should morbidly obese children be taken from parents?



  • rassha01
    rassha01 Posts: 534 Member
    I think there are plenty of other children that need help besides the ones that get fed enough.
  • cwsreddy
    cwsreddy Posts: 998 Member
    only if the parent refuses to make the changes necessary. at that point then it's intentional child abuse.

    you have a responsibility to keep your kid as healthy as possible and if you refuse to do that... welp.
    There's a big difference between child abuse and over-feeding.

    Take a child away from parents who beat him and his parents will no longer beat him.
    Take a child (of ages 12+) away from parents who over-feed him and he will probably start over-feeding himself since by that time he has probably internalized the habits he was taught, not to mention to deal with the trauma of being taken away from home...

    i'm saying that if a parent refuses to make changes - consciously, then how is it not child abuse? but I understand the point you're making about habits, etc.
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    ohh yea sounds like a perfect idea

    take the children from a place they presumably feel comfortable and toss em somewhere unknown

    sounds good yup


    do it up


    people should care about the children who are actually getting abused / sexually abused

    people should care about why families might not have enough food to feed there kids or why cycles of abuse and poverty happen over & over again & focus on how to change society as we know it to support EVERYONE ugggggggggggh

    not taking a fat kid away from his/her/their family ...give the entire family support & education ..then move the **** on if you insist on inserting yourself into there business
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Where the heck you gonna put them?
  • lexbubbles
    lexbubbles Posts: 465 Member
    ETA: what on earth is a 'stone'?

    1 stone = 14lb
  • Arranna1212
    Arranna1212 Posts: 143 Member
    Maybe if we had better nutrition in the schools and required gym every year of school, making the kids actually participate, it would help. But no, kids shouldn't be taken from their parents because of their weight. I was over weight my whole life, loved my parents as much as any kid could and I still do. It would be better for them to grow up in a loving family than being tossed into the "system" and dumped into a family that didn't care. We have free will for a reason... Some people just don't know how to control it :)
  • Arranna1212
    Arranna1212 Posts: 143 Member
    I think there are plenty of other children that need help besides the ones that get fed enough.
    Maybe we should take some of the food the overweight kids are eating.. and give it to the starving children.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I think the issue of poverty is really what needs to be addressed first. Parents living below the poverty line often can't afford to purchase good quality food for their children or themselves. Some people will argue that if you do the proper research you can find healthy, cheap food but the fact of the matter is if you are raising 3 kids and working at least 1 full time job (perhaps more) you just don't have time for that.

    Why'd they have kids if they couldn't afford to feed them?

    Sometimes poverty happens after kids are born.

    No kidding! The holier-than-thou attitude is getting old.

    Definitely not holier-than-thou, just realistic. Closing your eyes to an issue doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It's not a blame game either. We've all done things that cost us. But to ignore people having children, whether single moms or married couples, they cannot afford is like the Ostrich putting his head in a hole. If I can't see the lion, it can't eat me. So, what does cause poverty?

    You didn't address the issue of poverty happening after a child or children are born. Do you not understand that things like that happen and you can't un-make the children?

    There are definitely times when "Stuff Happens". I lost a job a year and a half ago due to not fault of my own, business closed. I agree poverty can happen when you are doing everything right, out of your control, but my issue is when people have children and they are already in a state of poverty. I have an unwed/under-employed niece who is 22 and is pregnant with her second child. He first child is 4 months old. I Love the girl and spoke to her early in life about responsibility. But it now appears she is going to be added to the list of people who didn't think/plan and will need assistance to raise her children. People are their own problem.

    All the "holier-than-thou" have a family member like this. It's what causes the attitude in most cases.
  • eddiesmith1
    eddiesmith1 Posts: 1,550 Member
    Umm okay, I know of several foster carers who are decent people.

    No one said there weren't decent foster parents. But there are enough bad ones that it's a huge risk putting children into the system.

    Some are simply uncaring and others are downright sadistic. If a kid is in a loving home where the only problem is the parents feed the kid too much, do you really think it's a good idea to take that risk?

    I sure don't.

    It isn't just too much though is it, it's way to bloody much. there is no way on earth a 10 year old kid should be 300 pounds. Also not sure where you are from but the fostering system and the quality of care does vary by country. The UK system has a lot more checks and balances than most. There is also no chance these kids are being removed without other avenues having been tried. This is persistent abuse of the kids through overfeeding and refusal to change despite prior interventions and help
    so they are safer in the system from the look of it (to remove them required a judges order and review of the case file and UK judges are not elected officials but ones appointed by committee for their abilities)
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    only if the parent refuses to make the changes necessary. at that point then it's intentional child abuse.

    you have a responsibility to keep your kid as healthy as possible and if you refuse to do that... welp.
    There's a big difference between child abuse and over-feeding.

    Take a child away from parents who beat him and his parents will no longer beat him.
    Take a child (of ages 12+) away from parents who over-feed him and he will probably start over-feeding himself since by that time he has probably internalized the habits he was taught, not to mention to deal with the trauma of being taken away from home...

    i'm saying that if a parent refuses to make changes - consciously, then how is it not child abuse? but I understand the point you're making about habits, etc.

    In spite of the fact that they are obese, and didn't teach me good eating habits, my parents were the best. State intervention does more harm than good in most cases.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member