Prolactinoma or high prolactin levels

PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
I know this is not the forum to put this, but we really don't have a health forum. Which would be good because sometimes health plays a big role in weight loss.

What I was wondering does anyone else MFP user have a Prolactinoma or high prolactin levels? I would like to hear from you if you do and please tell me your story.

I will tell you mine. I had always been a skinny person even after having 3 children. I began to see an increase in body weight after I was diagnosed with a prolactinoma 10 years ago. I have done some research and it has been said and studied that high prolactin levels will cause obesity. My levels are off the charts. I haven't been taking medicine properly. I had the prolactinoma removed a little over 3 years ago and I still have even higher levels of prolactin in my blood. I am at 1061 were as it should be 4-24, per my most recent blood test. May 2nd I got my medicine and have been taking it as prescribed. I have lost nearly 3 pounds and haven't tried really to lose weight.

Please let me know if there is anyone else out there that suffers from these similar issues and let me know how you are doing at your weight loss goals and do you take medicine as prescribed by your doctor.


  • Shrinking_Xtina
    Shrinking_Xtina Posts: 478 Member
    I had high prolactin levels due to a pituitary tumor in my brain. It is minor but I still had to take pills to make it shrink and along with that my prolactin has gone down dramatically. I've been overweight my whole life and just started my weight loss journey roughly two months ago. I am currently taking Cabergoline pills twice a week to keep my prolactin levels low and have lost 21 pounds.
  • meshellmybell76
    meshellmybell76 Posts: 139 Member
    oh wow. I couldn't believe it when I saw this post. I (did) have a prolactinoma, and your description sooo closely mimics my experience. I, too, was always thin... had 3 kids, lost all the weight after each one and then suddenly and quickly started packing on pounds with no real explanation. Friend me and I will be able to share more with you privately : )
  • Enc0re
    Enc0re Posts: 1

    I have the same experiences as all three of you ladies. I was diagnosed with a prolactinoma and have had a hard time losing the weight that has come on so quickly. I sarted my cabergoline yesterday so hopefully i will see some improvement in the next few weeks! Friend me so that I can talk to you ladies privately. Its good to know that i am not the only one in this situation!
  • VictoriousCrystal
    VictoriousCrystal Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    I was diagnosed with a prolactinoma in 2007. Previously I never had weight problems, but the past couple years have been challenging. I have tried to talk with my doctors but they just ignore my concerns. Thank God for continuing to give me the strength and wisdom to make my fitness goal a reality. Praying for you ladies to reach your goals and for normal prolactin levels.
  • dezedeze
    dezedeze Posts: 96 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Yes, I have the same thing. I was diagnosed in 2004. Without going into too much detail, I have gained about 20 pounds since my diagnosis and find it really hard to lose anything...I did manage to lose 10lbs last year but it has come back again. It's frustrating!! I'm now on cabergoline and hoping this will work!! Feel free to friend me as well if you want to talk levels are also really high (700's), and I feel like if I even *smell* fattening food it makes me gain a pound!!
  • jenniferannkoch
    jenniferannkoch Posts: 25 Member
    I know this is an old thread but I was just told yesterday I have a pituatary tumor and have been referred to a endocrinologist. I cannot get in to see her for a month so I have been reading up on everything since I've never heard of such tumor until recently. I was at 118 3 years ago healthy and happy and then symptoms started I gained weight went from 118 to 172 in 2 years I have gone down to 159 since with extreme exercise and diet. But still want 35 pounds off of me. My BMI says I am obese as I am 5'3" and my weight is mainly in my stomach. Other symptoms anxiety, memory loss, mood swings, horrible adult cystic acne, low energy, non existent sex drive. My drs over the last 3 years brushed me off tried to put me on aniexty meds told me I wasn't eating well or exercising well (when I clearly was I even brought them MFP diary logs) I've been fighting ever since and FINALLY my dr ordered a hormone test which showed very high prolactin levels which in turn he ordered an MRI and found the pituatary tumor. I feel great that FINALLY my persistence paid off and that I proved to my dr that there is a reason for my symptoms. I have a trip to Jamaica planned in 3 months and I have been working so hard with barely results to lose these 35 pounds I just hope it's possible and that I can start feeling like me again!! I would be happy to have y'all add me and discuss further I don't know very much yet on this and don't have anyone to talk to about it. Thanks! I hope you are all well!
  • RambyPandy
    RambyPandy Posts: 118 Member
    I also see this is an older thread, and FR'd a few of you. I am also here and open to talking about my experiences with this issue off-board.
  • I was diagnosed 3 years ago, and one of the first symptoms I experienced was weight gain, even though I was actively changing my eating habits to lose weight. It's been difficult to lose the weightm even while on Cabergoline, but I'm not giving up hope. Without being consistent with exercise, I'm down 8 lbs since they found the tumor. I've been doing a health challenge/journey with a friend, and I've been commited to consistency, so I'm hoping for good results! Until I see changes, I'm focusing on staying excited about how eating healthy and working out has made me feel awesome! I'm so glad there is a network of support for this. Sending well wishes to all of you! : )
  • I been dealing with high prolaction for about 5 year, I went to all kinds of doctors and no one did anything. Finally my dermatologist ordered a full hormonal test, and there it was high prolacting, i just started taking carbergoline last week. I just want to lose the weight and get my hair back
  • I'm curious have you loss weight with cabergoline?
  • jaymelyn2076
    jaymelyn2076 Posts: 1 Member
    So I'm curious. I have had high prolactin for at least 16 years. My Obgyn found this out when I wasn't having a period. She put me on BC for that but nothing has been done for the prolactin. Should I be concerned? I was 175 when she placed me on BC and now I'm 255. I try to lose weight but nothing happens so I get frustrated and go back to old habits. I have also been placed on Wellbutrin because I am depressed. My obgyn checks it every year and it has been 253, 183, 185. Should I go to my primary care dr and talk to her about this? I'm torn what to do.
  • Jamelyn2075, I think you need to talk to you dr. As far as I know the BC itself can raise prolactin and any period you have on it isnt a real period, all it will do is mask the problem. Have you had an MRI? They should be checking that to see if you have a prolactinoma which is the main cause of high prolactin. It's important you get on top of it if you ever want to have children as high levels mean infertility. And if you are trying to lose weight it will make it a lot harder as it makes you less tolerant to Glucose meaning you store fat easier.

    I've had symptoms of a hormonal imbalance for 3 years now, but each blood test everything came back normal - doctors were scratching their heads as I had all the symptoms of hypothyroidism but it always came back normal, I was also trying to lose weight but no matter what I did I could only lose water weight. I was on the BC at the time so I thought I'd stop it, which I did and 8 months later no period. Moved house so new dr, who thought I may have PCOS, did a blood test checking all possible hormones, turned out all along I had high prolactin. Its not majorly high: around 1300 with a limit of 550 but my MRI showed a 4mm prolactinoma. For the first and a half years i only put on about 6 pounds but I was running 10k 5 times a week and eating 1200-1400 cals a day, in June I moved house so didnt have time to run and have been woking majorly hard so still havent had time to run and my weight has shot up by about 30 pounds in 5 months despite eating heathily.

    Tried Bromocriptine but it didnt agree with me so I'm now on Cabergoline, the first week was fine- no side effects but I'm on the second week now and I have a constant headache so is driving me nuts, especially since I wanted to start exercising again this week.
  • Omg. I have the same issues. Would love to friend you guys to talk about this more. Mine was diagnosed 7 years ago
  • Is there a more secure place to discuss this? I am having the same issues.
  • mssag
    mssag Posts: 23 Member
  • Hey guys! I have high prolactin levels. I'm torn about going for an MRI as my levels are in the 50's. Would you recommend a MRI or seeing an endocrinologist first? I'm tempted to ignore it all. I too have had unexplained weight gain over the past 18 months and a mysterious secretion from my nipples. Please advise!!
  • AjVB411
    AjVB411 Posts: 1
    Hi was recently diagnosed with High prolactin. No tumor was found in the MRI but I have been placed on medication. I am having a horrible time losing weight!! Friend me!! In dying for some support on this issue!
  • Hi to everyone! I was sooooo pleased to find this conversation today. It seems like I am reading the story of my life in each one of your posts. I'll give you a (hopefully) short summary... When I was 14 years old I was diagnosed with a pituitary tumor (I am 42 now...). My symptoms at the time were severe headaches and the production of milk as if I was pregnant and later on, a delay in the coming of my period which I got for the first time at 18 after I started getting treatment...

    The treatment for the condition at that time was by taking a medicine called Parlodel (Bromocriptine) which gave me horrible side effects, especially when they had to give me doses that went up to 12 pills a day (2.5 mg) in order to get my prolactin somewhat under control. Normal levels are from 0-25 and the lowest I have ever had it has been around 75. When I went to college I began being irresponsible with my medication since the side effects were so horrible that I could barely study. That meant that I would take it for some periods and then abandon the treatment for long periods as well. When I turned 23 I decided to get the tumor removed under the belief that I would finally get a permanent fix to the situation and that I could marry and have kids some day. However, after the tumor got removed, the prolactin never came down. I then began almost 20 more years of interrupted treatment with the same medicine for the same reasons.

    In 2008 however I began to gain weight rapidly. I had quit my treatment yet again and I had stopped playing tennis because some knee injuries. I have always battled with weight problems but I had always been able to go back to dieting and loose the extra pounds. Not this time. I gain more than 25 pounds in the blink of an eye and have been struggling to loose them. I changed doctors and he put me on a different medicine (Dostinex or Cabergoline) a year and 3 months ago. The same day I changed doctors I began at the gym doing about 2 hours a day 5 days a week. I even did 48 sessions with a personal trainer and have visited three different nutritionist and a bariatric doctor. In one year, I have been able to loose only 10 pounds which now I am sure don't have anything to do with all the exercise or diets. They most likely are the result of a slight reduction in prolactin levels (I have around 250). I do think that all the exercise probably has prevented me from gaining more weight. Now I take 6 Dostinex pills a week. The doctor is going very slow with the dose increases because apparently for most people the medicine works with much lower doses and there is not that much literature for people like me who have such stubborn prolactine...

    I hope this helps some of you out there... It was very helpful to read your experiences. Good luck to all!
  • abbynormal1
    abbynormal1 Posts: 4 Member
    I too suffer from pituitary tumor (benign) that affects my prolactin. I have always been "fat" and I have been trying to lose weight for a year now. I have lost perhaps 30 pounds and kept it off but I think the tumor is preventing more because I have high levels again. I will get back on the medicine and see if I can reach my goal weight!
  • Hi I am also thankful to have found this thread, I have had a weird on and off battle with my prolactin levels and my doctor said he found a micro tumor on my pituitary gland 4 years ago. My prolactin levels weren't off the charts but I was having rapid weight gain, thyroid tests were all coming back normal but I was also having headaches. So he put me on cabergoline and my levels were normal again and after like 6 months he stopped the medication. I lost about 40 lbs going from 210 to 160 in that time, and I felt great. However I recently had another child and now I am trying to exercise again and have ballooned to probably close to 215, the highest weight I have ever been. I have been exercising, eating extremely healthy, I also cut out gluten and dairy because I have borderline celiac disease and a dairy allergy and I am gaining weight. I also feel tired everyday like I haven't gotten sleep the night before and also feel agitated. I just went in today to get my prolactin levels checked and my thyroid again as well. I was able to lose weight after having my baby immediately, but it just seems like my body has cycles where it cannot lose weight and will gain it rapidly. Anyways, friend me if you would like, I need all of the support I can get.