scared to go on antidepressants

I've worked hard to lose weight and I'm really proud of my accomplishments (I lost 7 llbs and 5 inches off my waist). I suffer from panic disorder and yesterday I almost did something drastic which is why the doctors want to put me on antidepressants. I've had other types of therapy without any drugs so I want to do that again nut after yesterday's events the doctors think antidepressants will be a good idea. But I'm really scared of the side effects! And I know my mental health is more important but I don't want all my hard work undone.

Can anyone provide advice or personal experiences/tips? Thanks!


  • Julesdublin
    Julesdublin Posts: 39 Member
    I took Effexor for 1 year. The last 6 months was trying to wean myself off them. It was a nightmare. I gained a tonne of weight as well but since I stopped I seem to be losing it quite steadily.
    It’s a very difficult call. You have to put your mental health above everything. If the panic attacks are disturbing your life you have to get it sorted. On my particular case I think the doctor was far too quick in prescribing me the tablets but I know some people that taking the antidepressants were life saving for them. Each case is unique.
    Maybe you could start counselling/therapy first and see how it goes. If you have no success than you can try the antidepressants. Antidepressant are drugs, our body gets used to them and the weaning process takes time and patience. But they can work wonders.
  • Jennvandemark
    Jennvandemark Posts: 179 Member
    Wellbutrin is an antidepressant and as far as I know it does not cause weight gain.
  • butlersoft
    butlersoft Posts: 219 Member
    ^^^^ What Jules said....

    I know many people who have been helped with anti-depressants / SSRIs ....

    Taken for a prescribed amount of time will ease your mental state and that needs to happen BEFORE you can concentrate on the other things.

    It isn't the drugs that make you pile on weight ... it's YOUR habits whilst you're on them so try to be cognisant as to WHY you're reaching for that bag of crisps ... that doughnut ... that chocolate bar etc.....

    If you're SO low that you have suicidal tendancies / risk doing something drastic - GO ON THE PILLS and speak to your doctor. Get your wellbeing sorted and then - when you feel able .... start again on the weight / diet and remember to log what you eat.

    If your weight goes up ... look at what you're eating and make the correlation.

    Good luck
  • Wgngirl
    My husband just started taking them, they start you off on a low dose to get your body use to them. He had no side effects
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Contact and pay for a consultation.
    You won't need antidepressants after she helps you.
  • mmeier99
    mmeier99 Posts: 3 Member
    I had the same discussion with my doctor... I was having multiple panic attacks per day, not able to eat right, not sleeping right, etc. After some research on my own and a few talks with my doctor, she opted to put me on an anti-anxiety medication rather than an anti-depressant. The side effects were minimal, and when the time was right for me to come off of them, I was able to wean myself off of them without any adverse reactions. I was only on them for about nine months before I felt like myself again and decided I didn't need them anymore.

    If an anti-depressant worries you, maybe talk to your doctor about an anti-anxiety medication before you go that route, because most have less likelihood of side effects and don't affect your system the same way.
  • Julesdublin
    Julesdublin Posts: 39 Member
    Effexor is considered one that doesn’t cause any weight gain either and every forum is full of people that ballooned on them. Sometimes I feel glad I only gained 22lbs. Some people can gain A LOT more.
    I think every person reacts to the meds in a different way. Some lose, others gain. You can’t know how you’ll react until you start. It made me feel sluggish, I could sleep all day. The sense of fullness was gone. I felt numb. No motivation for anything. It messes the way the liver metabolizes fat also.
    Anyway, I am a firm believer that everyone can lose weight with the right amount of dieting and exercise. Weight gain is a temporary side effect. If she has to take them, she should take them.
  • Camera_BagintheUK
    Camera_BagintheUK Posts: 707 Member
    Rella, have a look at the info on the Mind website about anti depressants

    Is there a local Mind near you? Maybe there's support groups for people with anxiety and panic attacks, you might be able to get some support from others in the same boat. I don't know where Eastbury is but there's a Mind in Havering and you can search for your local Mind here

    Don't be scared to ask your doctor why s/he thinks you need to take them, and for how long. Is it a GP or a Psychiatrist who said this? S/he might be an expert on health and tablets, but you're the expert on you. This decision is one for you to negotiate with your doctor - tell her or him about your worries about taking the medication, and s/he should be happy to have a conversation with you about it - maybe there's a middle way - some different medication, smaller dosage, shorter time, or making other changes to help you cope in the immediate term till you can maybe get some counselling or something?

    But the point is, don't be scared to discuss it with your doctor. And don't be scared to tell her or him how important your achievements are as well - that's something s/he needs to take into account as well!

    Good luck :flowerforyou:

    PS bear in mind everyone, the brand names of drugs are different in different countries, so if you're not in the UK we might not recognise the names unless they're the generic name :smile:
  • rella_1003
    rella_1003 Posts: 70 Member
    Thanks everyone your words of advice and the useful links really helped a lot! The hospital recommended the antidepressants but I'll speak to my gp about alternative options and anti-anxiety medication.

    Just to clarify is it the drugs that make most people gain weight or is it the increased appetite? I have quite good self control when it comes to food so I feel confident that as long as I have lots of healthy food around me I'd be ok controlling my appetite.
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    Thanks everyone your words of advice and the useful links really helped a lot! The hospital recommended the antidepressants but I'll speak to my gp about alternative options and anti-anxiety medication.

    Just to clarify is it the drugs that make most people gain weight or is it the increased appetite? I have quite good self control when it comes to food so I feel confident that as long as I have lots of healthy food around me I'd be ok controlling my appetite.

    The drugs can cause increased appetite but what makes people gain weight is eating more than they burn off, period, end of story. Some will say that the meds change their metabolism, and I will still argue that if that's the case then they need to change the amount they eat so that it matches their new metabolism! It's still calories in --> calories out. So if you can experience the increased appetite without giving in to it, you will be in much much better shape. Combine that with feeling better, lacking the panic, gaining the ability to be more active, etc, and you may find that you don't gain at all or very minimally.

    I have been on the gamut of psychiatric medications since my diagnosis of bipolar disorder some 11 years ago. I once counted and I have tried over 23 different medications over the years to manage things. Some I gained (obviously) and some I didn't, and now I'm controlling how much I intake and how much I output and have lost the 60+ pounds you see in my ticker. And I'm still on 3 maintenance medications (just three not thirteen like at one point!! yay me! :laugh:) PLUS a birth control pill.

    Feel free to add me or message me if you have any questions I would be happy to go into details with you if you want.
  • blueskiesnatw
    If you need to go on antidepressants then do! They can be a life saver- and in the long run your mental health now is more important. If (and a big if!) you do gain weight on them, then deal with it when you're mentally healthy.
  • IrishGabriella
    IrishGabriella Posts: 48 Member
    I took Effexor for 1 year. The last 6 months was trying to wean myself off them. It was a nightmare. I gained a tonne of weight as well but since I stopped I seem to be losing it quite steadily.
    It’s a very difficult call. You have to put your mental health above everything. If the panic attacks are disturbing your life you have to get it sorted. On my particular case I think the doctor was far too quick in prescribing me the tablets but I know some people that taking the antidepressants were life saving for them. Each case is unique.
    Maybe you could start counselling/therapy first and see how it goes. If you have no success than you can try the antidepressants. Antidepressant are drugs, our body gets used to them and the weaning process takes time and patience. But they can work wonders.

    Exact same with me except that I've stayed on them for yrs & am now on the max dose. This drug though is different from any other kinds of antidepressants. I think they should only be prescribed as a last resort after other medications/ therapy have been tried. The side effects are just awful.

    However there are so many other kinds that may suit you, or you may need to try a few before you find one that works for you. You need to give it time. If the doctor is saying you need to take them you should I think.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    I have a long history of psychological issues. I have had many drugs, treatments, counselling, you name it. I have found a way to resolve EVERYTHING (including many physical problems) and it's likely something you have NEVER been told:


    Malnutrition creates all kinds of physical problems including in the brain (it IS part of the body!). Even over-weight people can be malnourished when diet is dominated by processed foods. Most of the things we have been told to do to be healthy are LIES (two examples: saturated fat is bad; 10 servings of grain per day is good).

    Just one resource that could help (I know of many), if you are interested: Gut and Psychology Syndrome by Dr. Natascha Campbell-McBride.

    I would urge you to look at lifestyle first. The drugs suck, they do have side effects and they are NOT completely effective nor safe. No one is born with a pharmaceutical deficiency and if there is such thing as a "chemical imbalance" in the brain, diet (micro-nutrients) would be the way to resolve it, not something designed by multi-billion dollar corporations in a lab.

    Some people won't like what I say, so I won't come back to debate. However, I have saved my life by just changing what I eat and I always hope for other people to at least consider that what they eat matters for health, including the brain.
  • writergeek313
    writergeek313 Posts: 390 Member
    Not all antidepressants cause weight gain in all people. I (stupidly) suffered for a year of a major depressive episode because I didn't want to go back on a medication that would make me gain weight. I had gained 40 pounds in a year while taking Zoloft awhile back, and I thought all antidepressants would make me do the same thing again. I've been taking Trazodone for a little over a year (prescribed because of my mix of anxiety, depression, and insomnia) and all the weight I've lost has been on it. Some people actually experience weight loss as a side effect of some antidepressants.

    Exercising and eating right have really helped my depression and anxiety, but they were severe enough that I don't think lifestyle changes alone would have helped me. Only you and your doctor can decide what's best for you. Express this concern to him or her, and if you're put on a medication that does make you start to gain weight, you can switch.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    Please continue seeing a medical professional who has knowledge of your medical history, specific symptoms and previous treatment. Please do not rely on internet health/wellness consultations or depending on food to be your only treatment option. Medication is one form of therapy and some people will need medication on a temporary basis, while others will need them on a permanent basis. Treatment should be tailored to the individual and their needs. Your health includes mental and physical. Be open with your providers and do not be afraid to ask them questions.
  • SoreTodayStrongTomorrow222
    I've worked hard to lose weight and I'm really proud of my accomplishments (I lost 7 llbs and 5 inches off my waist). I suffer from panic disorder and yesterday I almost did something drastic which is why the doctors want to put me on antidepressants. I've had other types of therapy without any drugs so I want to do that again nut after yesterday's events the doctors think antidepressants will be a good idea. But I'm really scared of the side effects! And I know my mental health is more important but I don't want all my hard work undone.

    Can anyone provide advice or personal experiences/tips? Thanks!

    I took Prozac for almost two years because I had severe anxiety and some depression. Took me a while to find prozac - went through Celexa and Wellbutrin first...but anyway it improved my quality of life 100 fold. I am able to solve problems and think clearly and rationally, and things that would send me off the handle barely even affect me anymore. There is no reason to be afraid and there is no reason to be ashamed. Some of us just have messed up chemicals :-)

    Oh, and there was no weight gain... I am not sure I have heard of an antidepressant that causes significant weight gain. I did experience side affects like being tired.... you just have to power through it - eat well and don't quit exercising.
  • helloreenie
    helloreenie Posts: 25 Member
    i'm on prozac and have been for about 2 years. thanks to the counseling and being able to focus on my mental and physical health, i lost a bunch of weight through eating healthy and exercising (i gained it back only when i lost track of my diet, the pills had no influence). try to make sure you get the smallest dosage recommended and if you're having panic attacks (because i have had those too, many times) then adding some meds to counseling can help in a major way. don't let the fear of weight gain keep you from doing what you need to do to be healthy and happy. your body will find a balance. i promise.
  • 1shauna1
    1shauna1 Posts: 993 Member
    I have been on Wellbutrin and Celexa. They didn't contribute to weight gain (I believe the Wellbutrin can help with loss actually). Currently I'm on Prozac which is supposed to help with binging.....I'm not sold on that part of it but I'm happy (haha) taking it. Talk with your doctor about options and if weight gain is a concern, I'm sure you can find one where that isn't a side effect.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    Not all antidepressants have weight gain as a side effect (Wellbutrin actually has weight loss as a possible side effect), and not everyone experiences every side effect of every medication. The chances you will gain weight as a result of taking an antidepressant are actually very small. PLEASE talk to your GP. Explain your concerns and see what they say. If you ended up at the hospital, you are dealing with a very serious situation and the fear of one possible side effect (that may not even be a side effect, depending on the drug you are prescribed) is not a reason to make a treatment decision on your own.