Help me love deadlifts ! Benefits,please? !

I'm in the basement, I've put them off to the end, can someone give some advice to get me through this please !?? Thanks to anyone who responds. ( I just did 100 lunges, feel like I NEED the DLs right)


  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    why 100 lunges?

    and dead lifts are fantastic- you can pull an obscene amount of weight off the floor- it's fabulous. why would you NOT want to do that!!

    plus they are good for you bootay. and back. and abs. it's like a win win all the way around.
  • Debbiedebbiey
    Debbiedebbiey Posts: 824 Member
    Lunges ? I'm starting a lunge challenge with a friend tomorrow & I wanted to see where I was at.
    So, I switched from deadlifts with a bar to dumbells, just 50lbs, but it felt to much better than the bar with 60. I'm just starting out, vacation is 90 days from tomorrow, hoping it will help.
    Thought you were supp to do DL w/ lunges. Idk.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    Advice: don't do a bunch of other leg work before deadlifts. A little to warm up? Sure. But keep the smaller stuff (such as lunges) for after deadlifts.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    Advice: don't do a bunch of other leg work before deadlifts. A little to warm up? Sure. But keep the smaller stuff (such as lunges) for after deadlifts.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    i love deadlifts.

    for crafty:
  • TheApocalypse
    TheApocalypse Posts: 319 Member
    How I feel during deadlifting after doing 100+ lunges... I+Regret+Everything+Read+Desc.+.+Pretty+much+my+dogs+face_7645c3_3420745.jpg
  • bluetuesday5
    bluetuesday5 Posts: 99 Member
    Benefits? How about it allows you to use more combined muscle mass to lift more weight than pretty much any other exercise in existence?

    On the don't do other exercises before deadlifts... if you are squatting, I would do that before deadlifting so your lower back isn't fatigued. Otherwise deadlift first.
  • _crafty_
    _crafty_ Posts: 1,682 Member
    i love deadlifts.

    for crafty:

    :love: :flowerforyou:
  • Of_Monsters_and_Meat
    Of_Monsters_and_Meat Posts: 1,022 Member
    warm up do Deadlifts first, and only once a week.

    They are awesome because they are onto themselves awesome.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    why 100 lunges?

    and dead lifts are fantastic- you can pull an obscene amount of weight off the floor- it's fabulous. why would you NOT want to do that!!

    plus they are good for you bootay. and back. and abs. it's like a win win all the way around.


    When you can DL your bodyweight + what's not to love...I roar when I am done with mine...
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Advice: don't do a bunch of other leg work before deadlifts. A little to warm up? Sure. But keep the smaller stuff (such as lunges) for after deadlifts.

    yeah- this. I occasionaly do squats then DL's but typically squats are on one day- DL are the other (typically).

    Just 100 seemed high that's all... but yes- even if you want to do 100- do them after. Definitely after.
  • dicoveringwhoIam
    dicoveringwhoIam Posts: 480 Member
  • 212019156
    212019156 Posts: 341 Member
    Deadlifts are an awesome practical exercise. They hit lots of muscle and make every day activities easier. They are great if you do them correctly and terrible if you do them wrong (meaning you can really hurt yourself). One other suggestion don't do them after doing a bunch of other things. You want to be fresh when you do them so that your form is not compromised.
  • terizius
    terizius Posts: 425 Member
    Deadlifts are definitely my first exercise of the day (with adequate warmup, of course). In fact, despite it being so tiring, its become my favorite exercise. I just hit a new PR of 350lbs yesterday.. and I'm still pumped about it!

    Deadlifts work more of your body than probably any other exercise - period. Its a true full-body workout unto itself.
  • bernied262
    bernied262 Posts: 882 Member
    Cant offer any other advice orther than what has been posted, but wanted to say that deadlifting is by far my most fav thing to do. Friday night is normally my DL night (rest day today though cause I am taking part in a 14K obstacle course mud run tomorrow), current max is 107.5kgs (I weigh 58). Nothing feels better than a barbell IMO :)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,871 Member
    I'm in the basement, I've put them off to the end, can someone give some advice to get me through this please !?? Thanks to anyone who responds. ( I just did 100 lunges, feel like I NEED the DLs right)

    1 - If you're wanting to maximize the benefits of the DL you should be doing them at the beginning. It is a pure strength building lift which requires a "clean" CNS to optimize your lift.

    2 - If you do anything before you DL, it shouldn't be a bunch of other rando leg work. DLs are a primary lift, not an accessory or supplemental lift...if you must, do that other **** later, but I advise against it if you are a noob. You don't need to do all that assistance work and that stuff will often interfere with proper recovery

    3 - Dead Lifts are arguably one of the best (if not best) full body exercise you can possibly are working it all, from the calves all the way up through your core and further up the arms and into the rear delts and traps. It is the definitive "fully body" lift.

    4 - Low rep, heavy deads are going to do more to sculpt and "tone" your body than all of the lunges in the world. Much more efficiently too

    5 - Lunges are a great exercise...there is really no reason to do 100 of them though. Even if you're going for muscular endurance, 100 lunges is way overkill.
  • butterfli7o
    butterfli7o Posts: 1,319 Member
    DL's are my favorite! I love how strong I feel.

    Now lunges I hate. :mad:
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    Deadlifts are awesome! Aside from working basically EVERYTHING in a single no-other-equipment-required move, they make it possible to do all kinds of other practical things -- like moving your own furniture, carrying all the groceries in a single trip from the car, picking up a stubborn squirming squalling toddler... and other things you might rather do, like running faster/longer and jumping higher. And wearing boatneck shirts without looking ridiculous, and building a nice layer of muscle to protect your spine. And yes, the first time you pull your body weight makes you feel like a total badass.

    All that said, I would not do deadlifts with the kind of fatigue and tightness I'd probably have after doing 100+ lunges... that's exactly what caused me to pull my lower back and have to spend several weeks sleeping with a pillow under my knees and doing Pilates mat exercises instead of those wonderful deadlifts. I would ditch the 100+ lunges, not the deadlifts.
  • Mpol2
    Mpol2 Posts: 442 Member
    DL's are my favorite! I love how strong I feel.

    Now lunges I hate. :mad:

    I feel exactly the same... I feel like Wonderwoman when I lift. I hate lunges but I love what they do for my parts.