Starting P90X (again) Nov 28....

rowerc2 Posts: 158
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
Was in great shape (last October), completed P90X, could run over 4 miles in 30 min., row (on a C2) over 7.4KM in 30 min - and then I got a promotion and transferred to another citiy and relocated family. Now, 33 pounds heavier!!....

So, I am finally going to start P90X again.

Anyone willing to join me?


  • xxthursday09xx
    xxthursday09xx Posts: 85 Member
    Mines coming in the mail right now!! Should be here by monday or tuesday. I'm so down for team P90X!!!
  • ChuckgM3
    ChuckgM3 Posts: 302 Member
    If you can wait until December 9th I'll start it with you. (my bday is the 8th and I want to enjoy food and alcohol for that before going hardcore for 90 days)

    Don't wait for me though if you're ready, I'll just hop on a little late.
  • rowerc2
    rowerc2 Posts: 158
    So actually started on Monday. Yesterday Chest and Back X (over 660 Cal), Ab Ripper X - couldn't finish (over 130 Cal), and today Plyo (over 1,000 Cal).

    Obviously it will take me a few weeks to get back to my old self....
  • rowerc2
    rowerc2 Posts: 158
    Shoulders and Arms X - over 717 calories burned. Very tough.
  • rowerc2
    rowerc2 Posts: 158
    Hate Yoga X - so I did Cardio X today, plus ABRX - I am adjusting better than I thought I would considering that I have been a couch potatoe for over 1 year....
  • Hate Yoga X - so I did Cardio X today, plus ABRX - I am adjusting better than I thought I would considering that I have been a couch potatoe for over 1 year....

    I just started my 3rd round on monday also man!

    After my first two rounds which ended in july, i was in awesome shape, and put a little back on. but nothing crazy.

    I just did plyo today. I don't like kenpo, so I do plyo instead.

    I also do x-stretch instead of yoga, since I hate yoga. But I get 3 days of plyo in. So we should be riding along in the same boat.

    Monday was chest and back, ripped it.
    Tuesday, was plyo. So fun
    Wednesday, as tony says.. shoulders and arms, the glamor muscles,
    Thursday, plyo!
    Tomorrow, legs and back (yuck)
    Saturday, plyo!
    Sunday, stretch, and football!
  • Yay for p90x!! Haha! I'm starting it in eight days ( when my Christmas break from college starts). I'm really excited to start it. I have everything I need, just prepping myself mentally. Lol. I will deffinately need some support, so I'll be around. I will just be about two weeks behind ya. Good luck!!
  • ChuckgM3
    ChuckgM3 Posts: 302 Member
    Yay for p90x!! Haha! I'm starting it in eight days ( when my Christmas break from college starts). I'm really excited to start it. I have everything I need, just prepping myself mentally. Lol. I will deffinately need some support, so I'll be around. I will just be about two weeks behind ya. Good luck!!

    Hey Kolby, I'll be starting about the same time, were you plannin on doing the classic? Lean? Modified? Let's start together if you like.
  • rowerc2
    rowerc2 Posts: 158
    Kolbyjack and everybody - the more the merrier.

    Just finished Legs and Back X - 668 calories - Kenpo and Ab Ripper tomorrow and the first week is in the bank!!
  • I'll be doing classic. Yep, I'm starting on the tenth :)
  • rowerc2
    rowerc2 Posts: 158
    Finished Kenpo X and Ab Ripper X today. So for this week, 409 minutes spent working out and I burned 4,690 calories.

    After 1 year of being a couch potatoe - it feels good to sweat again!!!
  • Way to go rowerc2! Sounds like you are doing great. I cannot wait to start now!
  • ChuckgM3
    ChuckgM3 Posts: 302 Member
    I'll be doing classic. Yep, I'm starting on the tenth :)

    Cool. I'll be starting classic on the 10th too
  • Just finished up week 1 of round 3. Got in 3 cardio days, and the 3 lifting days. I plan to do stretch x tomorrow.

    I stuck to my diet EXTREMELY well. That will be the hardest part for me and the part I slacked on the most the first 2 rounds.

    I'm excited to see so many more people doing it! Just remember although you may not see the scale move a lot. P90X really does work!!
  • rowerc2
    rowerc2 Posts: 158
    Let us know how it goes Kolbyjack!!!
  • Uptopargolf- Way to go! Just wondering, are you super sore everyday? Or just in the first few weeks? I'm glad you mentioned that about not losing weight, but seeing results. I think what scares me the most is that I won't see results on the scale and get discouraged. (because it's hard to see physical results day-to-day)

    rowerc2- How was your first week? Are you doing the diet plan as well? I definitely let y'all know how it goes!

    I was just wondering if anyone does extra cardio with p90x? I have been reading some success stories and many of them said they did extra cardio.Is is doable?? I was thinking 30 minutes on the elliptical each strength training day, what do y'all think?
  • rowerc2
    rowerc2 Posts: 158
    Hello Kolbyjack...

    Diet plan, not so much the first week, but I have lost 5 pounds for the week. At this point, I just cut out the chips and junk food - which is a good start for me.

    I am going to do Chest and Back X and Ab Ripper X today - as I am travelling a couple of days next week.
  • rowerc2
    rowerc2 Posts: 158
    Ok - so completed Chest and Back, plus Ab Ripper today for close to 900 calories burned - and over 5,800 calories for the week - and down 5.5 pounds - feel much better - and can see the progress already - can't wait for the 30 day mark.
  • Started the Slim in 6 in July and done very well on that. I thought that was a good start before P90x. Started the P90x in October and took a few weeks off due to sickness, but been full force the last 3 weeks. Starting the 2nd phase tomorrow and can't wait. Lost 20lbs so far and looking forward to the next. Although my goals are set in 10's, figure that is better than looking at the long term goal of total of 60lbs.
    Kolby - the first few times you do the sets you will be sore. I could barely walk up my stairs/sit after my 1st day of the back/legs, but it was the best kind of hurt. Portions of my bootie hurt that I never knew were there. lol.
    Good luck!!!
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I started on Friday. I'm hopeful to keep in shape through the winter so I can run a few 1/2 marathons before training for my second marathon, my goal is next fall.

    I'm within 5lbs of my goal weight and hoping to get muscle tone. I've done all my strength training with a kettlebell for the past year.

    I was definitely sore after arms on the first day, but nothing unbearable.
    I kicked butt on plyo yesterday and loved it.
    I did check and back with a resistance band today, not real pleased with the way it works, really prefer dumb bells, but couldn't find the weight I wanted to buy locally and need to "got to town" to get them.
    Yoga is tomorrow, I've done "living room" yoga before, but never anything serious, I'm looking forward to it.

    My hardest part is trying to eat on plan, I've been at about 1000-1200 calories for three months now, so increasing the exercise and food has not been easy for me. I don't typically eat dairy and avoid wheat (my kids have celiac).

    My goal with P90X is muscle tone, I want to look like I have muscles not just skinny. I did buy size 0 and size 2 pants in the past 2 weeks, so am not worried about my last 5lbs just really want to "look" fit.
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