Any teachers here? Struggling to find workout time

I'm just wondering if there are any other teachers on here. I'm a primary school teacher and work my *kitten* off at my job. But it means I struggle to find time to go to the gym. I work until 5-5.30 (3x after-school meetings a week as well) and always have some work to do when I get home.

Just wondering how you find/make the time to go to the gym?


  • cmwc123
    cmwc123 Posts: 45 Member
    I am a teacher, coach, mom of three. I have to be at school by 7:00 a.m. for before school practice, and stay until 5:15 p.m. for after school practice, then it is home to make dinner, homework, etc. The only way I can get a workout in, is to get up at 5:00 a.m. and do it before work and workout Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon, and Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday I workout if I have time, but if not I dont stress and make those my rest days so that I only have 2 days for sure during the work week that I have to workout.

    hope this helps!
  • corgarian
    corgarian Posts: 366 Member
    So I'm not a teacher, but I work long daytime hours. I personally will not sacrafice my sleep to wake up early enough to go to the gym before work, but on average I get out of work between 5:30-7:30pm.

    What do I do? I pack a gym bag EVERY DAY and take it with me to work. I find that if I dont already have my stuff and have to go home first I'm done for the day, I dont have the motivation to leave again. So with my bag with me, I really have very little choice but to go to the gym after work.

    Yes, this makes for a very long day, sometimes I dont get out of the gym till 9ish at night. That gives me enough time to eat dinner, digest and go to bed. So days off from work or the gym are suuuper important. I get everything I need done on my off days. I meal plan on my off days, I do all the laundry, I clean the house, everything. So on gym days I can focus on just going to work and going to the gym.

    You're a teacher so I know you have homework of your own for class, but hopefully that helped a little.
  • JimieLou
    JimieLou Posts: 273 Member
    I've been teaching for 7 years. I also hold a weekend job. I found that after my first year of teaching I hated taking my work home. I found ways to utilize my prep time and the kids' recess time to get my work done. I can't get up and workout early because I do bus duty starting at 630am. And I REFUSE to sacrifice my sleep to get up at 4 am to workout. I have to stay at school for 30 mins after the final bell. From their it's errands and tanning. I go home and fix dinner for my SO and me. We eat together. I let dinner settle and then we are off to the gym for at least an hour. We make it home around 730-8:00 pm so we do have some veg out time before we go to bed at 930.
    It's more of a time management issue. Do I have a lot of lazy time. Nope. But I've also found that keeps me from snacking mindlessly. And I will take smaller pants over watching tv any day.

    It won't be easy but if you truly want to you will find a way.
  • nicolabarratt267
    Thanks for your replies. I'm only in my first year of teaching so still finding that work/life balance. I'm going to take my gym kit with me tomorrow so I can straight from work (after yet another meeting until 5pm!). The only problem is I went to the gym straight after work yesterday and it was packed - I was literally having to stand and wait for any cardio machine to be free! Suppose it's better than nothing still!
  • krys185
    I am a teacher and found I have to go on the way home from school in order to be motivated enough to go running. but I don't worry about gyms, I just stop off somewhere quiet and run, you don't need to worry about people everywhere
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,583 Member
    I taught for years. My gym opens at 5am and I'm there with the door.
  • ska4jesus
    ska4jesus Posts: 9 Member
    I work out in the morning. I sacrifice sleep 4 times a week and wake up @ 4:00. The other three days I wake up @ 6:00 (including weekends). My energy levels are high enough where I do not miss the sleep. I also have 4 kids (5,4,3 and 3). My wife does the morning routine while I go to gym and I do the night routine while she goes to gym. We have sacrificed some "couple time" with this schedule but we have lost over 90 lbs combined.
  • lazatin
    lazatin Posts: 452 Member
    I'm a 1st grade teacher and I have 3 children at home. I never take home work ( maybe report cards). I usually get home by 5. I can't afford a gym so I work out at home at about 7 pm( not a morning person) and my kids just know it my exercise time. A couple years ago we picked one day to workout after school together but I broke my back last year and can no longer do that. You will find a balance and what works for you ;)
  • luciafernanda
    luciafernanda Posts: 34 Member
    I'm a teacher too, and the school I work at is out in the east of the city and I live in the centre, so a long commute. It sucks. My gym opens at 6 but it's in the opposite direction and I have to leave at 6:30. I get home 5 and then sit down, have a snack, and go out. I usually end up getting home from the gym around 8. Then I just get ready for the morning and go to bed because I wake up so early and teaching when you're exhausted is the worst.

    I find it's impacting on my social life too :/ No time for work, gym AND meeting friends for dinner/drinks :(

    (Probably better I have no time for drinks though hehe)
  • frecklesandfries
    frecklesandfries Posts: 32 Member
    I am not a teacher but can relate to the lack of time as I'm in grad school full time and have a job and an internship! I find what works best is to always have my gym clothes with and find time anywhere i can. I really utilize Saturday and Sunday to work out and go at night on Thursday and Friday! It's important that you always make time to engage in self care so you don't get burnt out!!
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I get up 2 1/2 hours before I have to be at school. That gives me time to do a workout dvd (20-30 min) shower, dress, eat, get to school on time. I use the gym after school several times a week, again 25-35 min. Sat and Sun can be a longer dvd or a long run. Find a way to get shorter, more intense workouts in, and make them part of your daily/weekly routine. Plan meals ahead, like on weekends, prepare ahead of time.
  • jessIcalynn63
    jessIcalynn63 Posts: 17 Member
    I am a teacher and unfortunately I have about an hour of commuting. Mornings are not an option for me. I leave school around 4 and am able to get to the gym by 530. It has helped my workout in my planner so that I am held 'accountable'. I physically write the gym time and I stick to it.
  • olehcat
    olehcat Posts: 92 Member
    I've been a teacher for years and I am presently a reading specialist so that means not as much prep time or grading (and I tend to have more free time during a given day to get things done than a classroom teacher) because I'm teaching the same thing over and over again most of the day in 30 minute periods. Because I have my prep all down to an art, I really rarely stay late unless we have meetings or special events.

    That being said, I"m a morning person all the way, and it's easy for me to get up before 5 and go workout then. I work out outside when it's warm enough/no ice on teh ground. Also where I live has a tiny gym, so it's only a few steps away, so it's easy for me to get there (no long drive) to use a treadmill.

    There have been times in my teaching career when I worked out in a gym after school, even after having to stay late for meetings or teaching an extra class for kids to prepare for state testing. I just packed a bag and went to the gym right afterwards without even giving myself an option to change my mind.
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    I'm not a teacher, but I just did 5 sets of 10 overhead press while cooking dinner tonight.

    I've been buying gym equipment one piece at a time so that I can lift at home while doing my regular activities. I bought a barbell a couple weeks ago, bought free weights here and there, bought dumb bells that can be adjusted, etc.

    I make time for exercise.
  • MacInCali
    MacInCali Posts: 1,044 Member
    I'm not a teacher, BUT:

    I have to get up at 5:30am to get me ready for work and the kids ready for school.
    I work a 9 hour shift and come home with the kids around 6:30pm (if I'm lucky).
    We eat dinner.
    I help them with homework.
    We read for 30 minutes.
    Then it's shower time.
    If I'm lucky, we get about 30 minutes of "quality time" before they go to bed at 9pm.

    I work out after they go to bed.
  • jwdieter
    jwdieter Posts: 2,582 Member
    OP didn't mention kids at home? Where is the struggle?
  • beckyhaa
    beckyhaa Posts: 30 Member
    I'm a teacher. I'm currently enjoying T25 - workout in under 30 min. 4-5 days a week, 1 hour 1 day a week. It can be early in the morning or at night, but it is encouraging to know it only takes 25(ish) min.
  • toscarthearmada
    toscarthearmada Posts: 382 Member
    I'm a teacher too that works 12 hour days 5 days a week and every Sunday. I was struggling with this very issue until I asked myself "how bad do I want it?"

    I started waking up at 4:30 am to jog.
    I joined the YMCA and FORCE myself to stop working and attend a class.

    I put an hour aside for myself a day to do whatever I want. Am I worth it, yes.

    I think of my workouts like meetings with a boss and bosses don't cancel. You just got to make it work!
  • Runs4Wine
    Runs4Wine Posts: 416 Member
    I work out in the morning. I sacrifice sleep 4 times a week and wake up @ 4:00. The other three days I wake up @ 6:00 (including weekends). My energy levels are high enough where I do not miss the sleep. I also have 4 kids (5,4,3 and 3). My wife does the morning routine while I go to gym and I do the night routine while she goes to gym. We have sacrificed some "couple time" with this schedule but we have lost over 90 lbs combined.

    Kudos to you and your wife!
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    I think it can be helpful to keep expectations realistic. Maybe focus on establishing a basic routine of 3 30-min workouts, or using the two weekend days and only 1-2 workouts during the week.

    Mrs Azdak teaches 5th grade and has the same issue. She usually makes it until about March before the work overwhelms her. This year she has an important public event in March, so she has been getting up at 4am to get in her workouts or doing them in the evening before sitting down to eat. It's a huge effort.