Anybody sick of the winter, the cold and the snow?



  • Amandawith3kids
    Amandawith3kids Posts: 367 Member
    i'm tired of the cold *BUT* its the only time of the year i get to be outside much. it's either too buggy, to much pollen, or too many stinkbugs and ragweed. as long as my asthma is under control i can deal with it. and the snow just gives me an excuse to be outside and get some fresh air and exercise.

    i still like the idea of winter more than the actual thing though. snow is pretty.. until you have to drive in it, clean up after the kids tracking it all in the house, the extra loads of wash from the kids playing outside, the temptation to bake, the endless mugs of hot chocolate the kids always want after playing in the snow.

    we had a sudden snow squall christmas eve, and so had a white christmas this year. that was PLENTY.
  • Sfeola
    Sfeola Posts: 107 Member
    I know I'll get hate mail for this, but Ive been enjoying it. I like to be outdoors and don't really mind the cold, so Ive been using this winter so go snowboarding when I can and just picked up Ice fishing as an outdoor activity, which Ive been enjoying
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    ME I AM SOOOOOOOOOOO SICK OF IT!!!!!! :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:
  • morethenjustmum
    morethenjustmum Posts: 170 Member
    The other day I put three kids in and out of snow suits 5 times each, and that was my winter breaking point.
    That and frozen dog walks , killing me.
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    It was -17 according to my phone when i left for work this morning. It's almost March and there doesn't appear to be an end in sight. It's literally driving me crazy.
  • crazie4lulu
    crazie4lulu Posts: 762 Member
    i have not been able to run outside in 7 days... im freakin going nuts!!!! 4 degrees here right now... sun is out... but the wind is carazy!!!!! ole man winter can kiss my *kitten*
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,239 Member
    I'm not. I don't run, and while I do miss cycling outdoors, in the winter I can snowshoe, cross country ski, and even get out for walks. I frankly love winter and don't want it over quite yet. Middle of March I don't mind so much, but even when the snow starts to go away, it will be wet and muddy here for a while and I won't be able to do anything except maybe walk in town until things dry up. So again, I am not sick of it.
  • trewyn6509
    trewyn6509 Posts: 85 Member
    No I love waking up in the morning and the temp is -18 (Are you noting the sarcasm in my voice). And there have been days this winter that -18 was the high. This winter sucks. I love winter but this year it is down right nasty. Last year I feel on the ice and fractured my ribs and it seems this year we have twice as much ice.
  • kshadows
    kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member
    I still run outside. Sometimes. Only if it's above 0 though...which has been all of one day this week.

    Yeah. I wan spring like, last month.
  • shazbox1
    shazbox1 Posts: 175 Member
    Get out and run! I just got back from an hour run/walk in the -25*C, the only problem was that my headphones stopped working halfway through and my eyelashes kept freezing together...
  • Empty_Calories
    Empty_Calories Posts: 81 Member
    Is this even a real question?? I hate this crap. I can handle a LITTLE cold...but this...not this. I am SO OVER IT. Tired of being couped up indoors and if I hear one more person say "the bottom is going to drop out" I am going to seriously lose my ish. I HATE THE COLD. I can't even handle it.



    15 deg F this morning walking to work with wind chill in the single digits. NOT how I like to start my day. The walk home is usually worse (except tonight where I plan to bar hop my way home).
  • whitbynurse
    I can't take anymore of this! It's been awful this year too much snow and way colder than usual here in Southern Ontario. Yesterday I put the lazy boy chair in front of the patio doors where the sun was streaming in and laid there after the gym pretending it was a beach somewhere. Warm and sunny thoughts for all who are dealing with this nasty winter!
  • fitprincess4333
    GRRRRR More snow this weekend! :explode: :explode: :explode:
  • nikkylyn
    nikkylyn Posts: 325 Member
    i hate the winter, I hate the snow, I hate the ice, I hate the cold. I dont get the desire to have the seasons.. Not for me. I used to live in south florida then I moved to missery with my then bf/husband and I wish to go back every day. Thats my problem in the winter too many layers and I get lazy and dont want to work out. Im trying but its hard. If I get to the gym 2x a week in the winter its a huge accomplishment. In the spring or summer Im there 6 days a week.

    I dont think snow is pretty anymore, Im actually pretty tired of looking at it. Now I just want to see green grass and sunshine. Perhaps a swimming pool, lake, beach etc.. Dont care just no snow.

    So Yes Im right there with you.

    Maybe one day we will move back until then I count the days till spring. Which is rapidly approaching soo wooo hoo. Hopefully mother nature takes a clue and winter calms the f*** down. Bring on the hot summer sun Im soo ready. Wish it would stay all year.
  • Kenazwa
    Kenazwa Posts: 278 Member
    We're still waiting for winter over here on the left coast.
  • LauraCarlson86
    soooooo ready for it to start to warm up!!! i am freezing all the time. some nights i go to the gym JUST so i can feel warm/hot. kind of pathetic.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I in the SW, we've barely had a winter...we had like a couple weeks of winter in early December and that was it. We've been hitting record highs here in Albuquerque most of December, January , and February. Our mountains are usually covered with snow and it's great skiing around here...but this year there have been days upon days of temps in the 60s and 70s with hardly any snow fall. I know that sounds great to everyone who's been blasted, but we're about to have the worst forest fire season in decades around here...the whole SW is going to go up in tinder this spring/summer.
    It's been nearly the same here in Tucson except even warmer with temps in the 80s and 70s for most of the month of February. We are FINALLY expecting some rain this weekend along with temps in the 60s. Yay!!
  • Marcia315
    Marcia315 Posts: 460 Member
    Yes, yes, yes.

    It was -2 this morning. I generally don't mind cold and like to play in the snow, but this winter has been brutal and too cold to go out and play!!!!
  • EddieHaskell97
    EddieHaskell97 Posts: 2,227 Member

    My dash cam took this during my drive into work yesterday... We're going to get at least another ten inches this weekend.

    This winter can suck my Snoopy Sno-Cone Maker...
  • eddiesmith1
    eddiesmith1 Posts: 1,550 Member
    It's been pretty brutal, though my memory is of all winters being like this when I was younger. -14 (-20 Wind Chill) right now and I'm in and out of this all day (my office door opens out to this) I'm 50/50 on whether I will do my usual 5-7Km post work walk today (a friend managed frostbite walking her dog last night - that's nasty) But Despite the illusion of more snow I think it's just the lack of a thaw or 2 that makes it seem worse. Loads of Sunny (but cold) days and i'd rather that than rain and grey dreary and depressing. the level of sun this year has offset SAD syndromes