakfast and lunch are high protein replacement meal shakes so I dont want to drink any post workout shake. Want to eat food. So need ideas for a couple 100 calorie snack.
  • SKME2013
    SKME2013 Posts: 704 Member
    Edamame and beans have a high content of protein. 75g of peeled Edamame have 12g protein.
  • runnergirlbell
    runnergirlbell Posts: 6 Member
    My dietician has me consuming a combination of protein and carbs within 25 minutes of completing the workout. (She's a big fan of me just drinking up 8 oz of lowfat chocolate milk) I then have to eat another snack involving a carb and protein with in the next 1-2 hours as well. (My favorite is natural peanut butter on half of an english muffin, topped with 1/4 of a banana.) Recovery suffers if you miss the refueling window and you'll struggle with fatigue during the next workout. My coach has me on two a days (strength and running), and this strategy has served me well for the past 8 weeks of training during some peak weeks. Rehydrating with just water is also HUGE.

    I refuse to do "shakes" of any kind as I won't touch anything that is not tested by the FDA, and also because I am able to get ample nutrients and food to aid in recovery and keep me fueled for my next round without any problems.

    Hope that helps!