Need help figuring out what I'm doing wrong?

Hi, my name is Isabella. I am 18 and have been using myfitnesspal for a while, off and on. I have been really dedicated this time and have gone a whole month which is a long streak for me and want to continue. I do spinning four times a week, then 30 min on the elliptical the other two along with strength training those two days. Myfitnesspal has me at 1200 per day but I know that's the lowest a person should go so I usually try to eat up to 1400 and I always eat back my exercise calories so I end up eating 1800 on days that I do spinning. I weigh myself weekly and the first two weeks I wasn't eating back my exercise calories so my net was somewhere around 800 a day, for the past two weeks Ive had at least a net of 1200 and when I weighed myself I only lost .8 pounds. I am just very discouraged and I don't know if I am doing something wrong? I expected the weight to come off more easily now that Im doing things right. Im currently at 155 and started at 160. I am in college so it's kind of hard to eat healthy and I am unable to weigh my food but I always get less than what I know a portion should be. You guys should be able to look through my diary if that would help. Thanks in advance!:smile:


  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    If you aren't trying to lose a lot of weight, it's hard to have a big deficit and drop a lot every week. Do you know your BMR and TDEE? (This is a calculator that will estimate it Or, can you give us your weight and height?
  • isabellabrunooo
    My height is 5'6 and my weight is 155
  • Awdwee
    Awdwee Posts: 6 Member
    I feel for you. I've been on here two months and have only lost 6 lbs. But I'm hoping slow and steady will be more sustainable? I eat around the 1200-1400 mark a day. Cutting down on fruit now to see if less sugar makes a difference.
  • isabellabrunooo
    It's so frustrating but I am glad someone understands! I think I may be eating too many carbs? Not sure though
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    I put your numbers into this calculator and it is estimating that your BMR is 1500 and your TDEE is probably at least around 2065 -- depending on how intense your exercise is.

    To keep things the simplest as possible, I think you should reset your MFP settings to "lose 1 lb per week." The weight loss you've had so far is awesome, and that's a really healthy weight loss. You don't have a lot to lose, and unfortunately, it'll come off slowly, if you do it right. And it sounds like you are.

    You're doing nothing wrong.
  • UmmSqueaky
    UmmSqueaky Posts: 715 Member
    How carefully are you tracking what you're eating? I know it's hard in the dorm, but can you buy a little food scale and weigh what you get if you're buying from the cafeteria?

    The other advice is that MFP and machines often overestimate how many calories you burn during exercise. Try eating back half your exercise calories.

    And finally:

    Remember, slow and steady weight loss is better than nothing at all, and certainly better than gaining!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Losing .8 per week is good. The most you should lose is 1 pound per week, because you don't have a ton of weight to lose. Keep doing what you are doing. I also recommend looking up your TDEE - 20%. This way you would eat the same amount of food each day and not have to try to keep track of how much exactly you are burning.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    You may be trying to lose more than your body is able to. If you want to lose only a few pounds, set your MFP goal to 1/2 lbs a week of weight loss (certainly no more than 1 lb a week).
    How are you calculating your exercise calories? MFP's listed calories are usually high. When I was losing, I halved the exercise time if I was using MFP's calorie burns, just to be sure that I wasn't overrating my workouts.
    Using the calculator and an activity level of "1-3 hrs of exercise/wk", your TDEE is about 2000, which means that you may be eating closer to maintenance level if you're eating 1800 calories/week. Double check those numbers before making any changes to your daily calorie allowance.
  • Lld320
    Lld320 Posts: 81
    You'll get all sorts of different eating philosophies on this site if you are asking, but when it comes down to it you will lose weight no matter what you eat as long as you are at a deficit. Not measuring your food isn't a great start, do you prepare the food? Do you know what kind of oils / seasoning are being added? It's hard to give his advice if you really don't know what you are eating. My first advice would simply be to track more accurately.
    Also you aren't significantly over weight so it isn't just going to fall off, you have to be patient, your metabolism is slow too adjust.
    If you want my personal philosophy on eating I suggest avoiding sugar, processed foods and simple carbs (bread). But if you aren't tracking accurately it is kinda ask point less.
    Bottom line if you aren't losing as quickly as you want to them you are eating too much knowingly or un. But be patient, slowly and adjust your calories down and find a spot you are comfortable with how quickly you are losing and how hungry you feel during the day.
  • isabellabrunooo
    Thanks so much everyone! I think I am gonna try to eat around 1400-1500 and definitely only eat half the exercise calories back, I didn't know MFP was inaccurate with the calories burned. I think the reason why I put myself at 2 pounds per week is because in my opinion I have a lot to lose, I am aiming for 130 but in reality it's not that much.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Thanks so much everyone! I think I am gonna try to eat around 1400-1500 and definitely only eat half the exercise calories back, I didn't know MFP was inaccurate with the calories burned. I think the reason why I put myself at 2 pounds per week is because in my opinion I have a lot to lose, I am aiming for 130 but in reality it's not that much.

    2 pounds per week should only be used if you have 75+ pounds to lose. You don't have a lot to go.
  • corgarian
    corgarian Posts: 366 Member
    Body weight changes all day long. I once had a 5 pound difference in the course of 2 hours. Honestly start a measurement log, measure yourself the same day every week and track your progress that way. Some weeks will be great, some not so much. Things like water weight, and that time of the month for the ladies may make for a weird measurement day, but you want to track that too!

    Also, dont eat those calories you burned just because MFP says you can have them. You need to burn more than you eat to lose weight.
    That being said, if youre doing all that cardio/gym work you need a little more to fule your body. I agree 1400-1500 would be a better range.
  • hunte028
    I'd suggest not buying into the "eat bk your calories". I may get scolded for this, but no one ever loses weight by eating more. Ad the same time, if you're hungry, eat. I would eat at least 1200 cals/day and exercise without eating bk calories afterwards.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I'd suggest not buying into the "eat bk your calories". I may get scolded for this, but no one ever loses weight by eating more. Ad the same time, if you're hungry, eat. I would eat at least 1200 cals/day and exercise without eating bk calories afterwards.

    You still lose weight with MFP when you eat back exercise calories because IT DOESN"T INCLUDE EXERCISE IN ITS CALCULATION.

    MFP says eat 1200 calories to lose weight, then you exercise 400. You eat 1600 total.

    TDEE method says you need 2000 calories total for everything you do in a day including exercise. You calculate TDEE - 20% and you get 1600 calories to eat to lose weight.

    See how that works? If you only ate 1200, you would not be doing yourself any favor. You would be hungry, you wouldn't be getting as much energy or nutrition that you need.