Qsymia experience? Please share....



  • mdoherty22
    Day #1 ~ I could feel the tingling all over my body starting at my toes and moving up to my breasts shoulders and arms within 15 min of taking it. I am looking forward to the results Ive read in soooo many reviews. Any tips?
  • InForBacon
    InForBacon Posts: 1,508 Member
    Day #1 ~ I could feel the tingling all over my body starting at my toes and moving up to my breasts shoulders and arms within 15 min of taking it. I am looking forward to the results Ive read in soooo many reviews. Any tips?

    Feels like I'm reading a chapter in some trashy novel. Please, do go on.
  • Freetobeme06
    Been on it three weeks now. I started taking it and on the very first pill I didn't want to smoke at all. So it's been three weeks and I don't ever think about smoking . When I was on phentermine lane all I wanted to do is smoke. So completely unexpected but its helping with craving cigarettes and has lowered my stress levels. Which is great. I have a a one and a half year old boy who is fascinated with poo. I know it's terrible. And off topic kinda. So I a stress smoker and have not thought about it AT ALL. That's the good new.

    Bad news I HAVE to be weaned off it . I did not take it for two days due to the intolerable joint and muscle pain. I stopped for two days out of desperation. That didn't go well I was laid up all day with vomiting and head ache. I tried to self diagnose my pain with a Vicodin since ibuprophen did nothing at all. Still not sure why I threw up and had a pounding headache......but anyhowI called my dr. To get weaned off today. P.s. I don't even think I lost one pd in three weeks. I only needed 10 pds btw. Not worth the side effects for me. BTW Topamax can cause hair loss. My sister lost all her hair on Topamax so keep a watchful eye I take supplements a lot to keep up nutrients to stop this so far so good. Lets see what happens when I go off.
  • Sparky3457
    Have people taken Qsymia who have been medicated with the proper dosage of thyroid medication treating their Hypothyroidism? I gained a considerable amount of weight due to my untreated thyroid, and I am curious about my options- help!
  • Jeandebb
    Jeandebb Posts: 7 Member
    I'm 5'6 currently 224 my goal is to go down to 180. I lost 6 lbs on my own last month through juicing, eating healthy, and exercising 4-5 days/week. I felt like I wasn't losing enough and I wanted that extra help so I went to my doctor and he told me about Qsymia. Today is my Day 2 on this medication. So far no side effects. I'll keep everyone posted on my progress.
  • letizia1006
    Long story short I put on 30 lbs in 12 weeks , eating next to nothing. I went to my Dr. , who didn't believe me at first , but I went back in one week with my fitness pal and had documented my food and exercise and had put on another 5 lbs. So on June 15th at 185lbs I took my first dosage , it's now Oct 16th and I am close to my normal weight, but I'll take it, I'm back down to 163 lbs. Most of the side effects go away , try to stick with it , this really does work . I'm about to take my last dosage , hopefully i can stay at my weight without the Qysmia. as an FYI I am 5'9" 163 active woman
  • skp26
    skp26 Posts: 1
    Get off this drug right away. I took It for 3 months. I have now lost over half my hair. My nails are week. What is left of my hair is brittle and dry. This drug should be pulled off the market and the maker held responsible for damages. They know good and well that topimax has severe side effects. Noone from the doctor's office or three Pharmacies ever once told me of e potential side effects. When you look up the side effects of topimax hair loss isn't listed in the top 15-20 risks. Yet if you google topimax and hair loss the complaints go back for years. The idiots at the FDA who approved as well as the scum who market this should have to nair their heads. Topimax has a long list of associated risk PLEASE research before considering this drug. I pray my hair grows back and I pray someone is prevented from the same hell by reading this.
  • MarthaIZ
    OMG- I just tried this today about 2 hours ago n I feel drunk and tingling and hot. Really weird!!
  • MarthaIZ
  • MarthaIZ
    Joined Nov 2010
    Posts: 2
    January 9, 2014 5:41 pm
    OMG so sorry! Has ur hair grown back?
    I had the same thing happen to me when I took suprenza!
  • slepygrl
    slepygrl Posts: 249 Member
    I'm about 4 weeks into taking Qsymia. And I'm going off it. It is making my anxiety so bad! I can't handle it. It's also giving me werid heart fluttering things. I feel like my heart is flopping around in my chest. And I'm having a very hard time working out. I feel like my arms and legs weigh a ton. This isn't right! I'm sure this drug works for some. Just not for me.
  • barrettgrl
    barrettgrl Posts: 4 Member
    In April of 2013 I fell and broke my patella in 3 places, before that I was running 3 plus miles a day and eating a pretty decent diet. Today is Jan 22, 2014 and I have gained 37 pounds total, I stil walk but cant run, I hike and have a adopted a 90% clean only diet and have only lost 3 pounds. Today I weigh 205, and Im 5' 9 (my goal is 175) this is my first day taking Qsymia, I didnt start on the lower dose as my Dr thought this was best for me, it was a bit of a pain as my insurance doesnt cover it, it cost 106$ out of pocket, Im not sure Ill continue but ill monitor myself here as much as I can.

    I took my first pill at 5:30 am, within about 30 mins I was thirsty, I drink only water anyway so for me this is not a big deal, I just carry my water bottle around and maybe ill fill it more by the end of the day. I took it with food, something I always do as I dont want an upset stomach to boot. Im at work and I can feel what people are talking about with the fuzzy feeling, but its not really bad, just a little day dreamy, I sit in front of a computer all day so that happens to me anyway... ill post as much as I can about how I feel and things I notice but this is just an experiment for me to get a little weight off so I can try to run again without all the pain
  • Teresa041749
    Teresa041749 Posts: 5 Member
    I started taking Qsymia since my weight kept going up even with exercising five hours a week, eating little and drinking lots of water. I had thyroid cancer eight years ago and ever since I've had weight issues. The doctor finally realized that I needed help because I had gained weight again when I saw her. She prescribed the Qsymia and I lost 10 pounds and gained 2 in the past two months. The only side effect I had was the headache that passed and taste of food. I need to lose 10 more pounds and I hope I will this time!! I have an appointment in two weeks to review the blood test and my progress. My daughter us getting married in June and I want to fit into a nice dress! Losing weight us more challenging when you are hypothyroid or without a thyroid.
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Curious about the people in the beggining of this thread...
  • stacienetzer
    just started today, female-49-193.6-5'7" .....I'll let you know: :smile:
  • bubblesrogers
    I have been om Qsymia for 2 1/2 months. First with the low dose starter then on to the regular dose of 7.5 mg. I have lost over 30 lbs. I feel great - look much better and my clothes are fitting better. I did not have any side effects which is strange as I am sensitive to everything! I simply changed my eating habits.. I start the morning with a light and fit yogurt, an apple, instead of the buttered toast and eggs I used to have. Lunch is usually turkey on salad or something not heavily carb related, I have apples and pears for snacks, sometimes protein bars. I eat a lot of salad for dinner and always have chicken or fish and vegetables. I only drink water and ice tea. I drink a lot of water! I do have the occasional dessert, but mostly eat very healthy and love it. I cut out pasta, bread and potatoes. I do not drink soda or alcohol at all. I have not exercised yet, although I will this next week. I feel great! Oh the best thing is that I no longer have the cravings to eat late at night. AND - I did go off the eating healthy for 2 days and went right back, the fried food was gross tasting after eating all the clean healthy food! PS I am 5'9" and weigh 160 lbs now
  • workingmomof2ps
    I started on the starter dose of qsymia about 3 weeks ago. So far, I have lost about 13 lbs. I am starting the 7.5 tomorrow. I am hoping to lose about 50 pounds. I am hoping the higher dosage will help with hunger, because I am still wanting to eat late at night, although through the day I am not. However, if I take my dosage later than 11ish I cannot sleep at night. I am very interested to know how everyone at the beginning of this post is doing ??
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    This is an old thread, but, a caloric deficit = weight loss. period.
  • kerridonnally
    kerridonnally Posts: 13 Member
    I just started Qsymia about a week ago now, haven't weighed yet but struggled through thxgiving so I'm giving it a little time. I'm having heart burn more than normal that's for sure. But yes appetite suppression is working some.
  • Q_Is_Poison
    Q_Is_Poison Posts: 203 Member

    I believe that Phentermine, and Qsymia are poisons. Sure they help you lose weight but the long-term side effects and trade-offs are not worth the risk. When I originally took Phentermine I lost almost eighty pounds over a two-year period. I continued to take it for almost ten more years in order to maintain my weight until I was finally hospitalized because the Phentermine had debilitated me. I was unable to sleep despite the fact that I was always exhausted and I was plagued with nightmares and unable to sustain long periods of exercise such as cleaning house or even taking a walk. I was constantly depressed and too weak to really take charge and do anything about it. I was also always constipated and noticed a constant metallic taste in my mouth. Because so many nutrients and potassium had been drained from of my system by the Phentermine my hair had become brittle and dry, my finger nails were weak and breaking, and my nerves had become shot. When a person’s potassium levels are too low the body’s nerves will not fire appropriately. It felt as if I was being shocked awake every night. Having no idea at the time that this was because of a potassium deficiency, I was completely traumatized by the experience. When I finally stopped taking Phentermine and started an intensive exercise program I began to re-gain some of the weight that I had lost. Despite eating less and exercising more than I ever had in my life. After having been off the Phentermine for almost five years I had gained 15 pounds. While this was not enough to qualify me as medically overweight it was enough to bother me. So I thought I would try Qsymia in order to take off the 15 pounds. This was a big, whopping, mistake. Qsymia is even harder on your system than Phentermine. The first day that I was on the lowest dose of Qsymia I felt exhausted, a bit nauseated, and very weak. Things just got worse as time went on and I noticed myself slipping into a mild depression. Insomnia had set in, and I had become uncomfortably constipated. I also noticed that my heart rate went up by almost 10 points at the gym. By day 14 when I doubled the dose, as per doctors’ orders, I was completely unable to function. Imagine being exhausted but unable to sleep, unable to focus on simple writing or reasoning tasks and feeling very depressed, and miserable all of the time. I was also noticing hair loss. On day 16, I called my doctor who told me to go back to the smallest dose. However, the misery never subsided so on day 18, I stopped taking Qsymia all together. Despite having stopped taking it, my heart rate and blood pressure had shot up so high that I almost hyperventilated and fainted after a workout on day 21. Qsymia is even harder to take than Phentermine is, despite the assurances of its maker. The trade offs are not worth the risks. Qsymia, like Phentermine is a cardiovascular stimulant. It also has a diuretic effect on your system. So your heart rate and blood pressure will be amped and your system will be drained of nutrients and potassium. This is a recipe for disaster. Topiramate causes massive hair loss, and brain fog. Some people call it the stupid pill. So long term use of these medications will leave you looking and feeling like a dumber, balder, less dynamic version of yourself. There will be no zest or joy in your life because this med depresses you. So you will not even be able to enjoy being thin! The price you pay and the part of your essence that you give up to take these meds is too high. It was for me. I would rather keep my caloric intake under 1200 a day, enjoy my work-outs, and be an active, dynamic, participating member of my community and take the weight off slowly and healthily than be a hollow, emaciated shell of my former self on Qsymia.