Insight on GNC Total Lean


I have two friends that have had much success using GNC Total Lean - what does everyone out here think?


  • SemperAnticus1643
    SemperAnticus1643 Posts: 703 Member
    My friend tried that a couple days ago. She is taking it back today because it makes her too jittery. Fair warming you will get plenty of responses saying the best way to do weight loss is a lifestyle change and not pills. :)
  • I am just starting the GNC Total Lean program and have so far loved it. I don't use any of the pills besides the CLA, which is a non-stimulant supplement supposedly used to help metabolize fat in the mid-section. I am replacing two meals a day with the Total Lean 25 shakes, which taste great! I have tried many meal-replacement shakes and the terrible taste is what caused me to "fall off the wagon" in the past. So the fact that these shakes taste honestly good are what's helping me stay accountable. I hope you try it!
  • SpitfireStacey
    SpitfireStacey Posts: 158 Member
    i've been drinking the Lean Shake 25 for a few years now, on and off. I drink them mostly for breakfast if I'm in a hurry and after workouts. I love the calories versus protein mix and I can drink it with just water and it's still tasty. I've got a box of the pills, but I can't stand the smell of them so I can't take them. I try occasionally and I know it's the vitamin pills that are the really bad smell that I can't tolerate but even opening the little pouch turns my stomach! blech.

    Anything that you like and can sustain will help you. I love the shakes occasionally but I don't always drink them every day and they are rarely a meal replacement for me.
  • I take the CLA, only. I had a physical last week during which I asked my GP what he thought. He was fine with it...even gave me this long explanation of how/why it worked. I have had the shakes, but, you can probably get by cheaper and more healthy just eating the right stuff.
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    I love the drinks, they taste great and are very easy. I am doing two a day (breakfast and lunch) but will switch it up now and then...

    I have a question though about the scoop.

    Is the scoop that comes with it considered two scoops as it is? or is it just one scoop?
  • tingtawn
    tingtawn Posts: 59 Member
    I've been using the shakes on/off for the past year and a half. When I really stuck with it before i got married i had really good results. after the wedding i kind of fell off the wagon, but i'm getting back into a routine again. Some days i just do 1 shake a day, some days i do 2. It depends on my work schedule. I buy the lean shake 25 with the added protein. I like the vanilla- i usually mix mine with unsweetened almond milk, a cup of fruit and the powder. I have tried the key lime which was really good, and today i tried the banana cream which was also excellent.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,903 Member
    ANY program works if one sticks with it. Sticking with a program is where people fail.
    And it's like $2.00 a shake right? Many other brands will cost about $.30 to $1.00 a serving if you buy in bulk. Even my "expensive" protein (Nitrocore 24) is only $.48 a serving.

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