calling all MIXED people... one drop rule?



  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Shaken, not stirred.


    To me it looks more like someone holding a doll during an earthquake. Is it offensive to people that someone might hold a baby during an earthquake?

    The real question here is what is that doll mixed with... right?
    You're right! We've been arguing a straw man here.

    I still want to know -- and no one has answered -- if a glass of Coke has only one dro pof rum, is it a mixed drink?

    That one hurts my brain. I'm pretty sure a glass of Coke with only one drop of rum would just piss me off.

    What about a glass of rum with one drop of Coke?

    My brain is hurting at this point, too. :laugh:

    I say no. It's NOT a mixed drink if there's only one drop of rum. It is decided, there must be at least an ounce of liquor or it's not a mixed drink. :drinker: :smokin:
    Clearly, you're a drinkist.

    I was raised that way. It's not the color of the drink, but how light-headed you feel when the glass is empty that counts.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    im part awesome, so i consider myself fully awesome.

    I believe in the one drop rule. I am at least part awesome, I will only date someone who is also awesome.
  • MagicalWanda
    MagicalWanda Posts: 8 Member
    What is "Full South American"? That's not a race; it's a continent.

    You could be white, you could be black, you could be indigenous, you could be mixed.

    People are what they identify themselves as. I consider myself human. What race? I happen to be, as far as I know, white. Could there be "one drop" of something else in there? Perhaps, maybe, possibly, probably. I've had Asians assume that I am part Asian. I've had Hispanics think I'm Hispanic.

    I think people like to identify people as whatever they are, whenever possible.

    And I think we should all consider looking further than the "exterior" when we try to figure out who someone is.
  • Cre8veLifeR
    Cre8veLifeR Posts: 1,062 Member
    I think I heard that if we trace our lineage back far enough, we all have some black in us...which totally explains why I can dance.

  • Blacklance36
    Blacklance36 Posts: 755 Member
    Well I am 20% Kenyan so I guess I'm black, according to the 1 drop rule.

    How do I know? My family submitted saliva for DNA testing. They identified us as European and African (the African was most likely from Kenya according to the report) and gave the % likelihood of each.

    Like others here though when asked I simply say "I'm Canadian". I know that's not a race but it does shut people up.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Well, I'm a descendant of Irish, Italian, Romanian and Scottish blood and I am 20% Kenyan so I guess I'm black, according to the 1 drop rule.

    How do I family submitted saliva for DNA testing.

    Like others here though when asked I simply say "I'm Canadian".
    I have never, EVER said, "I'm Canadian."
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Well, I'm a descendant of Irish, Italian, Romanian and Scottish blood and I am 20% Kenyan so I guess I'm black, according to the 1 drop rule.

    How do I family submitted saliva for DNA testing.

    Like others here though when asked I simply say "I'm Canadian".
    I have never, EVER said, "I'm Canadian."

    I don't have one drop of Canadian blood in me either.

    Whew! I hear that stuff is cooold!!!

  • ItsMeGee3
    ItsMeGee3 Posts: 13,254 Member
    I'm a mutt.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    According to the one drop rule, most of you are neanderthals :drinker:

    most of the world's population has 1-4% neanderthal DNA. That's more than a drop of neanderthal blood.

    interestingly, it's people who originate from Sub-Sahara Africa (i.e. south of the sahara) who are 100% Homo sapiens. So the one drop rule, as applied to people who have just one drop of Sub-Saharan African blood is rendered utterly ridiculous (not that it wasn't already ridiculous).... as in you have just one drop of pure Homo sapiens blood, so that makes you a pure Homo sapiens, oh wait but you have just one drop of neanderthal blood from your non-Sub-Saharan-African ancestry, so that makes you Homo neanderthalensis.... no wait....

    there's no scientific basis for race. Nothing wrong with being happy about your genetic origins, but to make rules about who is or is not allowed to consider themselves a particular ethnicity based on stupid things like "just one drop" of "blood" from one group meaning you can't consider yourself a member of the the group that most of your genetic heritage is from, is just utterly silly and incredibly racist. And from a purely scientific perspective, we're all Homo sapiens sapiens, and 1-4% neanderthal DNA or 1-6% Denisovan DNA does not exclude anyone from being classified as Homo sapiens sapiens
  • wewon
    wewon Posts: 838 Member
    I think the one drop rule was used to justify slaves as property, but it still exists today. Its unfortunate, but I don't let it bother me. I'm more concerned with people's ignorance concerning mixed races. All the good hair/bad hair and lighter is better and somehow people think people with darker complexions aren't mixed.


    Every country that ever practiced slavery in the western hemisphere has/had some version of the one drop rule. In Latin american and caribbean countries race was often broken down into up to 9 different levels of "mix". The reason were to keep tabs on slavery, stratification, and promote racial purity.

    The whole idea of it is pretty ugly and its sad that its still put into use today.

    That being said, most people seem to be pretty visual and are quick to identify someone based on what they think they can categorize them as. Let's face it, if someone saw a guy that looked like Obama and had to describe him later, are most people going to say, "He was about 6'2", 165lbs and mixed"? No, most people are simply going to call him 'black' and be done with it.