You've heard it before... please help me past this plateau!



  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    You're eating 1200 calories.. you also lost 10 lbs in a month. You most likely will no longer lose 10lbs a month but something lower..

    You may also only lose inches too for awhile. While I agree with the others that 2 weeks is not a plateau, I definitely suspect your calorie intake has something to do with it. Either that or you are going to have your period soon.
  • ladybarometer
    ladybarometer Posts: 205 Member
    Also depends on how much you have to lose?
    It's going to slow the closer you get to your goal,

    Also, doing the same workout everyday - your body can get use to it. Insanity should help you out there though. I found when I was walking 3-5 times a week for 60+ minutues, I wasn't losing depite eating 1200-1400 cals a day, I swapped my walking for classes at the gym, and now I'm back to losing :)
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    If your TDEE is around 2150 and you subtract 20% for weight loss that's 1720 calories. You could easily increase your calories to that and should still lose weight, and that doesn't include any activity factor.

    ^^this +1

    You're less than 20 lbs from your goal. The deficit you've selected is too high for you. Switch the settings on MFP to "lose 1# per week." You'll be happier and healthier if you do this.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    Without having more info to go on, it's going to be hard for people to give you advice BUT I don't think 2 weeks of no weight loss actually constitutes "hitting a plateau". I thought it was more like 2 months of no loss to be considered a plateau.

    I don't really know what else to call it. It's just very frustrating that after only 2 weeks what I've been doing has suddenly stopped working :/

    If you're frustrated after 2 weeks, you will need to learn patience. There is no quick fix. Most people would be thrilled with 10 lb in 4 weeks. His much do you have to lose?
  • mmcdonald700
    mmcdonald700 Posts: 116 Member
    (1) You're not at a plateau like most people said, it's like a mini-stall

    (2) If (big if because we can't see) you are tracking calories accurately it is likely due to water retention - time of the month, sodium, new work out regimen, etc.

    (3) If you're "not comfortable" opening your diary I'm skeptical your calories are being tracked accurately, what are you afraid of? Other than constructive criticism...

    (4) Changing your exercise won't "shock" your body into anything - if anything it could cause more water retention which isn't a bad thing but you may not see the scale move.

    (5) Four weeks is not enough time for your metabolism to slow down so much that you're not losing at 1200 NET calories, nevermind the fewer than that you may be consuming because you're not always eating exercise calories. If you're eating that low of calories you will definitely lose weight. I'm not saying it's gonna be healthy weightloss, or that you won't lose your muscle along with fat

    (6) If you insist on eating that little, make sure your lean protein intake is still high enough - I think the recommendation is 1 gm/lb of lean body mass (which is the non-fat % of your weight, or 100-body fat%).. A lot of your calories will be consumed by protein and you may or may not like that.
  • Lianakin
    Lianakin Posts: 10 Member
    The best way I have found to break a plateau is to go up on your calories. You say your eating, 1200 a day now, go up to 1600 for 2 days and back to 1200k. Then back to 1600 and then back to 1200. This tricks your body and the weight will start moving, I have a feeling though, you aren't eating enough to start with, If you eat 1200k and then burn 500k in exercise your only netting 700k calories a day. That is NOT enough food for a person to live on, much less lose any weight.
    That's what I have found to be true. so give it a shot!!

    Hmm, this sounds like it could work alright :)
    As for the not eating enough, my post made it sound like I eat 1200 regardless of exercise. I do eat more after I incorporate a workout into the day, I just don't eat back everything that MFP tells me I can. Don't worry, I'm not starving myself! Thank you for your reply :)
  • Lianakin
    Lianakin Posts: 10 Member

    I wouldn't even say you're at a stall yet. Body is adjusting. Whenever one goes on a calorie deficit, the body reacts by automatically lowering it's metabolism. So continue with exercise so it can adapt to regular calorie burn.

    This is what I needed to hear I think. Thank you, I'll keep at it and see what happens :)
  • nancylynn242
    nancylynn242 Posts: 1 Member
    Add healthy fats (nuts, olive oil (not canola or vegetable)/coconut oil, avocado) and protein. Decrease your grain-based carbs and swap them out for vegetable based carbs with more fiber. Add in 1 more serving of protein, and start lifting some weights (light at first with good form, but then get heavier). Right now I'm eating 1290 cals/day (unadjusted for activity), and it's 45% fat, 30% protein, 25% carbs. ( Note, I don't count anything green, mushrooms, squash, onions, or cauliflower on my tracker- except peas due to the sugar - so I'm probably eating more than that, but the fiber vs. carb ratio makes these essentially "free" foods for me!)

    It has really worked out for me - I was losing 1lb a month for the past 13 months with pretty good diet and 4x/week moderate workouts. Upped the intensity of the workouts in September and added in heavier weights (thru Crossfit), lost all the grain and most dairy in November, and increased my fat intake last month and now have been losing 1.5-2 lbs a month.
    It's mentally hard to get over the "low fat = weight loss" mentality but I promise that if you eat GOOD fat (even from slightly less lean beef or fish) and a little more protein and cut out the granola/grains/sugar or at least reduce them, you will get moving again. Good luck!!
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    I still think you are probably not eating enough. If you ask for advice, be prepared to give numbers and be completely honest about what you are doing.

    For example, how much on average do you net per day and how many calories on average do you burn when you exercise? Age, weight, height? My apologies if you mentioned this before but I haven't seen it. It makes it extremely difficult to give good advice, you are having us guessing.
  • McKenzieLeigh
    McKenzieLeigh Posts: 113 Member
    I am pretty new here (this time), but I fell into the 1200 calorie trap when I first started. I lost 10 pounds about the same as you....first 2-3 weeks and then it just didn't seem to go anywhere. I upped my calories after reading to 1560 and changed my loss goal to 1 pound per week and I am losing again. I don't even work out so I can see how you could even eat more than that!
  • Lianakin
    Lianakin Posts: 10 Member
    By reading your statement above, I think you should start looking at the quality of the food you are eating and maybe add a few more calories to your eating plan. By adding cals I want you to add mostly veggies and fruit. Limit the meat intake and purchase the more lean meats. I do grass feed and free range chicken and deer. Depending on the time of the month your body could be retaining water so that is when you should drink at least your body weight in water ounces. And if you have weak joints maybe you should start out doing Eccentric workouts. Like assisted lunges using a counter top and a chair. Push-ups going down slow and popping back up.

    Actually just go to Smarter Science of Slim web page and it will show you all the eccentric works outs. I hope this helps.

    Protein is the one thing I don't mind eating, and when I do it tends to be poultry as I'm not a very big fan of red meat bar the occasional burger/steak. I do eat sausages though, which I only grill. Fruit and veg is also not a problem for me. Any of the snacks I have during the day are fruit :)

    I'll definitely take a look into that website for those exercises. Thank you!
  • Lianakin
    Lianakin Posts: 10 Member
    Could your cycle be coming soon? That's usually when I have no losses measurement-wise..

    That's when i first noticed I wasn't losing anything and I put it down to that. But over a week later and the weight still won't budge :(
  • Lianakin
    Lianakin Posts: 10 Member
    Without having more info to go on, it's going to be hard for people to give you advice BUT I don't think 2 weeks of no weight loss actually constitutes "hitting a plateau". I thought it was more like 2 months of no loss to be considered a plateau.

    I don't really know what else to call it. It's just very frustrating that after only 2 weeks what I've been doing has suddenly stopped working :/

    If you're frustrated after 2 weeks, you will need to learn patience. There is no quick fix. Most people would be thrilled with 10 lb in 4 weeks. His much do you have to lose?

    Patience never really has been my forte! I know 10lbs is great to have lost, it's just the fact that 2 weeks of being careful has resulted in no change that has me somewhat frustrated. I still have another 20 or so lbs to go before I reach my target.
  • Lianakin
    Lianakin Posts: 10 Member
    I am pretty new here (this time), but I fell into the 1200 calorie trap when I first started. I lost 10 pounds about the same as you....first 2-3 weeks and then it just didn't seem to go anywhere. I upped my calories after reading to 1560 and changed my loss goal to 1 pound per week and I am losing again. I don't even work out so I can see how you could even eat more than that!

    Ah I'm glad I'm not the only one :) this is the type of advice I needed. Thank you!
  • Normally the solution is to eat less.

    Unless she's netting below her BMR...then she would need to eat more.