Gastric Sleeve Patients?????



  • I lost quickly at 1st was sleeved 2/3/14 but now haven't lost a pound in a week. I think it's because our body was in starvation mode so one you introduce nutrients it retain it. But I was told this will pass and the weight loss will start again.
  • 32 pounds lost since surgery 1/20/14 feel like I'm stuck but like the changes my body has made my stomach isn't bloated anymore I can wear clothes I haven't worn in a year when I go to my closet like going to the store something different everyday.
    food wise not getting all my protein like I should after this week it will be easier doing taxes 12 hours a day will go back to regular job and a regular rotation so I will be able set a routine for exercising and eating. getting enough sleep 7 hours a nite don't really feel that hunger pain but see good food and crave it head game quit listening to my head think of my stomach is my goal
  • I am at the low end of bmi for the sleeve procedure. Im currently @ 35 bmi, but showing precursor to diabetes and cholesterol problems. Is here anyone on here in my boat...I am 215, but would love to get to a goal weight or 135 with this procedure. Im just wondering if im alone in trying to qualify for it...I have tried everything including metformin for metobolic syndrome. Thanka in advance for any input.
  • activefatgirl
    activefatgirl Posts: 107 Member
    BUMP I am thinking about doing it, and I think reading through these commets are really going to help me.
  • I was sleeved on 1/27/14 I have lost 24 pounds since my last dietician appointment on 1/15 which was two weeks before surgery, the toughest pasrt was the first two days after surgery.. Do I have any regrets NO, the best thing i could have done. The only down side is I cannot drink as much water as I'm used to drinking but its gets better everyday. According to my physicians diet after surgery I am now on soft foods.

    I was afraid of hair loss so when he told me I can take a pill as long as it isn't bigger than an m&m i began taking my 10,000 MCG of Biotin faithfully and I still have a healthy head of hair. You have to be ready mentally or you will slip right back into old habits.

    Best wishes to all who have made a step to a healthier you:)
  • My BMI was 35, I have high blood pressure which made me eligible.. BEST decision I made in my life just sleeved on 1/27 and I have no regrets...
  • missmeee
    missmeee Posts: 41 Member
    For those who had the surgery, do you have a lot of loose skin, due to loosing the weight do rapidly?
  • I was sleeved 2/3/14. As the days progress it will get better. The key start drinking from the time you wake until you go to bed. Have water in your hand everywhere. Your taste and hunger for food will return. Ever day gets better.
  • had trouble with insurance company but finally let me go hope you get to have procedure it has worked great for me have a goal to meet by the 7th 2 more pounds
  • ladypee49
    ladypee49 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi I had the Sleeve was well, my surgery was 01/06/2014 and I'm going through the same as you, but right now I'm at a stand still of losing weight and I am doing what I should, it just takes time
  • 2mouse63
    2mouse63 Posts: 66 Member
    Well I seen my doctor yesterday and he said it is time to remove the band. So now I have started the process to have my band removed and the sleeve in its place. Looking at maybe in three months from now instead of the normal 6 months waiting period. I have been doing follow ups so my waiting period is over. Yeppy. I am little scare but excited too. Just hopes this works out for me.
  • sbzehr
    sbzehr Posts: 1
    Hello everyone!! I was sleeved on feb. 25th,2014 I have had no complications!! I feel really great!! I have lost 17 # so far and I have not had any issues!! I feel really blessed!! I do feel like I am gonna go bananas on he liquid diet though!! I just want to eat some food sooo bad!!! I reallly would love to give and receive extra encouragement and support from other sleeve members!!! If your could friend me on mfp I would sooo appreciate it!!! Let's all do this together!!
  • 2mouse63
    2mouse63 Posts: 66 Member

    You are doing great, the feeling to eat will pass is what I have been told. The first week or two is the hardest but will get easier after you get to the next phase. Keep it up!

    I can't wait for my band to be removed and get the sleeve myself. I am hoping for sometime in May or June.
  • SMD42886
    SMD42886 Posts: 1
    Hello All,

    I am going to be meeting with a local surgeon in a few weeks to discuss if I am a good candidate for surgery. I am currently 283 pounds and i'm 5ft 7in. I have been overweight all of my life...My youngest memory is of me being a very chunky kid. I have been heavier than my current weight and i have also been lighter then my current weight but I always manage to tip the scales at about 300lbs. I would mainly like to know if heading the surgical route is a good choice and if you've had surgery, do you regret it or do you feel it was the best thing you did? Any and all feedback would be great!!!
  • Hello all I had the sleeve on 8/6/13 and feel like I am not eating the right foods, I will admit my husband loves pizza's and rice and all that and i have started to fall back into it, I would love to have some friends who have been thru the surgery to help keep me on track with some food tips and that... Please added me if you would like a motivated friend as well, Have to admit i am a little lost...
  • bikrchk
    bikrchk Posts: 516 Member
    Had mine on Oct 14, 2013 and have lost 65 since my pre-op. I've given up 10 prescriptions, returned to normal blood and pressure cholesterol and feel fantastic! Already in a size 8 and have 19 lbs to go to "healthy" BMI. The only folks I've met with WLS regrets are band patients, (and only a handful of them). If you follow the rules, (get your protein, vitamins, water and eat small portions), IMHO, the benefits of the sleeve gastrectomy far outweigh the risks of being obese. FYI, you'll get less hate, and more support in the WLS forums on MFP. Uneducated haters gonna hate.
  • jojomoe523
    jojomoe523 Posts: 57 Member
    don't be lost. i am eating some things that i wonder about sometimes. however, every friday my family gets pizza. i eat the cheese off of one piece. i had chinese today. i ate two shrimp some broccoli and 4 spoons of rice. i don't deprive myself, i just eat way less of things that are "bad". i am down almost 170 and have been maintaining over a year.
  • takarla
    takarla Posts: 2
    HELP ME PLEASE!!! Hello, ok I have a few issues and I really think I need a counselor and I have a apt. With a bariatric doctor Tuesday. I have went through the whole program to get the sleeve only to find out my insurance wouldn't cover it sooooo after hearing and seeing people I know and talking to the coordinator for a couple yrs I decided to go to Mexico well the doctor that did my sleeve was the chef doc he have trained a few others so I researched but he didn't speak English he had nurses that did though and he was right there and they was translating seriously not a bad experience and I'm very scary ok so now my problem is I'm a week out and I'm craving EVERYTHING I heard some people say they can't eat anything barely but I got mine done feb 25,2014 and I've ate cereal,yogurt,mashed potatoes,broth,fruit smoothie and oatmeal my mind is going crazy I'm feeling like I'm starving I just had a diff. Thought of what this procedure does I know I have to control my eating but I was hoping for no appetite I don't know if that sounds crazy but I'm really struggling I think it's a mind thing but I know I can't go crazy on food I don't want to I just want to be able to eat salad,fruit,fish but I want it now I am Over the broth I can't even eat it so someone please let me know is it me is this normal and also the fact that I can eat this stuff I feel is weird because I heard people shouldn't be able to stomach or even tolerate This but it does nothing to me I can't go crazy but if I chew chew chew and eat small bites I'm fine.
  • tckec13
    tckec13 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everybody. I had my gastric sleeve bypass July 24, 2012 ? I have lost from 350 pounds to 235 pounds ,but for the last six months I have been pretty much no weight-loss . I really am discouraged because of no weight loss . I feel like I am stuck in a rut. I want to lose down to 200 pounds. Lately I have been getting cravings for candy and Sonic spicy popcorn chicken. It is like an every day thing with me. Every morning I wake up and say to myself that I'm going to start over. I'm going to be good. As soon as I take my son to school ,I drive right into a Sonic . I just don't know what To do. My willpower is totally gone . I'm afraid if I do not change these habits , I will gain back. I believe that maybe I need some support . I don't know. I'm just very discouraged. I want to get back on track. Any suggestions?
  • Hi everybody. I had my gastric sleeve bypass July 24, 2012 ? I have lost from 350 pounds to 235 pounds ,but for the last six months I have been pretty much no weight-loss . I really am discouraged because of no weight loss . I feel like I am stuck in a rut. I want to lose down to 200 pounds. Lately I have been getting cravings for candy and Sonic spicy popcorn chicken. It is like an every day thing with me. Every morning I wake up and say to myself that I'm going to start over. I'm going to be good. As soon as I take my son to school ,I drive right into a Sonic . I just don't know what To do. My willpower is totally gone . I'm afraid if I do not change these habits , I will gain back. I believe that maybe I need some support . I don't know. I'm just very discouraged. I want to get back on track. Any suggestions?

    Hey I have a really great suggestion, actually. I'm currently in the process of looking into surgery (meeting with a facility in 2 weeks--any advice would be great!) BUT I want to do it right and make it stick. I read an amazing book called The Gabriel Method--it's more a "way of life" and can work great as an addition to surgery. He teaches a lot of mind/body techniques like visualization. There is a free night-time visualization you can download (I play it on my phone) and listen to as you're going to sleep. It's almost like hypnosis, I think? You get an amazing nights sleep and kind of train your mind and body to stop craving junk food and to start craving "vibrant, living foods".

    I've been listening to it for a few weeks and it's really helped me master my cravings!! I actually wasn't hungry OR thinking about food a the other day--I sat at lunch with my coworkers and watched them eat without "food envy"! It was insane, I've never been able to see and smell food without wanting it and obsessing over it. It has really helped me stop thinking about food constantly.

    Anyway, his book is here :

    And you can download the free night-time MP3 here: (password to download it after they email you is "tonight")

    Also found a great morning mediation to listen to (just started it yesterday, I liked it the last two days and have felt less hungry and in a better general mood, but that's all the experience I have):

    It may not be for everyone, you have to be open to Mind/Body ideas not just "calories in/calories out". I'm a biological scientist, and I get can get on board with it, so hopefully this will help some people!!

    Good luck, XO