Is insanity to strong to go into for beginners?



  • ofccat
    ofccat Posts: 284 Member
    I think you have made the right decision- IMO to start with something a little easier and build your way up to insanity.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    take it at your own pace. you will not be able to keep up. when you need to stop, you have a few options. 1) let the dvd keep running while you catch your breath, 2) pause dvd and catch your breath and then hit play when you're ready, or 3) turn off the dvd and go cry in shame.

    build up to the point where pauses are less and less. when you can do the whole work out without stopping, you'll be good to go.

    and from what i've heard, people IN the dvd are having to stop for a break.
  • eganita
    eganita Posts: 501 Member
    I personally would not recommend it to a beginner. I've been quite athletic pretty much all of my life (playing various sports, running races, etc), and I found Insanity to be challenging when I did it last year. I think it's possible a beginner would find it frustrating, and it may be better to ease into it. I'm not saying you CAN'T do it or anything. If you really want to do Insanity in particular, go for it. Just keep in mind you need to go at your own pace and do what you can.

    As someone else mentioned, if you're interested in a Shaun T/Beach Body program, I would recommend T25 for beginners instead. The workouts are generally shorter (though still intense), and there is a modifier for all of the workouts. I don't typically use the modified moves much, but it's nice for me to know they're there. I also like that the 2nd month of T25 is more strength-based. The 2nd month of Insanity is... well... INSANE. I may do Insanity again someday, but I prefer T25 for various reasons.
  • mmredd100
    mmredd100 Posts: 50 Member
    When I first started insanity I had been working out lightly for a few months. Even when i started it though i still felt out of shape. There were many days where I was taking a breather when the dvd was carrying on but even after those days where i felt like i half assed it, i still feel like i worked out. My results were crazy good (but i also was doing other work outs and eating healthier. Not strictly 24-7 but not horrible). My only opinion is no matter how in shape you are insanity can still make you feel like you aren't in the best shape so don't let that scare you. You'll be very sore but the good sore and as days pass you will realize that you can do more than you did the day before. My personal opinion is to go for it but don't be afraid to take the modifications or to take that drink of water or the breather if you need it. Even if you start off slow without following the plan once you are ready to follow the plan you still have the dvds to use. T25 is the new thing thats similar to insanity and about the same price and its shorter with modifications so you could try that too but i start that on monday so i cant give my opinion yet. GOOD LUCK! and just remember it does work but do what you can!
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    My over all health isn't the best. I've been on this journey to get
    In shape for years. I'm determined to put all effort in so I can
    Get the body I desire. I've heard a lot about insanity . How its
    An intense workout program, you sweat like crazy , and that it is
    Very difficult at times. I want to try the 60 day program , but I
    Don't know if I should begin doing small exercises for a month to
    Get me warmed up for the 60 day challenge.
    Any advice?
    Does insanity real work ?
    Is it to challenging for beginners ?
    Should I start with another less intense program first?

    GO FOR IT? WHAT YOU GOING TOO LOSE? Nobody is any different from you If one person can do it, so can another

    Tell yourself you are doing it, take a deep breath and go for it
  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    IMO - Take it at your own pace. As you get the hang of it and start to feel comfortable and your body responds, you can increase the intensity. Very few people are able to go "all out" in this program on day 1, it is normally a progression. Do all the exercises and keep up, just lower your intensity/reps/sets they call for, heck even pause the dvd to catch your breath. Over a couple weeks of being consistent you will find you get better and better, and at the end of 60 days you may even choose to do it again.
    1. Does Insanity work - yes (you get out of it what you put into it)
    2. Is it a challenge for beginners - yes (you cant expect to be a pro day 1, but by day 60 you should be able to keep up nicely)
    3. Should I start with less intensive program first - IMO - no real reason. (any program will be difficult at first and become easier as your body adjusts, go at your own pace and you should find ultimate success)

    Good luck...

    ^^^^^ thats pretty much dead on

    Insanity is what you put into it IMHO, I love it personally I started at 209 and I am currently at 186 and I still have 1 week and 3 days left and my cardio is through the roof!! Results vary from person to person but you will definately see results with a good diet, giving INSANITY your all, and plenty of rest. If your a beginner take it at your own pace but always go 100% and DIG DEEPER and you will definately see the results. Believe me the workout's are tough as nails you wont be able to do everything Im almost done with it and I still cant do it all lol, but I can do alot more than I began with. I do it with a great group of people on MFP my INSANE FRIENDS LOL they're very motivating and very dedicated to the program send me an add if you like!!! All it takes is some good old fashioned DEDICATION AND DISCIPLINE and Im sure you will make it through!

    Agreed. I did it as a beginner. It sucks for everyone at first. But I progressively got better and I am now on week 8.

    All a matter of personal preference.
  • SoreTodayStrongTomorrow222
    I think its good to be doing something and just go at your own pace, you will always improve. If you need to modify things to make it easier - go right ahead because eventually you'll be owning that program!

    I did insanity but the first day when I did the "assesment video" I barely made it through and now I am much better. Everyone has got to start somewhere!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    Doesn't it come with a lower intensity movement for beginners? Regardless of what program someone does, you do it at a pace or intensity you can endure for the session. There's no "race" for getting fit unless you're going to play a professional sport and your income relies on it. Even babies crawl before they walk.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • didislim
    It depends what you mean by beginner. Have you NEVER worked out and just starting out? Then I say no. Anyone can do anything they want but insanity is a heck of a workout. I did it years ago when I was somewhat fit, and it kicked my butt. If you follow a low carb moderate protein diet you will lose some weight, but without it, you will most likely tone. I have done cross fitness in the past years ago, so I would do insanity on the days I couldn't get to the cross fitness gym for my 6am class.
    Umm now that I am 50 pounds HEAVIER due to my own unhealthy habits and yo-yo dieting, I am somewhat of a beginner. I wouldn't DARE do insanity now. If you have never worked out, you could risk injury please consult your Primary Physician before starting any workout of course.
    Now if you are used to working out and need somethin to push you to the next level, insanity is AWESOME. I hope to do it again someday soon when I am used to working out. And mind you I ised to be VERY fit, I have run half marathons. But after gaining all this weight, I would ease back into it slowly.

    By beginner I mean I do not do any exercise. I ran 3 min. The other day and that's
    All I could do. I am very out of shape , I have not been fully active in
    Exercise since my senior yr. Of high school which is almost 3 years ago.
    I'm trying to get on track. I have access fat I want to get rid of,
    Like my belly fat. So would insanity not help with that? Or will
    Insanity just build muscle ?

    Hey dear. Insanity will help you get fit and tone. But it works best with a good diet. When I did it I was fit already and only had a few pounds like 10 or so. It was not easy but effective, I am talking sweat like I could squeeze my tshirt thats how much sweat. I think as long asyou eat healthy, it will work. But I would not reccomend it for a beginner. The "lower intensity" people are referring to is NOT for beginners. as in you can modify it to your level. Insanity has moves where you are jumping, the heisman where you are doing lots of running push ups, different types its almost like cross fitness. I would reccomend zumba. Its fun, its better modified and You sweat almost as much. Its a great workout.
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,761 Member
    Doesn't it come with a lower intensity movement for beginners? Regardless of what program someone does, you do it at a pace or intensity you can endure for the session. There's no "race" for getting fit unless you're going to play a professional sport and your income relies on it. Even babies crawl before they walk.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    HAHAA!!!!!!! Not a chance.....T25 does though.
  • FromFlabToFurious
    FromFlabToFurious Posts: 355 Member
    My over all health isn't the best. I've been on this journey to get
    In shape for years. I'm determined to put all effort in so I can
    Get the body I desire. I've heard a lot about insanity . How its
    An intense workout program, you sweat like crazy , and that it is
    Very difficult at times. I want to try the 60 day program , but I
    Don't know if I should begin doing small exercises for a month to
    Get me warmed up for the 60 day challenge.
    Any advice?
    Does insanity real work ?
    Is it to challenging for beginners ?
    Should I start with another less intense program first?

    Insanity is working for me at the moment. I was 17st 11lb when I started it three weeks ago, I'm now 17st 3lb and I've gone down half an inch on my waist. I've also noticed I'm a lot fitter and stronger as well. I was also a beginner and I really struggled with a lot of the exercises, now I can do most of them and I can keep up with them.

    I'm not going to lie, it's challenging but that's a good thing. If it's not challenging, you're not working your body enough. Not challenging to the point where you injure yourself but challenging enough to break a sweat. I just dived straight in but then again, I did go to the gym. Not as much as I am now but still, I do exercising. I'd recommend it. The only problem is boredom, which is something I'm going through right now. The novelty kind of wears off but I just remember why I'm doing it and I do it and get the job done! :)

    Good luck!
  • I took care of a 40 plus woman yesterday who started Insanity January 1st. She was over 200 pounds, not a regular exerciser and has lost 20 pounds. She also is eating smaller portions of food, but I was so impressed with her and envied her. Go for it! :bigsmile:
  • :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Go for it and see what your limitations are and you'll be surprised what you can do
  • Nelliemay420
    Nelliemay420 Posts: 6 Member
    I have not done insanity but when I first started I did Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. It's a 30 minute workout with three levels. You can stay on each level until you feel you are ready for the next. You get introduced to different workouts and I thought it was a good Kick-Start. Zumba is also fun. I have just recently started. It's a ton of cardio but takes a couple of times of going to get the moves down. But if you like dancing and music it's another great thing to do.