30 Day Shred!



  • zeal26
    zeal26 Posts: 602 Member
    Just did Level 1 Day 8. I had a 4 day break after day 7 because I had a sinus infection. But forced myself back to it tonight and it went well! For some reason the jump rope exercise still makes me want to die but the rest is fine now.
  • I started 3 days ago :) It makes my entire body hurts like never before, but it seems to work and i`m 100% motivated to finnish what i started. Jillian is criminal!!
  • erind2017
    erind2017 Posts: 63 Member
    Did day 7 level 1 today! I haven't been feeling well so I haven't done it the past 2 days, but now I'm back at it!
  • zeal26
    zeal26 Posts: 602 Member
    Just finished Level 1 Day 9. It killed me. It doesn't make sense that day 9 of level 1 would be so hard for me but I truly struggled. It was actually harder than day 1! Maybe my body was just extra tired today.

    Hoping tomorrow will be better!
  • thejadegirl
    thejadegirl Posts: 59 Member
    I just did level one, day 6 yesterday! I'm taking a rest day today and then back to it! I feel fantastic, definitely more energetic and happy! Can't see a huge difference physically, but it's only day 6. We'll see what my measurements are at the end!

    I want to add in some cardio (since right now I'm only doing the shred and watching what I eat, nothing else) - does anyone have any suggestions for a good cardio DVD?
  • CittiB
    CittiB Posts: 25
    Ohh man, I bought the dvd back in September and did it ONCE. Seeing all these posts is making me think I should dig it out again!
  • Ramen237
    Ramen237 Posts: 264 Member
    Did Day 3 Level 1 today :) Good luck, guys!!!
  • sambagthebrave
    sambagthebrave Posts: 10 Member
    You guys convinced me! I stopped reading this thread and immediately did my first day of Level 1! It was challenging, but I feel great afterwards. I'm going to create a schedule like others mentioned of alternating between 30DS, cardio, and rest.
  • zeal26
    zeal26 Posts: 602 Member
    Level 1, Day 10 complete! Feeling good! :D Starting Level 2 on Thursday. Kind of scared!
  • Pucks_and_Balls
    Pucks_and_Balls Posts: 95 Member
    I tried 30DS last year and quit early on Level 3 b/c I kept straining my neck. I am going to try again starting next week now that I've been through TurboFire, so if anyone wants to add me, feel free!
  • midcitycat
    midcitycat Posts: 60 Member
    I read on another site (I think it was Pinterest perhaps) that someone did the workouts twice a day, once in the morning and once in the evening. Is that part of the program, or just their variation of the 30 Day Shred? I will be beginning this late next month and want to make sure I'm doing it properly to maximize results.
  • Bounce4
    Bounce4 Posts: 288 Member
    I'm on day 25.

    I started as very much a beginner. I've done all levels on beginner mode for the most part. I moved from Level 2 to Level 3 because my knee hurt so much and while my knee feels better - I can't quite get through Level 3 without some modifications and small rests. I do it 6 days a week.

    I have lost weight (also reducing calories) but not a single inch off my waist - which is a bummer. Any suggestions for that?

    Any suggestions for other 30 minute DVD's or videos just to change things up a bit? Nothing more advanced, not yet. Goodness I'm out of shape. I can always just do this one again. Anything to get me moving around because apparently I'm in more desperate need than I thought, lol.
  • Jossies01
    Jossies01 Posts: 81 Member
    I just finished level 1 day9. I weighed in 2 days ago (day 7) and I'd lost 1.5 kg already! I'll be having my second rest day on Friday and will weight in again before starting level 2 on Saturday!
  • caseyandamanda
    caseyandamanda Posts: 4 Member
    Me too. I am around a 10/12 And alternating between 30 day shred and c25k. Nice to find someone in the same place
  • I'm on Day 9 (but I did have a break, 5 days in a row then a break and now on 4 days in a row). I`ve never really done high impact exercise like this (previous elliptical junkie) and 30DS is killing my knee`s. What can I do to stop them from hurting so bad. I couldn't finish the last stretch of cardio today cuz my knee's were so sore. I'm not that overweight (20lbs of baby weight left) and I am seriously lackng the sleep department (2 kids under 2).
  • erind2017
    erind2017 Posts: 63 Member
    I'm on day 25.

    I started as very much a beginner. I've done all levels on beginner mode for the most part. I moved from Level 2 to Level 3 because my knee hurt so much and while my knee feels better - I can't quite get through Level 3 without some modifications and small rests. I do it 6 days a week.

    I have lost weight (also reducing calories) but not a single inch off my waist - which is a bummer. Any suggestions for that?

    Any suggestions for other 30 minute DVD's or videos just to change things up a bit? Nothing more advanced, not yet. Goodness I'm out of shape. I can always just do this one again. Anything to get me moving around because apparently I'm in more desperate need than I thought, lol.

    Someone told me that once I'm done 30DS I should do Ripped in 30, which is another Jillian Michaels video. I was told that it was a step up from 30DS.
  • erind2017
    erind2017 Posts: 63 Member
    I'm starting level 2 today and I'm kind of nervous! I will check back when I'm done lol :)
  • Jen800
    Jen800 Posts: 548 Member
    I started my second day of level 3 today. This is my second time around doing it, and I'm about to move on to doing a rotation of her DVDs and Blogilates on youtube's videos 5 days a week :)

    The workouts are intense, and I found Level 1 and 2 the hardest. Level 3 was easier, in an odd way. Don't get me wrong, it's still hard, but it seems easier after you've conditioned yourself to be ready for it :)
  • phoebeleb
    phoebeleb Posts: 172 Member
  • Bounce4
    Bounce4 Posts: 288 Member

    Someone told me that once I'm done 30DS I should do Ripped in 30, which is another Jillian Michaels video. I was told that it was a step up from 30DS.

    I'll check it out. Better do another 30 days of 30DS though or I won't be able to do it.

    Good luck with Level 2. I actually liked it but my knee ached bad. Watch your form (that is what I was told). My knee still hurts but not quite as much.