Needing inspiration from apple shapes!!



  • SapiensPisces
    SapiensPisces Posts: 992 Member
    This is my profile pic, but I'm not sure if I'm an "apple" shape really. My belly is what prevents me from being in smaller size pants, so I guess I might qualify.


    I would say yes you qualify. Apple shapes typically have bigger upper bodies/stomachs. Even at my heaviest yes all of me was big but my stomach really stood out from the rest and after weight loss a lot of me got smaller but that dang belly isn't wanting to go down like the rest of me lol!

    Btw you look great!!!

    Thanks! My body shape changed when I had my son last year. I used to have a much smaller waist/hip ratio. Weird how that works huh?
  • hisbeautifulangel
    hisbeautifulangel Posts: 91 Member
    Part of it is genetics. I am a pear shape, but when you weigh 250 everything is big and when I lost weight in 1999 I had loose skin on my tummy. I had 6 pack abs at that point in time, well you could only see the top four as the bottom two were hidden from view by the loose skin. I kept the weight off and continued to exercise- still had loose skin on tummy. Later gained almost all the weight back - still had loose skin on a fatty tummy (which is ridiculous). Lost the weight again- loose skin on my tummy. Now I am 7 months pregnant and what should be a cute round pregnant tummy looks weird due to - loose skin. My current profile pic shows me at like 12 weeks and 31 weeks pregnant. You can see in both pictures there is a ridge where my loose skin is, well I can see it and people IRL can see it, but I've gotten used to it and normally just wear clothing that hides it as best I can. I'd rather weigh 150 and have loose skin than be back at my original weight without it...

    That last part really put things in perspective for me. I agree, if my stomach doesn't go completely fat and/or I have loose skin- at least I won't be 200+ lbs anymore :)
  • hisbeautifulangel
    hisbeautifulangel Posts: 91 Member
    This is my profile pic, but I'm not sure if I'm an "apple" shape really. My belly is what prevents me from being in smaller size pants, so I guess I might qualify.


    I would say yes you qualify. Apple shapes typically have bigger upper bodies/stomachs. Even at my heaviest yes all of me was big but my stomach really stood out from the rest and after weight loss a lot of me got smaller but that dang belly isn't wanting to go down like the rest of me lol!

    Btw you look great!!!

    Thanks! My body shape changed when I had my son last year. I used to have a much smaller waist/hip ratio. Weird how that works huh?

    Kids definitely affect the hips and stomach. I think I've lost all I can off my hips. For the past 2 months my hips have been at 40 inches ???? while my stomach area is at 37 right now ????. Which is odd since my hips look smaller than my stomach. My body just hates me lol
  • SapiensPisces
    SapiensPisces Posts: 992 Member
    Kids definitely affect the hips and stomach. I think I've lost all I can off my hips. For the past 2 months my hips have been at 40 inches ???? while my stomach area is at 37 right now ????. Which is odd since my hips look smaller than my stomach. My body just hates me lol

    It's hard when things stall out, but don't give up. Just keep working hard and accomplishing your nutrition and fitness goals, and you'll get there! :smile:
  • LadyW1nger
    LadyW1nger Posts: 19 Member
    Hello fellow apples! This thread is just what I need. I'm down 16 lbs so far and man do my hips and thighs look great! But my tummy...looks the same to me. My tape measure tells me its down 4 inches though, so there is hope!
  • jaynepickle
    jaynepickle Posts: 47 Member
    I am definitely an apple shape. At my thinnest (not healthiest) I had thigh gap, but not a flat stomach. Things to help the loose skin go are: LOTS of water!!! It helps your skin gain back it's elasticity. I'm not saying it will make you have a miraculously flat belly, BUT, it will help tighten up your middle. The other is weight train! Cardio will help you lose fat, strength training will make you look good. My third kiddo is about to turn one and I still am working on getting rid of this baby belly! Better go take my own advice and drink some more water! :-)
  • hisbeautifulangel
    hisbeautifulangel Posts: 91 Member
    Kids definitely affect the hips and stomach. I think I've lost all I can off my hips. For the past 2 months my hips have been at 40 inches ???? while my stomach area is at 37 right now ????. Which is odd since my hips look smaller than my stomach. My body just hates me lol

    It's hard when things stall out, but don't give up. Just keep working hard and accomplishing your nutrition and fitness goals, and you'll get there! :smile:

    I've come too far to give up. No way am I throwing the towel in. Idc how long it's takes to lose the last 30 lbs I will get there eventually lol
  • hisbeautifulangel
    hisbeautifulangel Posts: 91 Member
    Hello fellow apples! This thread is just what I need. I'm down 16 lbs so far and man do my hips and thighs look great! But my tummy...looks the same to me. My tape measure tells me its down 4 inches though, so there is hope!

  • hisbeautifulangel
    hisbeautifulangel Posts: 91 Member
    I am definitely an apple shape. At my thinnest (not healthiest) I had thigh gap, but not a flat stomach. Things to help the loose skin go are: LOTS of water!!! It helps your skin gain back it's elasticity. I'm not saying it will make you have a miraculously flat belly, BUT, it will help tighten up your middle. The other is weight train! Cardio will help you lose fat, strength training will make you look good. My third kiddo is about to turn one and I still am working on getting rid of this baby belly! Better go take my own advice and drink some more water! :-)

    I hate water but I force myself to drink anywhere from 2.5-3.5 liters of water a day
  • hadirk
    hadirk Posts: 48 Member

    I think I have the potential to be somewhat hour glass shaped, BUT MY LACK OF BUTT AND EVER EXTENDING GUT, seem to be doing their very best to prevent this.

    If anyone has any tips on creating a derrière out of nothing, I would be ever so grateful.

    I hear squats are great for the butt lol. I recently started doing them so we will see if it does anything for me lol

    I'm an apple shape too and had absolutely no butt all my life, I started doing squats with weights on and I started seeing a butt growing.
    I've lost mostly from my legs and arms, but not as much as from my belly, I'm terrified of the way it will look when I reach my goal weight. but I'd take sagging skin over fat any day
  • hadirk
    hadirk Posts: 48 Member
    I'm definitely an apple--all my weight is around my midsection--and I hear you on wanting a flat stomach! I just posted a nine months progress report earlier today ( but I almost held back, because I looked at the pictures and thought my stomach didn't really show that much progress in my eyes. I know from measurements that I am losing inches, I just really want my stomach to be flatter!

    you look amazing
  • krennie8
    krennie8 Posts: 301 Member
    i think i'm technically "rectangular" which I guess just means I gain weight all over. Overweight I was an all-over gainer, but my last 15 or so I think went straight to my gut. My sister-in-law and coworker's wife both have my first name and I've had to clarify on a few occasions that I'm not having a kid! oy...

    Anyway, thanks for this post, it is definitely inspiring! :) I'm down about 8 lbs, and re-measuring it appears I lost all of it from my midsection so far which is fine by me. Although it also means that a pants size down is probably still another 10 lbs away! Sad considering...
  • Scampimom
    Scampimom Posts: 19 Member
    I've always had a belly, no matter what I weigh. The number of times people have thought I was pregnant isn't even funny! Last time was when someone asked me when I was due and I had actually had the baby =(

    My plan is to lose the weight as far as poss, do some strength training to keep the fat down and give me some strength (weedy yet flabby arms - bad combo!) and wear miniskirts with a baggy top to show off the best assets. lb to go. Gawd, it sounds worse when you say it like that.
  • dettiot
    dettiot Posts: 180 Member
    I'm definitely an apple--all my weight is around my midsection--and I hear you on wanting a flat stomach! I just posted a nine months progress report earlier today ( but I almost held back, because I looked at the pictures and thought my stomach didn't really show that much progress in my eyes. I know from measurements that I am losing inches, I just really want my stomach to be flatter!

    you look amazing

    Oh, thank you! I'm definitely working hard at it. To clarify, it's more that I didn't think I had much progress between my next-to-last and last photos; I can definitely see the progress from the first to the last picture.

    Just fifteen more pounds until I hit my goal weight! By that point I want to really be focusing more on body recomp than on losing weight. [crosses fingers]
  • chubbyschool
    chubbyschool Posts: 7 Member
    with you. my biggest fear is after i lose weight, i will never have a flat stomach.
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    I was an apple and now an inverted triangle. My shoulders are way wider than my hips. I went from a size 18 pants to a size 6. However.. my upper body is still in large women's shirts.
  • mercy7889
    mercy7889 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi All.

    I'm an inverted triangle, but I have been an apple in my life. The only thing we can do is have patience & continue to eat well. It's all about consistency. My legs begin to get slimmer, then my arms, then my back & lastly my stomach. The only way to lose the stomach is to lose weight, workout, eat right & stay consistent. We just need to work really hard on our bellies! It's frustrating. Don't life for your upper body! You will bulk up top. Trust me.