Can I lose weight without going low carb?

Hi everyone. Low carb seems to be everyone's go to diet plan for weight loss. I too have done Low carb, VLCD, HCg diet and atkins in the past. All which were successful but never long term. I would always go back to binging and cravings those bad foods once off the diet. I have battled with the same 50 pounds on and off for years. Now I am trying to find a means to lose weight without dropping the carbs significantly. I find that a low carb diet doesn't work long term. I end up craving those foods and binging out of deprivation. I guess I have issues to work on...sigh....
I just started 4 days ago reccording my stats and working out. So far I have lost 1 pound. I am not perfect but I am trying to log everything I eat. I still snack here and there. And its on my goal to stop snacking.
I just want to know is there anyway to lose possibly 10 pounds a month without going low carb?
How can I do this?
Please help, I want to be successful this time for the long term not just a quick fix.
Thanks guys!


  • Hi there! I definitely think you can lose weight without eating low carb. As long as you remain within your calorie limit, you will lose. I have also tried low carb diets -- and I too have gained it all back once I ate normal again. Low Carb is not for me either. I have cut back though but just for the sake of saving calories (for example, using lettuce instead of bread to save 200 calories that I can use elsewhere :) ).

    So yes, eat your favorite foods but stay within your calorie limit. It has taken me a few weeks of calorie counting to figure out what works best for me - so I am sure you will get there too. 1lb in 4 days is good! Keep it up - good luck!
  • ksmorck
    ksmorck Posts: 82 Member
    Yes please do! Research good carbs eliminate bad carbs as much as possible.
  • PinkyFett
    PinkyFett Posts: 842 Member
    Yes, of course you can. Many people do it every day.
  • mmcdonald700
    mmcdonald700 Posts: 116 Member
    Yes, calorie deficit. You need to lose 2.5 lbs/week which means a daily calorie deficit of 1250/day. If you are obese this is reasonable - especially in the first month because you will lose a few lbs of water weight. Find out your TDEE (google calculators) - this is your bmr plus what you burn in exercise/lifestyle weekly. Subtract 20-25% if you want to be aggressive. See how big of a deficit that number is. If you are quite obese, you can eat like 1000 calories a day and your body will still burn mostly fat (but if you are quite obese, good chances are your TDEE will be like 2500+). If you are just overweight or even in the healthy weight range you will feel like crap on 1000 calories a day and you will burn fat and lean body mass so.. really not recommended. You don't have a lot of info on our page other than your 31 so this is as personalized as I can make it. Totally depends on height and starting weight too. But in some... dropping carbs creates a deficit, you can do the same thing counting what you're eating on here and just eating less calories overall. Can you eat a giant bowl of pasta? Sure... but if it's 1500 calories and that's a good chunk of your daily calorie budget you're not gonna be a happy camper later when you're hungry because it won't keep you full for that long. So you will probably end up gravitating towards higher protein, lower carb (not super low, i mean lower than you may have normally eaten to gain weight if you're a carbaholic like I was), and moderate fat because it will keep you full all day
  • luvclay10
    luvclay10 Posts: 26 Member
    One diet that does promote eating everything is Weight Watches, i myself lost 50lbs about 25 years ago on WW. Since then i became very health conscious and became a vegetarian, but as age has set in so has some weight gain, I also found i am sugar addicted, I could not lose weight on WW now because i have eaten so healthy thru the years, WW allows unlimited fruit and this just didnt work for me.
    At the same time i have a very over weight friend who has not made very healthy choices in her life and is doing amazing on WW. So it might be a route for some but not for all!
    Good luck in finding your niche.
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    Yes please do! Research good carbs eliminate bad carbs as much as possible.

    I like em bad
  • elliej
    elliej Posts: 466 Member
    It is absolutely normal to lose weight without going low carb. You can also lose weight eating pizza and chocolate and beer, just everything in moderation - as long as you're within your macros for the day, and are eating enough nutrients, and are eating a deficit you will (healthily) lose weight. Exercise is the best way to gain back some calories if you want an extra snack - just earn it.

    I may be wrong but I don't think its healthy to lose 10lb a month, consult a doctor for what is healthy rate for you to lose. Slow and steady wins the race (and keeps their skin and muscles looking awesome)
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Many people lose weight not going low carb.

    Here is a great article to get going this time. It has some valuable keys to getting started on a more sustainable and balanced approach.
  • Yes please do! Research good carbs eliminate bad carbs as much as possible.

    I think you can - when I started my life change in September, I tried the Paleo diet, which is essentially low carb + a couple other things. After a week, I was weak, couldn't think straight, and couldn't walk across the room without feeling dizzy. I am certain my body went into ketosis, which is the state that many low carb dieters go into and it causes weight loss and can be dangerous if not managed properly. I realized later that I did need to have carbs through fruits and whatnot, but I decided that I'd rather just count my calories. I've definitely cut a lot of fat, carbs, and sugar out of my diet, but I can tell you that my quality of life is better when I can have the occasional fresh hot roll at a steakhouse or a little slice of cake.

    Don't be afraid to try low calorie - it comes off slower than low carb, but it stays off!
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    calorie deficit = weight loss

    you don't have to cut anything from your diet.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Just keep overall calories lower than what you need daily.
    low carb, high carb...whatever....
    You will lose the weight....takes time though.

    Some days I will do like 400+ grams of carbs.
  • Hi there,
    Thanks so much. Its a constant struggle for me. I guess I have always done diets where the first thing I have to do is cut out carbs. works like a charm but its a viscious cycle. and after several eaysr of yo-yoing. I just want to get healthy and stay healthy. Ok. I will also start cutting back on certain things. more vegies, I currently eat 2-3 servings of veges its the snacking that is the issue. LOL. MFP seems to be helping, as long as I can log in everything I eat.
  • Azurite27
    Azurite27 Posts: 554 Member
    I would suggest a balanced diet. Get enough protein and healthy fat and fill the rest with carbs. This is what I do and it has worked great for me. I set my macros at 40% carbs, 30% protein, and 30% fat as a general goal. I try to hit the fat goal as calculated, 80-100g protein, more if I can, and then fill the rest with carbs.

    You may also want to rethink your 10 pound a month goal and just try for 1-1.5 a week (and adjust to a even slower rate when you get closer to goal weight)
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Is there anyway to lose possibly 10 pounds a month without going low carb?
    No. A healthy weight loss is .5–2 lb. per week, or 2–8 lb. per month. You need to have reasonable expectations.

    You lose weight by eating at a deficit. Period. Log everything you eat accurately & honestly. Read this:

    I use MFP's protein goal as a minimum (fiber, too), and ignore carbs & fat. It will take trial & error to find what works for you.
  • wyattj99
    wyattj99 Posts: 454 Member
    I have lost 60 lbs with carbs..more healthy ones but my motto..bad in moderation and working out - movement!
  • Yes please do! Research good carbs eliminate bad carbs as much as possible.

    I think you can - when I started my life change in September, I tried the Paleo diet, which is essentially low carb + a couple other things. After a week, I was weak, couldn't think straight, and couldn't walk across the room without feeling dizzy. I am certain my body went into ketosis, which is the state that many low carb dieters go into and it causes weight loss and can be dangerous if not managed properly. I realized later that I did need to have carbs through fruits and whatnot, but I decided that I'd rather just count my calories. I've definitely cut a lot of fat, carbs, and sugar out of my diet, but I can tell you that my quality of life is better when I can have the occasional fresh hot roll at a steakhouse or a little slice of cake.

    Don't be afraid to try low calorie - it comes off slower than low carb, but it stays off!

    Thaks so much! I guess with my one pound weight loss I was wondering whether I was doing things wrong. When I tried the low carb diets, I would lose as much as 5 pounds the first 2-3 days. Crazy but true. I will be patient. I don't eat cake everyday but I would probab;y feel deprived if I couldn't enjoy a slice at a birthday party or out to dinner.
    But how do you log in those calories?
    I haven;t goine out to eat yet on MFP. Is there a way to log in restaurant calories?

    Thanks everyone for all the wonderful answers!
  • Is there anyway to lose possibly 10 pounds a month without going low carb?
    No. A healthy weight loss is .5–2 lb. per week, or 2–8 lb. per month. You need to have reasonable expectations.

    You lose weight by eating at a deficit. Period. Log everything you eat accurately & honestly. Read this:

    I use MFP's protein goal as a minimum (fiber, too), and ignore carbs & fat. It will take trial & error to find what works for you.

    Ok thanks so much. I skimmed through the link you sent. Seems like some wonderful info in there. I will go back and read it more thouroughly now. Just wanted to say thank you.
  • ksmorck
    ksmorck Posts: 82 Member
    Agreed, everything in moderation including carbs. Eliminating carbs eliminates water weight which makes one see more drastic weight loss in the beginning.
  • debrakgoogins
    debrakgoogins Posts: 2,033 Member
    Yes please do! Research good carbs eliminate bad carbs as much as possible.

    I think you can - when I started my life change in September, I tried the Paleo diet, which is essentially low carb + a couple other things. After a week, I was weak, couldn't think straight, and couldn't walk across the room without feeling dizzy. I am certain my body went into ketosis, which is the state that many low carb dieters go into and it causes weight loss and can be dangerous if not managed properly. I realized later that I did need to have carbs through fruits and whatnot, but I decided that I'd rather just count my calories. I've definitely cut a lot of fat, carbs, and sugar out of my diet, but I can tell you that my quality of life is better when I can have the occasional fresh hot roll at a steakhouse or a little slice of cake.

    Don't be afraid to try low calorie - it comes off slower than low carb, but it stays off!

    Thaks so much! I guess with my one pound weight loss I was wondering whether I was doing things wrong. When I tried the low carb diets, I would lose as much as 5 pounds the first 2-3 days. Crazy but true. I will be patient. I don't eat cake everyday but I would probab;y feel deprived if I couldn't enjoy a slice at a birthday party or out to dinner.
    But how do you log in those calories?
    I haven;t goine out to eat yet on MFP. Is there a way to log in restaurant calories?

    Thanks everyone for all the wonderful answers!

    Most major restaurants are listed in the food data base. All you have to do is type the name of the restaurant first and a list of their menu items will come up. The calorie and nutrition is there for you.
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    Yup. Looks like you've tried a lot of fads, though. And there are no good or bad carbs, just moderation.

    Figure out your TDEE and eat a little less than that. Here's a good place to start: (Using this method, you wouldn't eat back your exercise calories, it's included in your daily average.)

    I set my macros to 35P/30F/35C while I was losing. Are you incorporating resistance training? Building lean muscle mass while reducing body fat really is the long term solution. I'm maintaining now at 2500 cals/day, 25P/30F/45C. Treat your fat and protein goals an minimums, get the right amount of fruit, veg and grains, and you can eat whatever you want as long as you're within your calorie goal. I have wine, chocolate and chips almost everyday.

    Best of luck.