swallowing hurts!

jenna_watsonator Posts: 99 Member
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
So maybe this is a blessing in disguise, but apparently I've got TMJ and for the last few days swallowing has caused this severe, sharp pain in my throat and ear. My concern is consuming enough calories cuz this pain is excruciating! Anyone have issues similar to this?


  • AdamATGATT
    AdamATGATT Posts: 573 Member
    Very sorry to hear about that! I had to look up that acronym because I had absolutely no idea what it meant (first time I have ever heard of it). Did your doctor diagnose that?

    I think you should still be able to meet your calorie intake, though it'll be more difficult. I'm guessing you'll be sticking to very soft foods, or a liquid diet while this heals?
  • Craig772
    Craig772 Posts: 100 Member
    Had to look it up. Poor you. Not nice at all. Sounds like milkshakes/fruit smoothies are in order. Hope you feel better soon.
  • Has a doctor diagnosed you? I was diagnosed with TMJ some years ago, and those don't sound like TMJ symptoms. Maybe you have a throat or ear infection?:sick:
  • I don't know if it is or isn't TMJ, but to help with the throat pain, I would recommend drinking extra water. It may be uncomfortable in the beginning, but the extra hydration usually helps me get over it quicker.

    If it is TMJ, I guess you're supposed to limit the movement of your jaw, so smoothies would be your best source of nutrition. I found a great book at Borders, last night, for about $4... "Cool Smoothies: Fast, Fun, Frozen Treats" from Cookbook Resources, LLC. Not only does it have awesome recipes, but it give a lot of nutrition information too. That way, you can make up your own recipes and have an idea of the nutritional values too (ie... what you need to add to get what nutrients).

    Feel better soon!
  • dlcam61
    dlcam61 Posts: 228 Member
    Sounds like strep throat or an ear infection. Maybe both? I've had TMJ for 20 years, and its both sides of my jaw. But I don't have trouble with ear pain or pain swallowing unless it's an infection in one or both of the painful areas. :flowerforyou:
  • ...but the extra hydration usually helps me get over it quicker.

    Extra hydration helps me get over a sore throat faster, not TMJ. I don't have any experience with TMJ.
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    I've had TMJ issues for 25 years, and when I'm under a great deal of stress, it can cause pain into my ears and with swallowing, but that's super rare. I have a bite plate my dentist made for me that helps me, as does cutting out chewing gum and granola/granola bars/hard candy...anything that requires force.

    A physical therapist gave me a series of exercises to strengthen my muscles and improve my alignment, and for a brief portion of my adolescence I had to wear a back brace.....
  • jenna_watsonator
    jenna_watsonator Posts: 99 Member
    Yup, originally I thought I had an ear infection from hell or strep but after seeing the doc there's no infection anywhere and after some poking and prodding he concluded it was a bad flare up from TMJ. Sucks cuz even drinking causes pain :( i guess ill suck it up...no pun intended hahaha
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    If the doc thinks its TMJ, go see a dentist that specializes in that area. You may be grinding your teeth at night, or clenching your jaw very tight. The dentist can advise you on exercise or give you a device to use. I remember having severe pain on one side of my jaw, and the teeth not meeting properly on the other side, the dentist said that I had partially dislocated my joint (I have no idea how I did it, I was asleep). He gave me a device to put in my mouth and bite down on periodically thru the day. Within about a week my jaw was back in place and everything back to normal. It hasn't happened again.

    Good Luck!
  • priskar
    priskar Posts: 156
    I second the recommendation of seeing a dentist who specializes in TMJ. I used to suffer from this problem for years and the only time I had what I thought was a sore throat was also from jaw dislocation. It took a special dentist, a bite guard and physical therapy to get it back in place and reduce the pain and swelling. Ever since I got the bite guard I've had no problems.

    Sorry to hear you're in so much pain. As for nutrition you can still lose weight and nourish yourself properly using protein drinks (I like Unjury), greek yogurts, and any kind of foods that you like can be put in a food processor - it's not particularly pretty or satisfying to eat processed food like that but, it is nourishing.

    Feel better soon!
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