New here... and scared

NikkiLynn76 Posts: 40
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
I have been heavy as long as I can remember. I have been FAT for at least the past decade, and it's gotten worse.

I need help. It's time. I ordered a scale. Decided I had to do this. Today my scale came, and I got on it for the first time since my child was born in Feb 09. It's worse than I could have imagined and I'm scared. I need to do this. I have let this get way out of hand and if I don't do something I'm not going to be around to raise my three kids.

A friend suggested this site, she is doing amazing. I need to get rid of at least half of me. Can I do this?


  • aliciadjackson
    aliciadjackson Posts: 480 Member
    Yes you can!! Take a look at all the success stories here =).

    You can do it, and you'll find lots of encouragement along the way!

    Good luck!
  • I have been heavy as long as I can remember. I have been FAT for at least the past decade, and it's gotten worse.

    I need help. It's time. I ordered a scale. Decided I had to do this. Today my scale came, and I got on it for the first time since my child was born in Feb 09. It's worse than I could have imagined and I'm scared. I need to do this. I have let this get way out of hand and if I don't do something I'm not going to be around to raise my three kids.

    A friend suggested this site, she is doing amazing. I need to get rid of at least half of me. Can I do this?

    That isn't a question for us to answer. But I will anyways. Of course you can do! I used to weigh 240 pounds in sixth grade! Now I currently weigh 193, and I am 21. I have changed my life by eating better and exercising. You can do the same.

    It just comes down to how badly you want to do it. I still wake up and ask myself every morning.. How badly do I want this?
  • Yes you can! You are the only one that can change you! you can change how and what you eat and drink, whether you exercise and how you look! If you want to, you will! This site will help! Log on everyday and be honest with yourself on your food diary.
  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    Yes, it can be done. That is the great thing about this site and the smartphone encourages you to eat sensibly so you don't have to starve yourself to lose weight.
  • you can do it!!! no need to be scared! thats what is so great about this site, no one will put you down, mock you, anything like that. you will get movitation and encouragement like crazy here!! find some before and after pics in the posts, read others stories, it seriously helps to movitate!! and if you ever need an extra boost, we are all here for you!
  • You absolutely can do it! I'm in the same boat. Minus the kids. I've always been chubby and gained about 30 pounds inthe past year. My boyfriend said to me one day that he wanted to start dieting because he had indigestion around his heart and it scared him. He's only 32 and doesn't wanna have a heart attack. He found the app for this site on his iphone and we started. After my first day (an entire bag or Spangler Circus Peanuts and Salt and Vinegar chips for me), I told him that I didn't wanna diet andif he did, I'd support him, but it wasn't for me. THen the next day I watched what I ate and stayed under my allotted calories, so I kept it up. Almost 3 weeks and 7 pounds less later, I'm more about the dieting thing than he is! I work out on my Wii Fit every day for a half hour or more and stay under my calories. This site is fantastic and the members are supportive and helpful. It will be hard at first, but once you see even a pound weight loss, it'll become easier and easier. Good luck with your journey and feel free to add me as a friend. We all need as many as we can get on here to cheer us on when we do well and to help us get back up when we fall off the wagon.

  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I was a 150 lb 10 year old once. After my first baby, I ballooned up to almost 250. I am almost to my goal weight of 148!
    It is doable. YOU can do it, too! You just have to take it one day at a time. Revel in the small triumphs ("Hey, I chose fruit over a doughnut, go me!"), and gloat about the big ones.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    You can do it. I started on my health journey back in April. But have had best results since joining here and learning a lot from logging my food and exercise. Do it slowly. I started with only being able to do 3 mins on the exercise bike. It will take me till the end of 2012 to reach my goal. But at least I am on the road and so are you.
  • Silky815
    Silky815 Posts: 367 Member
    Let me start by saying welcome. You have done the right thing, by getting on this site, and admitting you need help. We are all here for the same lose weight. Feel free to add any of us to your friends list here. I, for one, would love to be your friend. YOU CAN DO THIS. Just keep thinking about your health and your children.
  • Take it one day at a time and yes, you'll be successful! Welcome! :smile:
  • myukniewicz
    myukniewicz Posts: 906 Member
    welcome to MFP. YOU CAN DO THIS. We are all here for you, to motivate and encourage you. You don't have to be scared, everyone here is here for the same purpose, to loose weight, and get healthy. :smile:
  • loxleys
    loxleys Posts: 230 Member
    Welcome to possibly the best weight loss site on the net. You can do it and you will. It might take a long time but you've done the hardest thing - getting started.

    Feel free to add me as a friend.

  • NatalieWinning
    NatalieWinning Posts: 999 Member
    Yes, it can be done. That is the great thing about this site and the smartphone encourages you to eat sensibly so you don't have to starve yourself to lose weight.

    This is what I like about this site. You end up making better and better choices, healthier ones, lasting lessons learned from which were the bad choices. Not just starving yourself--which didn't work for me, anyway, BTW. Neither did just exercise and eathing 'healthier'.

    Once I got my mind made up and started. Starting, and keeping on trying are the key. Even if you fail with one day, or one meal, or one snack, get back and try again. Log on every day and be honest with yourself. Friend people and let them encourage you. Watch what they do and eat and learn from them, too.

    I've some pretty far from couch potato, just getting bigger and giving up without hope of changing, to actually having success! I was sure I was at a place where it just wouldn't come off anymore. I was wrong. You can do this too. Just look at the encouragement already! You won't be doing it alone!
  • Fliegenschwein
    Fliegenschwein Posts: 232 Member
    Yes you absolutely can do this. Welcome and good luck :smile:
  • championnfl
    championnfl Posts: 324 Member
    We believe you can! The question that needs to be answered is DO YOU BELIEVE YOU CAN?...Start with small goals & as each goal is accomplished you will see result! [5lbs 1st]
    Begin with posted everything you put in your mouth, no matter how small. Notice what each item has in cals,carbs,protiens,fats, etc. As each day passes you will start to see a pattern either adjust or stay the course. Might want to talk to a nutricianist [I did] to find out portions,carbs, proteins,& food does to the body.Best thing I ever did to start! Good luck!
    Its a healthy lifestyle change not a diet....everyday is a new beginning, stay the course & 12 months from now will look dramatically different. 12months @5 lbs =60 lbs.!
  • Hi! I feel like I can relate to you, I will post my story later, but wanted to reach out to you... I am 260 lbs, and 26 years old. I have gained over a span of 7 years. Was in an emotionally draining relationship, and was in trouble financially. I am taking the steps necessary to make my life better. I am here with you, and I would start off by telling you that you are not alone. You will never be alone. I am here, as is everyone else. You are taking the first steps necessary to make a healthier you. Congrats-- Set small daily goals, and write down everything you put into your mouth. I'm here if you need me! :)
  • Of course you can do it! This site is great....lots of support and inspiration here! Welcome and I know you'll do great!
  • Girlie....I know that you can do this. I've seen you succeed at so many other things you've set out to do that this should be a piece of cake. And like I've told ya, I'm here for you and always will be. This site is so helpful. It keeps me honest because I know that whatever I put in my mouth I have to log here. I've made lots of friends here that encourage me and that helps a lot too. Hugs!
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