
My name is Romy, I am 400 pounds and i am 21 years old.
I have been struggling with weight all my life. I have never been a normal weight.
I can not take this anymore ! I am crying from the inside all the way out. I cant stop eating.
i just moved to europe, i live in a student house and we share the kitchen. i hate cooking infront of people
and i dont know what to do how to start my weight loss and keep with it! i Always stop when food tempts. can anyone please help

thank you


  • Gina91507
    Gina91507 Posts: 51 Member
    Hi Romy- you just took the first step to getting healthier. I am no expert but I can try my best to help what I've learned and be a friend to listen.

    I would say you should start by tracking everything you eat, whatever it is write it down and see where your starting. It's a good place to start and the easiest change to make!
  • sprintto50
    sprintto50 Posts: 410 Member
    Start with tiny steps. Start logging all the food you eat, regardless of what it is or where you got it. It will help you learn about portion control. Start walking. A block at a time. Add to it until you can walk for an hour or more. Get over yourself. Cook in front of others. If someone is judging you it is their problem. Find yourself some healthy recipes. Online there are millions. Educate yourself about healthy eating habits . Set small goals. Stick to your goals one day at a time. Don't think about dieting for the rest of your life. Change the way you eat for good. You can do this. It's not a race so start at the beginning and go from there.
  • Indiri13
    Indiri13 Posts: 104 Member
    Start with the small changes. Instead of denying yourself the food, can you eat less? Can you cut out/down liquid calories like sodas? You don't have to do everything all at once, which can make it seem completely overwhelming. Start by just tracking what you do eat, and be completely honest with it (you can leave it private if you want). After a week or two you will have a good idea of how many calories you regularly eat and it will give you a baseline to start from. After that, look at how you can cut it back by 1000 calories a day and you'll start losing a couple pounds a week. Maybe it's by swapping in more healthier foods, maybe it's just cutting back on bad foods, depends on what you eat now.

    Unfortunately you will have to get used to cooking around others while you have a shared kitchen but maybe that will turn out to be a good thing. Seeing what they are cooking may give you a few ideas of new foods to try that might be healthier options for you or they might be able to give you suggestions if you want them.
  • mulecanter
    mulecanter Posts: 1,792 Member
    You came to the right place. Use MFP, all aspects of it, particularly the message board and MFP friends.

    Log, log, log. Walk, walk, walk. Repeat.
  • suncluster
    suncluster Posts: 539 Member
    So glad you reached out. That is the hardest part. Previous posters are right on to suggest logging your food. Focus on small steps right now. They will have a big impact soon enough.

    It is going to be hard moving forward. But, if you keep an eye on the prize, you will no longer be a slave to food
  • kavi_jaya
    Can someone please tell me, how to get the MFP track with image on my profile
  • Momto4minions
    Momto4minions Posts: 173 Member
    You are starting in the right place! I tell all of my in real life friends to get a food scale and log everything in a normal week for one full week. You will be shocked. I was.
    Then use a TDEE calculator on line. lots of people recommend the scooby one. This tells you what you need to eat and can suggest a good amount of calories to start on to drop weight.

    Start walking every chance you get. Get off the bus one stop early. Park far away. Walk around the sofa twice before you sit down.

    This is a long , slow and emotional process, but you know what you are doing isnt working for your physical or mental health. Yu came here. Start reading success stories! They really help keep it in perspective how long it takes and that it is possible!
  • Momto4minions
    Momto4minions Posts: 173 Member
    You can add a weight loss tracker under settings and profile. Is that what you are asking?
  • Momto4minions
    Momto4minions Posts: 173 Member
    This is a great post on how to get going and answers a lot of questions.
  • GGDaddy
    GGDaddy Posts: 289 Member
    There are many success stories here, with people who have lost hundreds of pounds. They started at 400, 500 pounds, even more.

    Don't try to take on too much at once, or it will become overwhelming. For now just start logging everything you eat. Then use this website to set an achievable calorie goal. Ask questions in the forums, you'll find people want to help.

    It takes 21 days to form a habit. So to get in the habit of logging, *make* yourself do it every day for 21 days. Then think about what's next.

    We're rooting for you, good luck!
  • GloriousNatural
    You already know the foods that are not healthy for you. Start changing one thing at a time. I recommend that you look at sugar and try to decrease it as much as you can. Do not use artificial sweeteners, they are worse than sugar. Try stevia if yu can find it there. Decrease white, processed foods such as pasta, cookies, white rice, white potatoes, including sugar. Don't give up you already took the first step. You can do it.
  • jim180155
    jim180155 Posts: 769 Member

    I would say you should start by tracking everything you eat, whatever it is write it down and see where your starting. It's a good place to start and the easiest change to make!

    I agree with Gina and the others on this. Start logging what you're eating. Fortunately, MFP makes it fairly simple to do. Do it. Log everything, good or bad, and do it every day.

    Things will start falling into place if you take that first step. You'll know where the calories are coming from. You can then worry about what you want to change. It's a lot easier to swap carrots for potato chips when you can quantitatively see the impact they're having on your daily numbers.

    Baby steps. But start with faithfully logging everything you put in your mouth.
  • astrogrrl
    astrogrrl Posts: 2 Member
    Great advice from all...and please remember to be patient, breathe and love yourself. You have already begun doing the right thing! (high-5!)
  • kavi_jaya
    Thank you, that was exactly what I was looking for.
  • Romyarts2014
    Romyarts2014 Posts: 201 Member
    This is the most amazing website. You guys gave me the best advice I have got in a long time. I moved to the Netherlands 5 months ago and its been so hard on me, i think ive gained around 80 pounds. i have never been under at a normal weight i have Always been morbidly obese. And than I look at all these stories and i get so emotional because I wonder why I cant do it, why i only do it for 4 days, if there is something wrong with me. Making up all these excuses to eat, making up excuses why its not the right time or that im a big "confident" girl. but im not, and its worse being here in europe were everybody is paper thin. I start school in 2 months and i am so nervous. I am so large. I know what I need to eat, foods just such a comfort!!!! but you guys are right.
    Its time for me to stop the whining and the excuses and the bs.. my biggest motivation is kids. I want children very badly, but i have not been able to conceive because of menstuation problems for being big. This is the first step for me and my child.
    thank you all for the advice and support!
  • benlambrou
    benlambrou Posts: 42 Member
    You will be amazed about how much you can still eat at first. But still log and try to stay within your goal range. You will find out the healthier food is less calories so you can actually eat more. You can eat 7 tortita chips or 1lb of carrots for same calories. Just find out what you do like and try new things. A big thing for me was spreading my meals out over the entire day. It helps with over eating since you are never truly hungry. Make small changes at a time. Change one thing and stick to it for 3-4 weeks. Than change one more thing. Than another. Accomplishing these things will build momentum towards your goals.

    Main thing is that you are beginner and as all beginners you will make mistakes. Its fine to do so. Just do your best and make small goals.

    Premake meals. When cooking make enough for 3-4 meals so when you are hungry you will have something already prepared and wont go grabbing for whatever is easy. I used to make all my meals for monday-friday on sunday. And i would eat whatever I wanted on the week ends. Keep fruits around. If hungry between meals just eat one or two and drink a glass of water. Wait 20 mins and see if still hungry.
  • paulawatkins1974
    paulawatkins1974 Posts: 720 Member
    You will be amazed about how much you can still eat at first. But still log and try to stay within your goal range. You will find out the healthier food is less calories so you can actually eat more. You can eat 7 tortita chips or 1lb of carrots for same calories. Just find out what you do like and try new things. A big thing for me was spreading my meals out over the entire day. It helps with over eating since you are never truly hungry. Make small changes at a time. Change one thing and stick to it for 3-4 weeks. Than change one more thing. Than another. Accomplishing these things will build momentum towards your goals.

    Main thing is that you are beginner and as all beginners you will make mistakes. Its fine to do so. Just do your best and make small goals.

    Premake meals. When cooking make enough for 3-4 meals so when you are hungry you will have something already prepared and wont go grabbing for whatever is easy. I used to make all my meals for monday-friday on sunday. And i would eat whatever I wanted on the week ends. Keep fruits around. If hungry between meals just eat one or two and drink a glass of water. Wait 20 mins and see if still hungry.
  • paulawatkins1974
    paulawatkins1974 Posts: 720 Member
    Premake meals. When cooking make enough for 3-4 meals so when you are hungry you will have something already prepared and wont go grabbing for whatever is easy.

    This helps sooo much!!
  • CherylG1983
    CherylG1983 Posts: 294 Member
    I agree with all of the suggestions here, you can definitely do it by eating right and exercising. Just remember that it takes time. Even one pound is an achievement. However, because of your weight, you really should begin your journey by seeking the supervision of a physician. Most campuses have a clinic, you should go and speak with the doctor, explain what you want to do, and they can help you come up with a plan of action that you can stick to without illness or injury.