Looking for weight loss buddies! Read meeeeee :)

Hi! I am a fun and upbeat, 30-something :) yr old, stay at home mom who REALLY needs to lose weight. I am a chronic yo-yoer. UGH! Wicked stress eater too! With that said once I get on track I also know how to kick some butt!!

I started a blog on here to hopefully help me be countable but would love some weight loss buddies! I need to lose 50lbs.....probably more of 70 but I would be happy at 50!

Anyone out there ?


  • CrystalQ222
    CrystalQ222 Posts: 63 Member
    Hi :-). My name is Crystal. I just started this forum today :-). I would love to be your buddy. I've lost 11 lbs so far and hope to keep going :-). I am also a mom, to 2 kids....
  • staceymichele1117
    Hello, my name is Stacey. I just started today as well. I work full time and have a 10 year old beautiful girl. I am a major yo-yoer. In fact I recently gained back the 25 lbs I lost early last year.
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Hi ladies! I'm Bethany, 32 years old, single mama of 2. I commute 3-4 hours per day for work at a full-time job. I'm having the hardest time finding where I need to be mentally to make this change happen. It makes me wonder if I simply haven't hit rock bottom yet but I don't want to get to that point either. What I do know is that something needs to change. I know that I need to start with small changes and build upon those. Problem is that I have plenty of changes to make that I'm overwhelmed as to where to start.