I totally blew it!

I need to get this off my chest so I can move on.

Yesterday I did a walk-a-thon with the family and for the first time (ever) jogged for 20 minutes. All told, I burned roughly 600 calories and I am on a 1400 calorie a day diet. I was really proud and flying high until I calculated what I ate yesterday.

Even with the additional exercise calories, I exceeded my daily goal by almost 500 calories because I ate two things out of convenience while taking care of the kids, running errands, etc. You know how life can get busy with the family on the weekend! I just didn't realize how many calories those things had. I didn't realize that the so called "healthy pancakes" were almost 800 calories (that's with sugar free syrup).

I know this sounds stupid, but all of the sudden my joy at the accomplishment of the day is gone. Has anyone else had this happen?

Thanks for letting me vent. :)



  • Kourtney88
    Kourtney88 Posts: 15 Member
    Don't let it get you down! You jogged for 20 minutes?? That's AMAZING! That is such a huge accomplishment. And don't worry too much about the extra calories. Everyday is different and sometimes you'll slip up. Even if it's accidental. And did you know it takes 3500 extra calories to gain one pound? So 500 extra yesterday is pretty minimal if you keep on track as much as you can later. Plus that run probably helped speed up your metabolism a little more yesterday! So forget about it and celebrate your walk-a-thon personal victory!
  • pamp1emousse
    pamp1emousse Posts: 282 Member
    MASSIVE well done on your jog! That's a wonderful achievement :drinker:
    But yes, I know exactly how you feel. I went over by 800 CALORIES last night. Disgusting. Was doing really really well, then I had one high calorie snack absentmindedly and it all went downhill from there :grumble: But the point is, it was only 500 calories you went over by, not 5000, and if you're on a 1lb/week loss you only ate into your deficit! Why don't you try and get some exercise in today and save some of the calories to compensate? I find that when I take control of the situation and try to remedy a red day it makes me feel a whole lot better. Then you can go back to being very, very proud of yourself! :happy:
  • Craig772
    Craig772 Posts: 100 Member
    Happens to us all from time to time. Weight loss and diet is a journey. You've acheived a 20 minute jog for the first time, that's totally excellent. Just think to how happy you felt afterwards. Sure I've had runs and eaten badly afterwards. Sometimes I think post exercise diet control is harder than during a normal day. The thing is this, you can read all the books and forums in the world but you'll only gather knowledge. Wisdom comes from the practise of the knowledge. You're now walking the talk so you go girl. You've acheived a 20 minute jog, you can now build on that, you've burned extra calories because of it and also you're a little bit wiser. Now I'd say that was a top day and another step along the way. You should be proud.
  • kitujainen
    kitujainen Posts: 143 Member
    i have always eaten 1000 calories by afternoon. It is disheveling. (making me lethargic)
    One day i ate a pound and gained 4 and now i am getting down with that. Slows down these irregularities.
  • shawna09152002
    Just keep positive and stay focused!! I have "fallen off the wagon" but I must just get right back up again and contiune to work at it. I know that it is hard when your out and about running errands and etc. but know that tomorrow is a new day and contiune on your weight loss journey!! It will be alright. This is what I tell myself everytime I fall. Keep up the great work!!
  • lillmssy
    Every morning when you awake......you get a "Do Over"....today is another day. :)
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    It's already the next day, :wink: beating yourself up over something from yesterday won't help and can only make matters worse actually. So might as well smile, forgive yourself, move on and have a terrific Today!:drinker:

    Starting the new day eating healthy and perhaps tacking on some extra time on a workout. Of course drinking extra water after yesterday would be helpful as well!

    But eating badly today because of yesterday would make no sense.

    Have a terrific day:flowerforyou:
  • Dlibo1013
    Dlibo1013 Posts: 883 Member
    I had a day like that too, i was sooooooooooooooooo hungry I ate 12 oreo double stuffs :(
  • KLCole
    KLCole Posts: 22
    I took your great suggestion and took the dog for a walk. Thanks for the support!
  • KLCole
    KLCole Posts: 22
    Thank so much to everyone for the support. You all really helped me through a tough spot and I appreciate it.

    I feel much better and I am even hitting the gym early tomorrow for circuit training. Thanks again!
