Are Some Days Harder to Exericise For You?

Ok, so I've been doing Turbo Jam since Sunday. Yesterday I did pretty good and I was able to put pretty much everything I had into it. Today, I felt like it was the first day I started. I was out of breath easier and my feet were hurting a little more. I just felt like I couldn't do it as well. Does anyone else get days like this??


  • saraslagle
    saraslagle Posts: 6 Member
    I definitely have days that are harder than other days. Sometimes it's my breathing. Sometimes it's my balance, and still other times, it's my arthritis. I press through though and feel so much better after my workout.
  • redambition
    redambition Posts: 39 Member
    Yup... some days are a major struggle for me. Especially if I'm tired from not enough sleep, or a bit sore from yesterday's workout.

    I'm actually not looking forward to next week as I haven't been allowed to train all this week due to illness. It's going to be tough pushing myself when I don't feel 100%. And my trainer is away next week so the sessions I would normally do with him, I have to do on my own... and it's hard for me to push myself as hard as he pushes me.
  • KikoAlonsoGal
    KikoAlonsoGal Posts: 88 Member
    UGH! I just hate days like today!! I'm even a bit nauseous after my workout. Have to eat about 300 more calories but really don't feel like it.
  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    yep , usually for a lot of reasons too like I didn't eat a good dinner the night befor eor my body needs a break because I work out twice a day most times.
  • KikoAlonsoGal
    KikoAlonsoGal Posts: 88 Member
    yep , usually for a lot of reasons too like I didn't eat a good dinner the night befor eor my body needs a break because I work out twice a day most times.

    But 77 pounds lost!!! You go girl!
  • Tony_Von_Stryfe
    Tony_Von_Stryfe Posts: 153 Member
    All the time, just push through it and it will get better. It's a good practice to push through, it helps us overcome the mental blocks we have when experiencing discomfort.
  • HawkeyeTy
    HawkeyeTy Posts: 681 Member

    Often times it means your in need of a rest day.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    giddy up
  • SJ46
    SJ46 Posts: 407 Member

    Sometimes, like today, it means I should have taken the day off. Other days I may be dehydrated, not enough/too much to eat, not enough sleep, or it can be a complete mystery.
  • RomaWT
    RomaWT Posts: 17 Member
    Some days are definitely a struggle. Some days I just don't want to put in the effort in my workout. I just put a positive spin on it by telling myself that at least you got yourself to the gym, half the battle won, now just push through it. I may not be giving my 100% on those days, but at least I am moving.
  • KikoAlonsoGal
    KikoAlonsoGal Posts: 88 Member
    Technically I should have taken a rest day today but I didn't want to! The first week they have 3 scheduled days off and I think that's too much.
  • HawkeyeTy
    HawkeyeTy Posts: 681 Member
    The first week they have 3 scheduled days off and I think that's too much.


    You know what resting is just as important as the workout...
  • typicallyjazzy
    typicallyjazzy Posts: 41 Member
    Yep. Actually procrastinating my late night workout because of that.
  • Amandawith3kids
    Amandawith3kids Posts: 367 Member
    if i'm sore, if i didnt sleep, if the kids are bugging on me (toddlers are SO much fun!) if i'm coming down with something or recovering from something, if i have a busy day and have 1000 other things to do, if my asthma or allergies are acting up. the list goes on. sometimes it a motivation issue, others are a time issue. i struggle most days. i made a poster to put on my fridge with all my reminders and motivation that i can look to when its just not there.
  • KikoAlonsoGal
    KikoAlonsoGal Posts: 88 Member
    if i'm sore, if i didnt sleep, if the kids are bugging on me (toddlers are SO much fun!) if i'm coming down with something or recovering from something, if i have a busy day and have 1000 other things to do, if my asthma or allergies are acting up. the list goes on. sometimes it a motivation issue, others are a time issue. i struggle most days. i made a poster to put on my fridge with all my reminders and motivation that i can look to when its just not there.

    That's a good idea! I need some motivation on my fridge!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    the difference between someone who is successful and who is not is persistence. Not motivation or feeling.

    everyone has bad days- every one has days where they have bad lifts- or aren't 'feeling' it.

    Those who succeed... they show up and do the work. we can't all be superstars and super fabulous 110% of the time. Life doesn't work like that.

    It's okay. Either take the day off because something is tell you that you need it- or just push through.
  • KikoAlonsoGal
    KikoAlonsoGal Posts: 88 Member
    the difference between someone who is successful and who is not is persistence. Not motivation or feeling.

    everyone has bad days- every one has days where they have bad lifts- or aren't 'feeling' it.

    Those who succeed... they show up and do the work. we can't all be superstars and super fabulous 110% of the time. Life doesn't work like that.

    It's okay. Either take the day off because something is tell you that you need it- or just push through.

    I still did the workout. It just seems I was more out of breath. Decided to take a rest day today and heal up a bit. Maybe that's what I needed.
  • toronto_j
    toronto_j Posts: 206 Member
    Yes, I have days where I feel really weak and struggling to finish the workout. I try to figure out if it's my eating, lack of sleep etc. that day but I usually can't tell.
  • rowlandsw
    rowlandsw Posts: 1,166 Member
    Sadly most days are a struggle for me. I bought a giant fancy treadmill and never seem to have the energy to use it. i've been doing chores around the house and such as exercise. Luckily we have a long driveway (i'd say half as long as our yard) so going out for the mail and back helps get in some exercise and once it gets warm out i'll be roaming a bit more in and out.
  • annie61702
    annie61702 Posts: 120 Member
    Some days are harder, but I never regret working out even if it's not the strongest workout. I have regretted not working out, though.