How lon did it take to finish your first 5k?



  • rhondatime2chg
    rhondatime2chg Posts: 92 Member
    I really really really want to be a runner, but I have not got to the point where I can run for longer than 90 seconds at a time. My time for a 5K a couple weeks ago was 45 minutes. I'll be happy if I can just get under 40 minutes :)
  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
  • I did my first in October and my time was 30:47. My fiance and I crossed the finish line together. :) I am currently five months pregnant, so my time is much slower these days.. but I can't wait to get back at it and really challenge myself to beat my old time!
  • My first was last October and I did it in 36 mins! I was no where near the back which I really thought I would be, because, like everyone else has been saying, sooo many people walk or do a mixture of jogging and walking! Either way it doesn't matter as long as you have fun...which you totally will! :-) I've now signed up for a 10K later this year and I am quite petrified!! Haha!
  • emczech5
    emczech5 Posts: 224 Member
    The first 5K I ever did was in 7th grade and I didn't know how to push my self so it took me 53 minutes. The next year in 8th I grade I ran the same 5k in 35 minutes. Fast forward several years to about 4 years ago when I ran my first 5k as an adult. I didn't really train for it much and I was unusually exhausted (found out a couple of days later that I was pregnant). I took me about 42 minutes. When I run a 5k now I can finish in about 40 minutes if I push a stroller and sub 35 minutes with out the stroller. Although, I've started running on a more regular basis so I'm hoping to improve on my times.
  • k1214
    k1214 Posts: 33 Member
    i came in 4th....from last in my first 5k :) time was 35:58. the winner finished in under 16 minutes! i did a mix of walking and running and have done so in every other 5k i've completed since. first one is still my best time though so go figure. i'm not very good at running but i do enjoy it so i continue. my goals when i "run" a race are to finish and not be dead last. have fun!!
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    I did my first 5K in 2011 at 39 minutes. Since then I've improved my times - my most recent 5K was 33 minutes and I ran in two half marathons last year. However, I'm not speedy. I enjoy chugging along and feeling strong versus fast, winded, and worried I'm not going to make it.

    But like others said...simply doing the race and crossing the finish line is what matters.

    Tips: don't underestimate the helpful power of Immodium. It could save your *kitten* (literally) during the race. Also, start out going a little bit slower than you think you need to go as it will help you save up energy for that second and third mile. I personally like to take a water bottle with me, no matter how short the race, because my hydration wants don't always align with the aid station schedule. And, you feel faster and frisker when you wear a sparkle skirt. :)

  • echoslug
    echoslug Posts: 73 Member
    I finished in exactly 30 minutes and was quite proud of myself. I had an injury so I hadn't been able to run for about five weeks before the race and I was delighted to discover I was able to run the whole thing without stopping. I had been training for about 4 months before the injury but it was still the first time I'd actually done the whole distance without a break.
  • Samstan101
    Samstan101 Posts: 699 Member
    My first was in August and took me 50mins on my own. I did my first Park Run in November in 37:24 and I was 44 out of 45. I didn't care, the fact that I got out and did it, exercised with others in a social setting was huge for me. This Saturday I ran it in 31:34 and was 37th of 47. My position doesn't bother me though as I raise to try and beat my own time. Go and run it as best as you can and enjoy it! Best of luck :)
  • Of_Monsters_and_Meat
    Of_Monsters_and_Meat Posts: 1,022 Member
    My first in 2011 was 34:17. I was able to drop to 30:21 a few months later.

    The first one was a lot about nerves and excitement and not pacing myself properly. Good luck.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I finished in right around 36 minutes. I'm a horrible runner and I will never have great times, even with training (I was a State ranked sprinter in high school but I've never been able to distance run)...don't get caught up in that, just have fun.

    You really can't compare yourself to others. My wife for example is a very good natural distance runner...she ran my first 5K with me which I had trained for a few months...she went in cold and hadn't run in over a year. Like I said, I came in at 36 minutes...she came in under 30 minutes without any training whatsoever.
  • drangonfly2323
    drangonfly2323 Posts: 197 Member
    Just wanted to say I love this. I wish you all the best in achieving your goal.
    Dead last. The first 3 5k's I ever did :) I'm determined to live long enough to win my age group.
  • tserine
    tserine Posts: 12 Member
    the pee part is crucial. I drink so much water that I can barely run because i have to go pee.
    good luck !
  • AmyP619
    AmyP619 Posts: 1,137 Member
    35 minutes! I did the color run. Tons of fun!
  • lyzmorrison
    lyzmorrison Posts: 172 Member
    I finished my 1st 5K in 35 minutes. I ran the entire way, slowly, and felt pretty good.
    I ran my 2nd 5K last weekend. I ran 5 minutes/walked 1 minute. It wasn't timed and I forgot to check my watch, but it was probably about the same.

    That said, your time doesn't matter. Just make your goal to finish.

    Also....remember....the only bar you have to reach is the bar you set for yourself.

    AND... no one says you have to run the entire way. I'm doing a 10K this weekend and I'm going to run 3min and walk 1 min. You can set your pace at whatever feels right for you.

    No matter what you do, YOU ARE GONNA DO GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • chunkybun
    chunkybun Posts: 179 Member
    I never did a 5K... I started with a 10K.... bad idea, but it was a work team building thing, so didn't really have a choice.

    I finished in 80 mins, which I was super proud of, because I don't enjoy running. The atmosphere, people cheering on the sidelines and adrenalin on the day definitely fueled me to keep going even when I wanted to quit.

    Best of luck, and have fun!
  • supermysza
    supermysza Posts: 167 Member
    45 mins of jog/walk
  • Wow! Thank you all so much for the feedback! I'm not gonna lie it took a lot of the pressure off. I appreciate it!
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I am doing my first 5K race less than a month from now. I was just wondering, how long did it take you to finish? Those who did it that were more on the intermediate side. And did any of you finish last? And are their any tips you are willing to give for me? Thanks!

    64 minutes, the shin splits I got were truly amazing. For some reason I didn't quit... but for a couple weeks I wasn't right. I've since gotten that time down to 33 minutes, and after a break from running I'm at 37 minutes. Just keep pushing at it, don't quit, and you'll be good to go.
  • keykey48
    keykey48 Posts: 51 Member
    my first was in 35:55 my best ever was 28:29. I'm not fast and never will be. I wouldn't worry about it much, there are people at every speed at these events now. I have done a marathon and several half-marathons and I always know that by the time I'm half-way done, someone's already won the race! I did a really hard trail run once and finished 4th from last, I could see the three people behind me. I figured who cares, at least I got out and did it. My advice is to be sure you know your pace because it's very easy to start out too fast and wear out. Don't worry about keeping up with anyone, let them pass you, just keep to your pace. You'll feel so good when you cross that finish line!