Anyone else in alcohol recovery while trying to lose weight?

Boy do the calories from drinking alcohol add up!!! I gained 40 pounds the last 2 years of my drinking. I said enough was enough October of 2013, put the bottle down, stayed sober for some time and have lost 1/4 of that weight. Sadly I picked up again yesterday, had a terrible night and woke up finally being able to ACCEPT that I can not drink, no matter what.


  • Coltsatc
    Ya, it took me awhile to accept that I have trouble just having a couple. But it's helping out my workouts. Going to bed early and waking up early to work out has really given me a ton of energy and more motivation.
  • rayzerwolf
    rayzerwolf Posts: 203 Member
    Not quite in recovery I am recognizing that I have a problem and i have been slowly cutting alcohol out of my life and yeah it makes a huge difference.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    Yes. I lost 20lbs last year and got my ideal body then started drinking. I have been booze free for almost two months.
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member

    OP: check this thread out. please feel free to add me and any of the others who posted in the thread. <3.
  • freddi11e
    freddi11e Posts: 317 Member
    Im in recovery! but i didnt lose weight lol i gained weight because it was drug addiction. Alcoholics have it better, they lose weight when they stop... tweekers gain weight :/ haha. wonderful to hear tho, good luck on your journey :)
  • brian3245
    brian3245 Posts: 71 Member
    Check out my story. I gave up drinking and lost 375lbs. Alcohol is empty calories!
  • ball_FXDWG
    ball_FXDWG Posts: 44 Member
    Yes. Alcoholism and over-eating, just being generally unhealthy has always been a problem for me. Eating healthy and being sober for a little over a year is the best thing that ever happened to me.
  • tehboxingkitteh
    tehboxingkitteh Posts: 1,574 Member
    I'm 19 months sober. I'm planning on doing a post to celebrate my 2 years this coming summer. OP, feel free to add me. Best of luck ♡
  • Some_Watery_Tart
    Some_Watery_Tart Posts: 2,250 Member
    actually, I am drinking more, and this is the best shape of my life I have ever been in.
    I do 2 to 3 hours cardio 7 days a week and I am in my 40s.
    I think these people are talking about fighting alcohol addiction. Not drinking less to lose weight. :flowerforyou:
  • HawkeyeTy
    HawkeyeTy Posts: 681 Member
    146 days sober. Hit me up
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    I'm 19 months sober. I'm planning on doing a post to celebrate my 2 years this coming summer. OP, feel free to add me. Best of luck ♡

    so proud of you! i had no idea! and if i did, i totally blanked...cuz i'm a baby geezer. i have a terrible memory. yay kitteh! and yay everyone else who's overcome addiction~!

    FWIW, i lost my beer gut when i quit drinking, but gained a food baby instead. slowly working off those pounds....SLOWWWWWWWWWWWWLY. i'd rather be chunky and sober than slender and abusing alcohol the way i was.
  • HawkeyeTy
    HawkeyeTy Posts: 681 Member
    actually, I am drinking more, and this is the best shape of my life I have ever been in.
    I do 2 to 3 hours cardio 7 days a week and I am in my 40s.

    Did you even read the OP?
  • keyer23
    keyer23 Posts: 114 Member
    I'm 19 years into alcohol recovery. I find that I crave sweets. After all, your body turns alcohol into sugar. When you take it away, there is a void. So I eat skinny ice cream almost every night, ugh. There's no better way of life, however. No more bloating, sugar spikes, etc. either. It's a beautiful thing!
  • TingoAcias
    I'm 19 years into alcohol recovery. I find that I crave sweets. After all, your body turns alcohol into sugar. When you take it away, there is a void. So I eat skinny ice cream almost every night, ugh. There's no better way of life, however. No more bloating, sugar spikes, etc. either. It's a beautiful thing!


    I'd never really had sugar cravings in my life until I quit drinking, and now I could destroy a bakery with one bite. That being said, just by quitting drinking (and eating mass quantities of awful food that went along with it) I lost 40lbs in a heartbeat the first year. And then there was a weight yoyo for a good a year. The 20 I lost after that and the 20 I'm trying to lose now are taking a little more work, but I'd never be able to do it, nor would I care about myself enough to do it if I was still partying all of the time. That's the important part - You need to care about yourself enough to stay sober and get healthy. And seriously, it's pretty friggin nice to wake up and be able to hold a glass of water steady, or to remember where I put my keys (I feel like a psychic, it's amazing,) and mostly it's nice to not wake up feeling like I'm going to die and not caring whether or not I did.

    Slips happen, OP, tut tut back on the horse. Feel free (and anyone else here) to add me, I'm a fairly decent, if not entertaining, buddy.
  • joetalk
    joetalk Posts: 37 Member
    i know your pain

    im now 7 years clean and sober, and have gained an extra 120 pounds from where i want to be, ive focused on the reality that i cant drink and use a 12 step program to keep me on the right path, but because my focus has been on staying off drugs and alcohol my waist has grown super big, now that im willing to admit im an addict of food as well im ready to work the same process to remove the weight.

    recovery in of itself is about balance, and those of us who consider ourselves addicts/alcoholics can usually testify that moderation is not a key part of our habits lolol

    i dont usually post much but this topic is something i feel pretty comfortable sharing about, if you want to know more friend me and read my profile it states my situation in a nut shell.

    looking forward to many convo's in the future

  • Curlychip
    Curlychip Posts: 292 Member
    I don't think I have an alcohol problem (i think) but I have cut down a lot over the last few weeks starting a couple of weeks before I started on here. It does make a big difference to how I feel :smile: Its very tempting though if its been a tiring day.
  • rhonda6373
    Yes, I am. I gained a huge amount of weight from drinking in part because I would eat anything when I was drinking. I have gained about 80 pounds in less than 10 years. I am now a binge drinker who normally relapses every 30-90 days. I hope this time will be different. It is really helping exercising and eating better. I also go to AA.

    Great job on admitting and accepting that it is a problem, I am proud of you. A lot of people will not. As you know, that is the first step and probably the hardest. I am sorry you slipped up last night, but today is a new day and you can start over at any time. Be grateful nothing horrible happened (I mean I hope not). No, we cannot drink. We always think it will be a few and it normally never is. It never turns out like we think it will.

    Please don't drink today and call someone in your support system. Go to a meeting if you are able and participate in those. Great people there. Keep on keeping on. This is a chronic and deadly illness. Not to be morbid, but it helps to be reminded of that.

    You can add me as a friend and message me any time. Perhaps we can help support each other.