I want to get pregnant, but need to lose weight first!



  • I am losing weight due to baby fever too!!

    my goal is 60 pounds and so far I have lost 16 :)

    we want more babies but I want to be in great shape for my next pregnancy.

    I am now officially at the weight I was when I conceived our twins. I would like to lose 44 more though because that would be ideal and less likely to have complications.
  • Kristen, I am so sorry you lost your baby. Hugs and prayers your next pregnancy is safe and healthy.
  • cassie77775
    cassie77775 Posts: 9 Member
    Me too! We already have 3 little boys but would like 1-2 more. I have to have csections and cannot do it at this weight. I'm also a postpartum and newborn nurse and I see too many of the complications from obese moms so I really want to improve my health a d my baby's health. Just have 45-50 lb to go!
  • Drkchyld
    Drkchyld Posts: 63 Member
    Same here! Trying to lose about 50lbs before i see an infertility specialist. I'm 29 and have 6 months before the big 3-0 and i know i still have lots of time but I'm ready to get this show on the road.
  • ball_FXDWG
    ball_FXDWG Posts: 44 Member
    Plenty of men like women who aren't sticks and bones. Don't think you need to lose weight to find one, be happy with who you are.
  • Same goal here too! With every good decision I make with my food or exercise, it's motivating to think, "One step closer to having a family."
  • Kind as that is, I think most - if not all - of us already have partners or husbands. This is about thinking about the stress our bodies will go through due to pregnancy and trying to minimize risk as much as we can by losing weight before we conceive.
  • you chose the right app. get a setting like 1500 cals and try and stay below. best thing is the barcode scanner. use it when u shop.. avoid high fat, high cholesterol, and high sugar, use the facebook settings and your friends will encourage you. good luck! (ps I was 42" now down to 30")
  • LisaMS83
    LisaMS83 Posts: 41 Member
    It makes me feel so much better to see so many others are in the same place as I am! I have the baby fever, and I turned 30, So it feels like the clock is ticking away. But I want to be as healthy as possible before I get pregnant, for me and future babies! I don't want to add pregnancy on top of my already extra weight!
  • Alexeialley
    Alexeialley Posts: 10 Member
    I'm looking for friends who want to lose weight before getting pregnant. I am 37 and we've decided that it's time to TTC. We will start trying in a few weeks but I want to start losing weight asap and continue with eating healthy while pregnant. I am 5'4 and 237 lbs and have underactive thyroid and pcosso I know this could take a while. But I'm determined to realize my dream of becoming a mommy and would love to have lots of friends for support and encouragement. Feel free to add me!!!
  • Absolutely! I am at the same point myself, my fiancé has been talking about finally starting a family a lot lately and I am not even ready! I want to be super healthy so our children will be too. I am adding you:)
  • Kaylaef
    Kaylaef Posts: 194 Member
    Me too! My goal is to drop the weight so I can have a happy healthy pregnancy, also so I get that big beautiful bump! I found out I was pregnant last June, but miscarried a week or so later. I was upset, and probably put on 20 lbs from then until I decided to take it back off this January. We can do this, if not for ourselves for our future bumps!
  • LisaMS83
    LisaMS83 Posts: 41 Member
    Too the FUTURE BUMPS!
  • I loved reading all of your stories! It really helps me know that there are others out there that have this same goal of being healthier to conceive! My husband and I want kids. He told me he thought we would already have kids by now but we have been waiting on me to lose weight. When he said this, it hit me so hard and I guess the time just went by. I kept telling myself, "I'll start tomorrow because this pizza looks really good!!!" I'd laugh it off time after time and here we are almost 2 years after being married. I was at my highest ever 4 pounds away from 300 and it scared me so much. I couldn't believe it. I am now down about 26 pounds since then but I really need to lose more. So please add me as a friend if you want to help each other with this common goal!!!! I'm done saying, "I'll start tomorrow!"

  • MrsMr22
    MrsMr22 Posts: 2
    All i can say is a thank you to Dr zogo for making me and my family a happy home, i have been married for 2 years without a child and i had 4 miscarriage within this time, i saw a post that says contact Dr zogo for Infertility help, so i did, after he cast a pregnancy spell on me i get pregnant few weeks later after having sex with my partner as instructed by Dr Zogo, and i am 7 months pregnant now without any complications and i will share another post here after my delivering and i will also give out my personal info, watch out for my next post, so i decide to drop this here for any body going through infertility problem to contact Dr zogo on zogospellcasters@gmail.com and you will be happy you did, contact for any problem you are having i believed he will help out,.
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    I posted on here before, just wanted to update. I am finally at a healthy BMI 24.7, I've got the okay to try for a baby. My gyno has me basically prepping my body for it now. I'm still on birth control, but I'm taking prenatal vitamins now instead of one a day women's. My dr. said to take the prenatal vitamins for 3 months to get the folic acid and other nutrients built up. I'm also not taking any over the counter medicines that a pregnant woman would not be able to take. I figure I should get used to not being able to pop a pill whenever I feel. So this summer my husband will be trying one last time and I feel confident I will be able to carry! So excited, because my husband and I have been together 10 years and have always wanted kids!