Example Day Schedule (eating/workout) PLEASE!!!

Hello, I am new to the healthy life. Before my diagnosis of diabetes I ate maybe one big unhealthy meal a day. Now I always eat breakfast and try to eat lunch and I get in my dinner. My questions are:

1. How often should I eat?
2. How far apart should I eat?
3. How long before and after a work out should I eat? (please not I am diabetic)
4. What are great before and after meals/snack?

If someone could please post their daily schedule I could adjust it to fit my days.

Thank You!!!


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    1- as often as you feel like eating
    2- It does not matter
    3- It does not matter generally, but with a medical condition that may be something for your doctor, not randos on the internet
    4- Anything you feel like having...I like having an apple and almonds before I lift and I have a protein shake afterwards. I do not eat before cardio.

    You have to understand that meal timing and all of that is irrelevant. If eating 6 small meals a day helps you with dietary adherence, that's great...but it doesn't "stoke the fires of your metabolism" or anything like that. How often you eat really doesn't matter...how long you go between meals really doesn't matter.

    Have you been referred to a dietician or anything given your diabetes diagnosis? It is controllable with diet and exercise, but you're going to have to read up on what things you should be doing and what you should be eating...that will have far more bearing on your health than meal timing.
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,660 Member
    I'm married to a diabetic, so we're on his schedule when he's not traveling (and by the way, traveling really messes up his blood sugar). He works from home when he doesn't travel. When he's home, this is what his day is like

    Get up around 7-8, eat breakfast, usually eggs and whole wheat toast or eng. muffin. If his sugar is "good" in the morning he might have yogurt, a lower carb cereal like cheerios, or oatmeal for breafast
    Work out around 9:00 (If I'm home, we work out and snack together)
    Snack after workout (usually plain yogurt and fresh fruit)
    Lunch around 12 or 1 (Lunch may be salad and lean protein, soup, or sandwich with lean turkey or roast beef on whole wheat, maybe fruit)
    Afternoon snack -- fruit, yogurt, or maybe some almonds
    Dinner around 7 or so -- Usually 4-6 ounces lean protein, veggie, salad, maybe brown rice or a sweet potato or baked potato.
    Sometimes he'll have a night time snack of almonds or pistachios.

    The key is to eat every 3-4 hours. If he gets too hungry he either binges or feels really unwell.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    1- as often as you feel like eating
    2- It does not matter
    3- It does not matter generally, but with a medical condition that may be something for your doctor, not randos on the internet
    4- Anything you feel like having...I like having an apple and almonds before I lift and I have a protein shake afterwards. I do not eat before cardio.

    You have to understand that meal timing and all of that is irrelevant. If eating 6 small meals a day helps you with dietary adherence, that's great...but it doesn't "stoke the fires of your metabolism" or anything like that. How often you eat really doesn't matter...how long you go between meals really doesn't matter.

    Have you been referred to a dietician or anything given your diabetes diagnosis? It is controllable with diet and exercise, but you're going to have to read up on what things you should be doing and what you should be eating...that will have far more bearing on your health than meal timing.

    As usual, wolfman is spot on. All of this ^^^^^^^
  • CMoeDee
    CMoeDee Posts: 102 Member
    1- as often as you feel like eating
    2- It does not matter
    3- It does not matter generally, but with a medical condition that may be something for your doctor, not randos on the internet
    4- Anything you feel like having...I like having an apple and almonds before I lift and I have a protein shake afterwards. I do not eat before cardio.

    You have to understand that meal timing and all of that is irrelevant. If eating 6 small meals a day helps you with dietary adherence, that's great...but it doesn't "stoke the fires of your metabolism" or anything like that. How often you eat really doesn't matter...how long you go between meals really doesn't matter.

    Have you been referred to a dietician or anything given your diabetes diagnosis? It is controllable with diet and exercise, but you're going to have to read up on what things you should be doing and what you should be eating...that will have far more bearing on your health than meal timing.

    As usual, wolfman is spot on. All of this ^^^^^^^

    I'm going to have to disagree with you on #2. Since she's diabetic, it's more important that she eat consistently throughout the day to keep her blood sugar steady.

    ETA: You're going to have to find what works for you, and you should be seeking the help of a licensed dietician who is familiar with you and your blood work.
    I have a friend who was recently diagnosed as well - she's been making a measured switch to healthier foods, less sugar generally speaking, switched to leaner meats, picked up the sugar free popsicles for her sweet tooth, and always keeps a piece of fruit and almonds around for sugar drops.
  • NakiaDM77
    Thank you for your insight. I just got diagnosed (less than 3 weeks) and I see a diabetic dietician this Saturday and was hoping to get some advice before then so I won't do anything wrong in the mean time. And all though some may think I shouldn't ask random people I feel any advice would help. Also some may think a schedule may not matter but I asked the question because I think a schedule will help me stay on point and stay focused. So to those who think it isn't necessary I am seeking advice of those who use one because I believe it will help. But thank you all to who replied.
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,660 Member
    Wollfman,OP is not talking from the perspective of just anyone going on a diet. She has a specific medical condition. Just eating anytime she wants could get her into serious trouble. My DH ended up diabetic due to a lifestyle that was travel, deadlines, daylong work meetings with only vending machines for food, and then an enormous "business meal" style dinner at the end of the day. His wakeup call was a trip to the hospital with acute cellulitis in his leg and pneumonia while he was in Phonenix.
  • tigergem86
    tigergem86 Posts: 59 Member
    1. How often should I eat?
    2. How far apart should I eat?
    3. How long before and after a work out should I eat? (please not I am diabetic)
    4. What are great before and after meals/snack?

    If you are diabetic you should really talk to your physician. You need to listen for hunger cues, they change based on what you eat, you will feel hungry sooner after eating fruits versus chicken. These are specific questions that you will need to figure out based on you.

    but here is my example from this week... because this is what i found keeps me full and satisfied.

    Drive to work at 715am i have 16oz folgers simply smooth coffee with 1/3 cup unsweetened almond milk
    When i get settled in at work around 815am i have a spinach/yogurt/protein powder smoothie.
    I have a snack around 1030/11am that is usually 1/2 cup cottage cheese.
    Lunch is at 1230. i prepare this on sunday but only do 3-4 days at a time so it doesnt go bad. This week i had a spicy mediterranean chunk chicken mixture on top of spring mix. no dressing. a little feta or mozzarella.
    Afternoon snack, around 230-330pm i tend to need a little bit more. so i have 4 celery sticks, 1 hard boiled egg and if i still need something i have a cheese stick. Sometimes i need energy, just plain ole , i didnt sleep last night energy. So i have a spark or zip fizz. On the way home from work at 530pm i am often hungry so ill eat the extra cheese stick or veggie i have left over.
    Dinner is anywhere from 630-730 depending on if i make it to the gym. I enjoy mexican food the most so i have something spicy. usually a crockpot chicken (i just put a jar of salsa or rotel in the bottom and a couple boneless skinless chicken breasts, but i leave the sauce in the crockpot) topped with cheese, sour cream and guacamole and some cilantro lime cauliflower rice.
    Evening snack, around 9pm (because i get so snacky at the end of the day, im not actually hungry) is air popped popcorn with butter spray, sea salt and a tiny bit of jalapeno powder or a small treat i made like cocoa almonds, or coconut buddies, date almond bars, something that doesnt have additional sugar in it.

    I aim to drink 1/2 my weight in water each day. thats about 12-14 cups per day.

    Good luck. message me if you have any questions. im not sure ill be able to help since im not diabetic but i will try.