Having a hard time eating 1200 calories

I am allowed 1480 a day and I rarely get to 900 calories a day, then I exercise and am allowed more! I know I need to be eating more but I am full! Please send some advice on what ways I could meet at least 1200 a day. I have only lost a total of 8lbs so far and have seemed to plateaued. My overall goal is 70, so I have a ways to go and need to get over this hump. I am trying to get in shape and have been training for the warrior dash that is coming to town September 29th. So I need to get my rear in gear! Thanks in advance for the advice! :smile:


  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member
    I had the same problem starting out, hitting well under 1000 calories per day. I'm not a big eater and can't eat a lot of food at once or eat many times during the day. What finally worked for me was adding higher-calorie ingredients to what I already eat. For example, I was eating tostadas made with chicken, salsa, and lettuce. Now I make them with that stuff as well as avocado, beans, cheese, and sour cream. Pretty much the same amount of food in terms of volume but way higher in calories (and taste pretty awesome too). So I don't have a problem with eating it all or with getting those calories in.
  • Ainslee921
    Ainslee921 Posts: 11
    What about slipping in a Cliff Bar or two during the day? Not a lot of food, but each one has about 220 calories, and pack in the carbs that you'll need for exercise and training! It's the only kind of energy bar I can eat that I actually enjoy the taste of and I usually have one for breakfast. The Carrot Cake and White Chocolate Macadamia Nut flavors are particularly yummy!
  • issyfit
    issyfit Posts: 1,077 Member
    I am allowed 1480 a day and I rarely get to 900 calories a day, then I exercise and am allowed more! I know I need to be eating more but I am full! Please send some advice on what ways I could meet at least 1200 a day. I have only lost a total of 8lbs so far and have seemed to plateaued. My overall goal is 70, so I have a ways to go and need to get over this hump. I am trying to get in shape and have been training for the warrior dash that is coming to town September 29th. So I need to get my rear in gear! Thanks in advance for the advice! :smile:

    That warrior dash looks like a lot of fun, it was held in a neighboring town last weekend. You can get your calories up in a healthy way with full fat dairy, full fat salad dressings made with healthy oils, avacado, nuts and nut butters,, protein bars and shakes. Enjoy!
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    I am allowed 1480 a day and I rarely get to 900 calories a day, then I exercise and am allowed more! I know I need to be eating more but I am full! Please send some advice on what ways I could meet at least 1200 a day. I have only lost a total of 8lbs so far and have seemed to plateaued. My overall goal is 70, so I have a ways to go and need to get over this hump. I am trying to get in shape and have been training for the warrior dash that is coming to town September 29th. So I need to get my rear in gear! Thanks in advance for the advice! :smile:

    If you do not eat enough calories your body may think you are starving - hence the plateau. What type of diet are you doing? I can suggest things, but if you are on a particular diet I would like to consider that too before I give advice.
  • Jezebel_Barbie
    Jezebel_Barbie Posts: 198 Member
    I'm always curious about these kinds of posts. Presumably once you ate way over 1200 calories per day?
  • saraann4
    saraann4 Posts: 1,312 Member
    get off the low cal band wagon and eat some things that aren't so low cal, but still good for you. Like most people would recommend, nuts. I hate nuts..but recently discovered that I love almonds. Greek yogurt is delicious if you find the right brand. Chicken has a nice source of yummy calories and protein.
  • luvs2teachincali
    luvs2teachincali Posts: 207 Member
    I am having the SAME PROBLEM. I usually only get around 1,000/day and am set to get 1,200/day. I guess I'm confused because I want to LOSE WEIGHT so I'm trying to eat things that are LOW in calories and fat and learning to make healthier choices, so why am I not having enough calories? I am eating 2-3 meals a day plus 2-3 snacks a day. I'm not starving. I'm not even hungry most of the time. I had an In-N-Out burger Sunday and it was nearly 400 calories and I thought ok, I'm for sure going to meet my calories. NOPE. What gives?

    I'd love to hear some advice on this topic as well. Thanks to the OP for asking!
  • shaynak112
    shaynak112 Posts: 751 Member
    I'm having the same problem ... I have been doing better lately but still not there.
    NUTS are helping me though.
  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member
    I'm always curious about these kinds of posts. Presumably once you ate way over 1200 calories per day?
    Someone says this every time these threads pop up (though I must say yours is the most polite I've seen). The reason that people manage to get overweight and then have difficulty hitting even 1000 calories is that not everyone eats a lot of food in terms of volume when gaining weight. If you eat very calorie-dense foods, then you don't need to eat a lot to gain weight; if you switch to low-calorie options but don't increase the amount of food, then you can end up eating next to no calories.

    To use myself as an example, I've never been a big eater. I gained a lot of weight by living entirely on Doritos, fast food, soda, and booze. When I switched to fresh, whole foods and prepared them myself, I wasn't any hungrier in terms of how much I wanted to consume, so I went from eating food at 300 calories/ounce to foods with a tenth of that amount. At the end of the day, I was seeing totals like 600 calories but wasn't at all hungry. I had to learn how to incorporate high-calorie foods into a healthy diet.
  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    I used to eat ALL garbage just in less amounts, so when I switched to healthier options I found it really difficult to be constantly eating eating eating. I've been coping with it lately by adding peanut butter to my fruits, crackers with cheese, my protein shake helps a lot, oatmeal in the morning, etc. It's just about finding the right combinations of foods that you like in conjunction with eachother to help hit your goals each day. It took me about a month, but I'm there now. Good luck! :drinker:
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    It's actually very simple to increase your calories. Adding nuts, cooking in extra virgin olive oil, having a protein shake (more specifically one like muscle milk which is 300 calories by two scoops) or even my personal favorite eating peanut butter out of the jar. Also, stop eating low calorie or low fat substitutes, they are all loaded with sugar and highly processed. This can cause your body to slow weight loss. Try to eat things in their natural state as much as possible.

    The reason why people fail often at 1200 calories is that your body needs fuel to burn fuel. It's not different than a car where you can't drive a long distance on a half of tank. This is why I always suggest cutting 20% from your TDEE. This way, you will be able to push it harder during workouts, which means you are working harder and burning more calories.
  • pstansel74
    pstansel74 Posts: 130 Member
    I'm doing a Warrior Dash the week before you :) So good luck! I will say you are not doing yourself any favors eating that low. When I started using MFP to be hard on myself about eating to much, my wife started using it show she was eating not enough. I was horrified at how LOW her calories were. Your body needs fuel, you have got to slip some healthy calories in there.

    Seriously though, I'm done 30 pounds in 2 months. I'm in a lot better shape. And I never feel deprived at the end of the day. I do ~2000 a day, which is still honestly less than I should be eating based on BMR. I just can't go any higher. So eat what you should be eating at a MINIMUM.
  • melsueb
    melsueb Posts: 5
    I'm not on any particular diet, just trying to eat healthier, I have cut out most processed foods, red meat, and instead of eating lunch meat sandwiches everyday for lunch I have been eating salads and tuna made with relish and mustard instead of mayo. I have incorporated a lot fresh fruits and veggies too. I did start eating protein bars after my work outs, I need to find a good protein shake recipe.

    The day I went over 1200 I felt horrible and sick to my stomach, ended up on a binge at the time of the month. So I always make sure I have fruit or vegetables around to curve my appetite. All I want to do is lose weight, not maintain and changing my lifestyle was a huge step for me. I am still learning how to figure all this weight loss stuff out, just like many out there. We all come to a hurdle in life and I am ready to jump over this one and continue my journey. I will start incorporating nuts in my meals to help offset some calories. Thanks for the advice, it's greatly appreciated.
  • floersh21
    floersh21 Posts: 44
    I'm always curious about these kinds of posts. Presumably once you ate way over 1200 calories per day?
    Someone says this every time these threads pop up (though I must say yours is the most polite I've seen). The reason that people manage to get overweight and then have difficulty hitting even 1000 calories is that not everyone eats a lot of food in terms of volume when gaining weight. If you eat very calorie-dense foods, then you don't need to eat a lot to gain weight; if you switch to low-calorie options but don't increase the amount of food, then you can end up eating next to no calories.

    To use myself as an example, I've never been a big eater. I gained a lot of weight by living entirely on Doritos, fast food, soda, and booze. When I switched to fresh, whole foods and prepared them myself, I wasn't any hungrier in terms of how much I wanted to consume, so I went from eating food at 300 calories/ounce to foods with a tenth of that amount. At the end of the day, I was seeing totals like 600 calories but wasn't at all hungry. I had to learn how to incorporate high-calorie foods into a healthy diet.

    This is literally EXACTLY what I'm dealing with. I couldn't explain it better myself.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    I'm not on any particular diet, just trying to eat healthier, I have cut out most processed foods, red meat, and instead of eating lunch meat sandwiches everyday for lunch I have been eating salads and tuna made with relish and mustard instead of mayo. I have incorporated a lot fresh fruits and veggies too. I did start eating protein bars after my work outs, I need to find a good protein shake recipe.

    The day I went over 1200 I felt horrible and sick to my stomach, ended up on a binge at the time of the month. So I always make sure I have fruit or vegetables around to curve my appetite. All I want to do is lose weight, not maintain and changing my lifestyle was a huge step for me. I am still learning how to figure all this weight loss stuff out, just like many out there. We all come to a hurdle in life and I am ready to jump over this one and continue my journey. I will start incorporating nuts in my meals to help offset some calories. Thanks for the advice, it's greatly appreciated.

    Why did you cut out red meat? There is nothing wrong with lean red meats. Also, if you want to lose weight you have to figure out how to eat more calories. Your body really doesnt' know how many calories it eats, but rather it recognizes quantity. This is why eating higher calories foods is so important if you can't eat more.
  • candacecollins
    It's actually very simple to increase your calories. Adding nuts, cooking in extra virgin olive oil, having a protein shake (more specifically one like muscle milk which is 300 calories by two scoops) or even my personal favorite eating peanut butter out of the jar. Also, stop eating low calorie or low fat substitutes, they are all loaded with sugar and highly processed. This can cause your body to slow weight loss. Try to eat things in their natural state as much as possible.

    The reason why people fail often at 1200 calories is that your body needs fuel to burn fuel. It's not different than a car where you can't drive a long distance on a half of tank. This is why I always suggest cutting 20% from your TDEE. This way, you will be able to push it harder during workouts, which means you are working harder and burning more calories.

    TOTALLY AGREE!! I suggested this when i see you saturday, add lean meats (even very lean organic red meat is good for you), good fats. maybe have a pretty good granola with your greek yogurt, start eating eggs (whole eggs) not liquid (processed), keep up the water, if you like deli sandwichs add condiments like olive oil hellmans, tomatos, onions,ect... on whole grain wheat bread or wheat tortillas. I agree with someone that said to try to eat things in thier natural state,cut out as much proccessed food as possible, try not to limit yourself too much on what you eat as long as long as you set some rules, like never to go over on your sugar (even keep it under if possible), keep your fats in check and drink up on the water. Your doing very well girl! Keep it up! call me anytime!
  • jeweldreamz
    wow I can EASILY get well over 1200 calories a day just eating normal foods never mind junk foods. Have a steak, hamburger, nuts, buttered popcorn (or anything with butter in it), peanut butter, cheese, creamy salad dressings (particularly 3 Cheese Ranch...just two tablespoons on your salad is 180 calories.) It must be the types of foods you are selecting because any amount of meat or rich foods will send you wayyyy over 1000 calories a day.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,718 Member
    I'm always curious about these kinds of posts. Presumably once you ate way over 1200 calories per day?
    Yep. What's likely is that the approach being taken is eating low cal whole foods. One can still eat whole foods, just eat more calorie dense ones like avocados, nuts, beans, etc.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    I'm not on any particular diet, just trying to eat healthier, I have cut out most processed foods, red meat, and instead of eating lunch meat sandwiches everyday for lunch I have been eating salads and tuna made with relish and mustard instead of mayo. I have incorporated a lot fresh fruits and veggies too. I did start eating protein bars after my work outs, I need to find a good protein shake recipe.

    The day I went over 1200 I felt horrible and sick to my stomach, ended up on a binge at the time of the month. So I always make sure I have fruit or vegetables around to curve my appetite. All I want to do is lose weight, not maintain and changing my lifestyle was a huge step for me. I am still learning how to figure all this weight loss stuff out, just like many out there. We all come to a hurdle in life and I am ready to jump over this one and continue my journey. I will start incorporating nuts in my meals to help offset some calories. Thanks for the advice, it's greatly appreciated.

    Why did you cut out red meat? There is nothing wrong with lean red meats. Also, if you want to lose weight you have to figure out how to eat more calories. Your body really doesnt' know how many calories it eats, but rather it recognizes quantity. This is why eating higher calories foods is so important if you can't eat more.

    ^This. Also, what's wrong with mayo? You need fat in your diet....I like Hellman's Olive Oil Mayo.

    Fruits and veggies are awesome. I usually have an apple and a bunch of veggies every day. But, don't go overboard. Save some room for protein and fat!
  • somefitsomefat
    somefitsomefat Posts: 445 Member
    I'm always curious about these kinds of posts. Presumably once you ate way over 1200 calories per day?

    This. If you have leftover calories have a candy bar. Have 2 tablespoons of peanut butter. Cook with butter or oil. Have 1-2 oz of cheese. Have a handful of nuts. Put a serving of mayo on sandwiches. Have some salad dressing.