Hypothyroid mama to twins Body By Vi!

Hey ya'll! I am trying to go from discouraged to encouraged! I have struggled with my weight since I had my 7 year old twin boys and have struggled with hypothyroidism :-( I'm 36 years young and I want to live better and healthier life and set a good example for my family. I am just starting Body by Vi and could use some advice :-)

Thanks Yall!


  • walleyclan1
    walleyclan1 Posts: 2,784 Member
    Eat at a calorie deficit, log everything honestly, try and get 1g protein per lb lean body mass, find an exercise regime you enjoy and will stick with.
  • daciabarber
    Thank you so much! I'm hoping the shakes will help too so that it keeps me from cheating on my husband with my love for food :-) LOL
  • tomwatso
    tomwatso Posts: 1,304 Member
    Hypothyroid here too. 44/m. I am on 75 mg of Levothyroxin every morning. I work 5 days a week and log my food everyday on MFP. I have seen my natural waist go from 41 inches to 32 inches. Don't know if this helps, but bug me and I can try to help on the thyroid front.
  • RivenV
    RivenV Posts: 1,667 Member
    I would suggest a little light reading. :) This thread helped me a great deal when I was new.

  • daciabarber
    I would love to bug you. I am very discouraged with my hypo. There are some days I don't eat much and I feel like I gain weight. I def will read up on everything I can. I think for the first time in awhile I'm actually caring about myself from the inside out!
  • christi_03
    christi_03 Posts: 56 Member
    I too am Hypo {on 2 kinds of meds} we just have to work harder to get results! It's frustrating but in the end worth it... 1 day at a time! You got this!
  • IIIIISerenityNowIIIII
    I am a mom of twins too. Add me if you'd like
  • LavaDoll
    LavaDoll Posts: 595 Member
    hello - hypothyroid and mother, as well.

    high fat, low carb, low sugar, and calorie deficit have been successful for me, under the guidance of my doctor.

    have you checked this group out yet?

    lots of good advice in there: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/753-hypothyroidism-and-hyperthyroidism
  • VioletHaz
    VioletHaz Posts: 44 Member
    Love how walleyclan1 summed it up!
    I have hypothyroidism, 4 kids 13yrs to 1 yr old, just turned 40. Its been a struggle since baby #2 but I think I finally figured it out. With the calorie deficit finally clicking in my head recently (can eat 1200 cals thru day if burned 1800-2200 thru day), eating less processed foods (wheat/gluten had me bloating like I was pregnant again), and moving more whether its exercising or just going for more walks, the scale and shape are finally changing.
    Good luck to you!
  • RunMyOregonBunsOff
    RunMyOregonBunsOff Posts: 862 Member
    Hypo, mama of three here. I am also on two meds. Other than weight issues, are you showing ant other low thyroid symptoms (cold a lot, tired, heavy feeling limbs, brain fog, tongue tied, dry skin, brittle hair and nails)? If so talk to your doctor about a T3 med. I was finally able to lose weight after I got put on one, got close to goal weight, got pregnant with my 6 mo old, needed med ratio adjusted but didn't know it, gained extra prego weight and now I'm enjoying the whole journey over again. Really listen to your body. I thought because I felt better and my T4 was good that I was fine for a few years except I couldn't lose weight no matter how hard I tried. Finally I was searching online and someone was talking about still being symptomatic and only then did I realize all the symptoms I still had. I just didn't feel exhausted every hour of the day so I thought I was better. Also, not all hypothyroid is created equal. Never feel bad if something works for someone else and not for you. Good luck, mama! Keep at it and you'll get there!
  • daciabarber
    I was curious about the gluten with this. I have been considering going gluten. I get asked daily when I AM DUE.
  • mile311z
    mile311z Posts: 32 Member
    I tried Body By Vi and liked it at first but it soon fizzled out.
  • jess804
    jess804 Posts: 21 Member
    Yes I totally understand Im 37yrs young and my dosage has been bumped up multiple times just within the last couple of years and I am at the 125 dose currently....I like to exercise but get busy...I work full time and have 3 kids 1 full time & 2 part time....So I squeeze exercise in between working, cooking, cleaning & taking care of my family! My husband and I are going to try advocare together to see if it helps! Hang in there :)
  • VioletHaz
    VioletHaz Posts: 44 Member
    I was curious about the gluten with this. I have been considering going gluten. I get asked daily when I AM DUE.

    I had seen in a few places that gluten free can help with thyroid issues so I had it in my head to try that. It takes a lot of thought and psyching up for me to get it done but in that time I realized I was thicker in the middle certain days and my stomach bothered me. Realized after a pasta meal that it was the trigger. I don't substitute with gluten free products, I just avoid breads, pastas, baked goods. Some rice pastas/noodles are good though in a pinch. I stick with the proteins, fruits, veggies. I wouldn't say I do gluten free so much as avoid the main culprits as often as possible. I still have treats and wine/cocktails if I have the calories left for it :) Dairy is next on my hit list but have to just try to cut it down little by little so I don't cry lol.
    Did diet shakes 6 years ago for my wedding and those were fine at the time but hard to keep doing. I tried the same ones again a year ago and my body had changed and didn't react pleasantly. I am just finally in a state of mind where I have myself convinced I just need to eat real food in reasonable amounts and move more. Work days I fit in walking or elliptical machine for 30 minutes of my hour. Weekends I leave dad with the kids in the morning and walk around the neighborhood for 30 minutes or as long as I can.
  • RunMyOregonBunsOff
    RunMyOregonBunsOff Posts: 862 Member
    I was curious about the gluten with this. I have been considering going gluten. I get asked daily when I AM DUE.

    I had seen in a few places that gluten free can help with thyroid issues so I had it in my head to try that. It takes a lot of thought and psyching up for me to get it done but in that time I realized I was thicker in the middle certain days and my stomach bothered me. Realized after a pasta meal that it was the trigger. I don't substitute with gluten free products, I just avoid breads, pastas, baked goods. Some rice pastas/noodles are good though in a pinch. I stick with the proteins, fruits, veggies. I wouldn't say I do gluten free so much as avoid the main culprits as often as possible. I still have treats and wine/cocktails if I have the calories left for it :) Dairy is next on my hit list but have to just try to cut it down little by little so I don't cry lol.
    Did diet shakes 6 years ago for my wedding and those were fine at the time but hard to keep doing. I tried the same ones again a year ago and my body had changed and didn't react pleasantly. I am just finally in a state of mind where I have myself convinced I just need to eat real food in reasonable amounts and move more. Work days I fit in walking or elliptical machine for 30 minutes of my hour. Weekends I leave dad with the kids in the morning and walk around the neighborhood for 30 minutes or as long as I can.

    Gluten doesn't generally cause a problem for most low thyroid types UNLESS you have Hashimoto's but you could have celiac as well as low thyroid too. There are foods you shoudn't eat raw like broccoli and Brussels sprouts. Soy can have negative affect on thyroid as can almonds if eaten in excess. Fish (because of the iodine) can help T3 conversion.
  • amehrkens
    amehrkens Posts: 162 Member
    Hypo/hashimotos with 5 kids for me. I was diagnosed at 16 with Hasimotos, I am now 34. I have had weight problems my entire life. I started my weigh-loss journey about 7 years ago and weighed in at 320lbs. Over the course of the next 4 years and one more pregnancy I was able to get down to 185. Almost as soon as I hit 185 it was like my metabolism shut off. I am now back to 265, I work out every single day and I think I eat fairly healthy. I just recently came back to MFP and I am now logging every ounce that goes in my mouth! I have already thought about seeing my doctor again for a full thyroid work up. I currently take Synthroid 175MCG.
  • VioletHaz
    VioletHaz Posts: 44 Member
    I was curious about the gluten with this. I have been considering going gluten. I get asked daily when I AM DUE.

    I had seen in a few places that gluten free can help with thyroid issues so I had it in my head to try that. It takes a lot of thought and psyching up for me to get it done but in that time I realized I was thicker in the middle certain days and my stomach bothered me. Realized after a pasta meal that it was the trigger. I don't substitute with gluten free products, I just avoid breads, pastas, baked goods. Some rice pastas/noodles are good though in a pinch. I stick with the proteins, fruits, veggies. I wouldn't say I do gluten free so much as avoid the main culprits as often as possible. I still have treats and wine/cocktails if I have the calories left for it :) Dairy is next on my hit list but have to just try to cut it down little by little so I don't cry lol.
    Did diet shakes 6 years ago for my wedding and those were fine at the time but hard to keep doing. I tried the same ones again a year ago and my body had changed and didn't react pleasantly. I am just finally in a state of mind where I have myself convinced I just need to eat real food in reasonable amounts and move more. Work days I fit in walking or elliptical machine for 30 minutes of my hour. Weekends I leave dad with the kids in the morning and walk around the neighborhood for 30 minutes or as long as I can.

    Gluten doesn't generally cause a problem for most low thyroid types UNLESS you have Hashimoto's but you could have celiac as well as low thyroid too. There are foods you shoudn't eat raw like broccoli and Brussels sprouts. Soy can have negative affect on thyroid as can almonds if eaten in excess. Fish (because of the iodine) can help T3 conversion.

    Mine is Hashimotos but at next physical will ask to be screened for celiac at the prompting of the kids dietician grandmother :). Still you can't deny that avoiding of the baked items and pastas is helpful in weight loss. I will have to have to admit my most recent weight loss is with the help of the Fitbit tracker. I love meeting the goals on there daily. Best $99 dollars I ever spent. 7lbs lost since Jan 30th (day after I got it in the mail). No special meals, no memberships, I don't care what my exercise clothes look like so old shirts and pants till they fall off :).