No period.

So cutting a long story short, I began a 'diet' in April, starting at 165lbs (I'm 5ft5). I pretty much ate less than 700 calories most days; I have not had a period since July, which I believe is down to a drastic restriction of calories, and at that stage I was 140 llbs. I was fanatically tracking and logging every morsel of food that entered my mouth and planning every meal in advance. Fast forward to October and I realise that I need to get my act into gear- 'recover' and stop restricting my calories so much; I increased, starting at 1000, and kept increasing until now, where I have reached 1600 calories daily. I am still logging everything in advance, cannot eat anything spontaneously; weighing out food exactly to the gram; panic when I have to eat food with unknown calories; pertrified of weight gain- I know this isn't normal. I'm now around 113 lbs and still feel huge, but I guess no matter how much I weigh, I will still never be happy with the way I look.
I do worry that I may have developed an eating disorder, though I hate to say it, but all the signs are there. But I don't feel I would be taken seriously enough if I were to tell a doctor all of this because I think I'm far from being underweight? If I did pluck up the courage to go, I don't even know what I would say. I know it's definitely not normal to have an absent period for so long, and I'm really worried that I will never get it back. I've read so many web pages that suggest putting on weight to get it back; but surely that's only the case for underweight individuals? It also concerns me that many say to recover from an eating disorder you have to eat 2000 calories to restore your body from the restriction you put it through- but if I up my calories to this I will gain weight? I've got an awful feeling that I'm gaining now on 1600 :( I really don't know what to do. I'm so stuck and lost right now.

Sorry for rambling, but I just feel like I could do with some advice.


  • ajsdream
    ajsdream Posts: 223 Member
    Yes, go to a doctor please! They will take you seriously if you tell them what you just wrote here. 113 pounds at 5'5" is pretty thin, but you don't have to be extremely underweight to have an eating disorder.

    Please take care of yourself! We are always most critical of ourselves - it can be a long journey to self acceptance. But you're taking the right first step by admitting what you're going through.
  • hill8570
    hill8570 Posts: 1,466 Member
    Yes, you've got an eating disorder. Depending on your body type, you quite possibly are already underweight.

    Print out what you just wrote -- any health professional worth spit would recognize an eating disorder from that narrative.

    Get help now -- this is not something you're going to kick on your own. Don't wait until you've destroyed your health.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Yes, you've got an eating disorder. Depending on your body type, you quite possibly are already underweight.

    Print out what you just wrote -- any health professional worth spit would recognize an eating disorder from that narrative.

    Get help now -- this is not something you're going to kick on your own. Don't wait until you've destroyed your health.

  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    You should seek professional help.

    If a doctor doesn't take you seriously, then see another until they do. BUT, with missing periods, which are NOT normal in any way, there shouldn't be a doctor who wouldn't take you seriously.

    Don't wait to seek help either. The sooner, the better.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    It is amazing that you are eating 1600 calories a day! You may not have the physical signs of an eating disorder, but based on what you have shared about your fears of gaining weight and eating foods without a label shows a mental/emotional eating disorder. This needs to be addressed, but just keep your calories at 1600 calories and don't lower them or increase them until you speak with a professional.

    Professional - do not feel embarassed or worried that they will not help you. They will at least tell you of a qualified person to go to. :)
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Get professional help. Your period is controlled by hormones. Hormones are affected by diet, nutrients and body fat%.

    People who restrict calories as much as you have will lose the weight, but they will lose both fat AND lean body mass (muscles). So when you get to your goal weight, your body fat % will still be high in proportion to your weight. This will make you still feel fat even though you are at a healthy weight or even under weight.

    You can turn this around. Get the help you need to get healthy again and then learn how to reduce body fat % instead of how to lose weight.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Seek help. If your periods have stopped, it is generally a sign that you have gone below a weight that your body can sustain itself at. It is a very bad sign, as it means your hormones are most likely totally out of balance and this can contribute to all kinds of additional issues from osteoporosis to hypothyroidism. You have crossed the line from simply being aware and conscious of what you are eating and weighing, to being totally obsessed and from the sounds of it, you will need help to get past this as your fear of weight gain is actually taking precedence over your fear for your health. In the end, what use is it to be a weight you are happy with, if you are losing your health for it ? Eating disorders are life destroying and soul destroying and I speak from bitter experience, having wasted the better part of two decades battling on and off with various residual thoughts and behaviours from my own past anorexia.

    I suggest trying to up your calories to 1800-2000 until your periods return, if you feel you can push yourself to. If not, then as I suggested before, seek help.
  • ladycadaverous
    ladycadaverous Posts: 35 Member
    An absence of a period is ammenorhea. It is based on the amount of body fat you carry. Please get some professional help sweetie as you are worth more than the number on the scale. I know the first fact is true..i had it when I was in the military.
  • LC458
    LC458 Posts: 300 Member
    I am 5'6 and at 109lbs I was taken to the ER because I had fainted. My heart rate dropped to just 38 beats per minute. The doctors asked me several questions and I guess I didn't even quite admit to myself that I was slowly becoming anorexic but after that initial hospital visit I now look back and thank God I am still alive. Now I am heavier obviously but definitely healthy and a normal range heart beat. Oh I had lost my period for over a year, that in itself freaked me out. I personally battled the disease for too long but you can get better and get a better mind set with professionals. I don't think you can truly get better without professional help. Good luck and please take care of not just your body but your mind too <3
  • LC458
    LC458 Posts: 300 Member

    I suggest trying to up your calories to 1800-2000 until your periods return, if you feel you can push yourself to. If not, then as I suggested before, seek help.

  • Indiri13
    Indiri13 Posts: 104 Member
    Yes, go see a doctor. And if you don't like that one, see another, but find one that works for you.

    Your cycle will probably come back once you eat normally (mine did after being gone for 5 months) BUT it may have a few surprises for you at first. I used to have a regular 28 day cycle. When it came back it was suddenly anywhere from 14-31 days and no regularity. My doctor had me go on the pill for 6 months to regulate it a little but even now (10 years later) it's still shorter than it used to be but at least it's regular.
  • nataliedanielleneale
    I guess you're all right- I really do need to see the doctor about this, thanks! :embarassed:
  • smand2000
    It's a great sign that you've asked for advice and accepted it. Best wishes.
  • Kitship
    Kitship Posts: 579 Member
    The same thing happened to me - except my period stopped showing up when I was morbidly obese. Your body needs to be healthy and your hormones need to be regulated for your period to be consistent. Good luck to you! :flowerforyou:
  • IIIIISerenityNowIIIII
    You're not having periods because you were starving yourself, telling your body not to ovulate because you would just miscarry anyway. It could take several months of hitting your nutritional requirements before you ovulate again and therefore have a regular menstrual cycle.

    Yes, you have an eating disorder. Even if you don't "qualify" as anorexic, you have disordered eating habits. You should speak with a nutritionist and go in for some therapy or to an MD.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    Yes go to a dr. You have an eating disorder and there is no way anyone will doubt it, if this is what worries you. Good luck.
  • born2drum
    born2drum Posts: 731 Member
    Ok, a bit harsh. 1500calories is a good amount of food to diet down especially if workout. Honestly, why would you do that to your body?
  • SouthernMommy11
    Try to focus on eating healthy foods. Veggies, fruits, proteins will give you a beautiful glow and a nice healthy weight. I would def also take a vitamin. Please see a doctor for professional help. Feel free to add me for support.
  • TheLongRunner
    TheLongRunner Posts: 688 Member
    I agree, talk to your doctor. Although, I too do not have one. I stopped getting it a little over a year ago. I went to my doctor and she discussed it is from my running and marathon training. If I want to have children, there are options we would have to look at. I don't want to have children at this point, so she said I do not need to worry. I guess my point is a discussion with your doctor will help you feel at ease if there is nothing to worry about. In my case, there was not. But definitely follow up. :flowerforyou:
  • AlliBarlik
    AlliBarlik Posts: 111 Member
    WTF 700 calories? Kiss your period, thyroid, and hormones goodbye! What is wrong with you?

    Ok, a bit harsh. 1500calories is a good amount of food to diet down especially if workout. Honestly, why would you do that to your body?

    Yes, you were harsh!

    OP, please seek a doctor's help. They will help you.