How can I control my over-snacking habits???



  • chubswonky
    chubswonky Posts: 195
    When I planned out how many calories I would eat in a day, I KNEW I would be starving when I got home from work at around 2:30/3:00, so I planned accordingly!

    I'm at 1200 calories per day and I broke it down like this and found that since I allotted those calories, I don't binge when I get home (and I definitely used to binge!)

    Breakfast--100 calories
    Lunch 1 (at work/11am)- 300 calories
    Lunch 2 (at home/3pm)- 300 calories
    Dinner (7pm)--400 calories
    Snack/Overflow--100 calories
  • jenbusick
    jenbusick Posts: 528 Member
    It is tough, tough, tough to live in a houseful of people who eat whatever they like, and who like stuff that's really bad for them and for you.

    I would suggest that you become an obsessive label-reader. Some forms of junk food are junkier than others. You might discover that you're better off having a bowl of corn pops with milk than a SuzyQ, or a serving of Sun Chips over a serving of Doritos, or some toast with jelly rather than a Honey Bun, or whatever. Of the choices available to you, start trying to make the best ones possible, and try to stick to your calorie count.

    I wish you the very, very best.
  • sbarkeruk
    sbarkeruk Posts: 1 Member
    Well I have been doing the 'distraction' for a couple of years now - running - in fact have now done several marathons and getting ready for my first full OFFROAD hilly marathon! I am super fit compared to 2 years ago.

    BUT I still overeat massively, and have thin legs with a belly that looks odd, because after a 20 mile traning run I just want to eat everything (and usually do!!!).

    So this is a very tricky one to overcome!!

    Any ideas anyone? Has anyone reach this point and managed to work it out?

    I also do not have full knowledge of what and, especially how much, to eat - but at the same time don't want to weigh, count and analyse everything either!!

  • I have the same exact problem! I do so well for most of the day and im feeling really good. Then I get home and start snacking. Its horrible! Its not that I over ear just 1 snack. Its that I take a little of everything in the kitchen. Then im so full I have these horrible stomach aches. But what I found out that helps is I have this small corner in my family kitchen whete is just my healthy snacks. I have plastic baggies of all the snacks in their portions. Example I buy a big bag of veggie chips and the serving size is 30 chips. In each baggie I put 30 chips and another baggie I have 30 chips. Then I have prepared food. Feeling hungry I just grab ONE and put a sign on the kitchen entry saying "no. Youre not hungry. Just bored." And motivational pictures of women with amazing bodies. Gets me evry time. Another thing is gum. I always have to be chewing on something. Take a look of my pencils, eew bite marks. But gum really really helps. The last thing is when I walk oit the kitchen with my snack and tell my siblings not to let me back into the kitchen. It totally works. These are things I do, but you gotta find something that helps you. Power through. Be strong! (:
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