Upped my calories and NOW I'm starving?

I've been struggling to stay over 1200 calories because I felt it was counterproductive to force myself to eat when I was already full. After learning from some that I really needed to get my calories up, I've forced myself to eat much closer to my goal of 1360. The problem is that now I feel like I'm starving to death. Why is that? Why do I feel more hungry when I eat more food? I'm really hoping this evens out to some happy medium because I don't want to feel hunger pangs like this every day. This just makes no sense to me.


  • Treneaking
    Treneaking Posts: 30 Member
    This is a good sign, I too recently upped my calories because i was eatting too little, and if you are hungry more, that probably means one of two things

    1. your metabolism is working better, meaning its burning through your food, WHICH IS AWESOME
    2. you may not be getting the proper nutrients in your calories, making your body hungry for the nutrients it needs, therefor making you hungry when you are not (this is why america is obese, because the man made diet is alot of calories but no nutrition, making people constantly eat, but still not getting what they need) watch "hungry for change" its on netflix and is a real motivator for proper nutrition.

    Hopefully it is more from #1 than #2, but nonetheless, GOOD TO GO on realizing that your body needs more.

    too many people (such as myself was guilty), starve them selves to weight loss, not realizing they can do more with more, i know it seemed weird to me at first but now i feel great. I started clean eatting and upping my calories and feel so much better.
  • karmasays
    karmasays Posts: 82 Member
    I took a peak at your diary.

    Increase your protein
    Incorporate more "healthy fat" into your diet (i.e. avocado, nuts, nut butter)
    Track your fibre intake instead of your sugar intake and make sure you're getting enough fibre as well. But gradually increase your fibre intake and ensure you drink a lot of water.

    Increasing these macros should help you feel full.

    As an example, I can have a whole grain bagel with peanut butter for breakfast at 8am and be good until noon :)
  • futurejedi
    are you eating vegetables?
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I've been struggling to stay over 1200 calories because I felt it was counterproductive to force myself to eat when I was already full. After learning from some that I really needed to get my calories up, I've forced myself to eat much closer to my goal of 1360. The problem is that now I feel like I'm starving to death. Why is that? Why do I feel more hungry when I eat more food? I'm really hoping this evens out to some happy medium because I don't want to feel hunger pangs like this every day. This just makes no sense to me.

    when you go really low calorie, you mess with your leptin and gherin levels. These are hormones that signal hunger cues...basically when you low cal you suppress hunger cues in that you jack with these hormones. When you increase your calories your hormones, including leptin and gherin regulate and your cues become more normal. Those hormones will level out eventually with your new calorie intake and you won't feel as hungry anymore.

    this happens when you go to maintenance too...
  • susie3g
    susie3g Posts: 267
    are you eating vegetables?

  • McKenzieLeigh
    McKenzieLeigh Posts: 113 Member
    I was eating at 1200 for awhile too, lost 10 pounds of mostly water weight and then stalled.
    I changed to 1560 calories and started losing again, but I agree that especially the first few days, I heard my tummy growl. It hadn't been doing that before!
    Ultimately, my weight loss is moving better, I am eating more and happier about that (who isn't?)
  • Treneaking
    Treneaking Posts: 30 Member
  • susie3g
    susie3g Posts: 267
    I took a peak at your diary.

    Increase your protein
    Incorporate more "healthy fat" into your diet (i.e. avocado, nuts, nut butter)
    Track your fibre intake instead of your sugar intake and make sure you're getting enough fibre as well. But gradually increase your fibre intake and ensure you drink a lot of water.

    Increasing these macros should help you feel full.

    As an example, I can have a whole grain bagel with peanut butter for breakfast at 8am and be good until noon :)

    I just bought some almonds to help get my calorie count up. That will help with the healthy fats. Protein and fiber I will have to work on.
  • Treneaking
    Treneaking Posts: 30 Member
    So many people need to read this, people eatting under 1200 calories have no idea how much more they can do with more!!
  • susie3g
    susie3g Posts: 267
    I've been struggling to stay over 1200 calories because I felt it was counterproductive to force myself to eat when I was already full. After learning from some that I really needed to get my calories up, I've forced myself to eat much closer to my goal of 1360. The problem is that now I feel like I'm starving to death. Why is that? Why do I feel more hungry when I eat more food? I'm really hoping this evens out to some happy medium because I don't want to feel hunger pangs like this every day. This just makes no sense to me.

    when you go really low calorie, you mess with your leptin and gherin levels. These are hormones that signal hunger cues...basically when you low cal you suppress hunger cues in that you jack with these hormones. When you increase your calories your hormones, including leptin and gherin regulate and your cues become more normal. Those hormones will level out eventually with your new calorie intake and you won't feel as hungry anymore.

    this happens when you go to maintenance too...

    Thanks for the explanation. Any idea how long I can expect to be ravenous?
  • susie3g
    susie3g Posts: 267
    I was eating at 1200 for awhile too, lost 10 pounds of mostly water weight and then stalled.
    I changed to 1560 calories and started losing again, but I agree that especially the first few days, I heard my tummy growl. It hadn't been doing that before!
    Ultimately, my weight loss is moving better, I am eating more and happier about that (who isn't?)

    I didn't stall under 1200 and MFP sets my goal not much higher (1360) so I really won't be able to eat much more anyway. :( I have a 160 calorie window (1200-1360). Gonna be difficult to stay in that range as hungry as I am. Your hunger improved after a couple days?
  • susie3g
    susie3g Posts: 267
    So many people need to read this, people eatting under 1200 calories have no idea how much more they can do with more!!

    I only get 160 extra calories and feel like I need an extra 600. Lol
  • sshintaku
    sshintaku Posts: 228 Member
    Definitely protein helps me. I eat about 1300 calories that consists mostly of fruits, veggies and proteins. I try to have something with protein at every meal or snack. I used to have an insane appetite but since switching to this style has really really helped.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    The more I eat the hungrier (over all) I am. It's a thing, at least for me.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I thought it was just me...I can go the entire day with no food nor feeling hungry but once I start eating, I feel hungry all the time...
  • cwsreddy
    cwsreddy Posts: 998 Member
    I've been struggling to stay over 1200 calories because I felt it was counterproductive to force myself to eat when I was already full. After learning from some that I really needed to get my calories up, I've forced myself to eat much closer to my goal of 1360. The problem is that now I feel like I'm starving to death. Why is that? Why do I feel more hungry when I eat more food? I'm really hoping this evens out to some happy medium because I don't want to feel hunger pangs like this every day. This just makes no sense to me.

    GOOD! This is GOOD. It's your metabolism doing what it's DESIGNED to do! Hit a calculator, find your TDEE, and then gradually work your way up so you're eating at ~500 calorie deficit from your TDEE and you'll be golden.
  • susie3g
    susie3g Posts: 267
    I've been struggling to stay over 1200 calories because I felt it was counterproductive to force myself to eat when I was already full. After learning from some that I really needed to get my calories up, I've forced myself to eat much closer to my goal of 1360. The problem is that now I feel like I'm starving to death. Why is that? Why do I feel more hungry when I eat more food? I'm really hoping this evens out to some happy medium because I don't want to feel hunger pangs like this every day. This just makes no sense to me.

    GOOD! This is GOOD. It's your metabolism doing what it's DESIGNED to do! Hit a calculator, find your TDEE, and then gradually work your way up so you're eating at ~500 calorie deficit from your TDEE and you'll be golden.

    My TDEE is 1779. 1779 - 500 = 1279. MFP has my goal set at 1360. So basically I was better off doing what I was doing before. ? I am so freaking confused.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    Every time I've upped my calories, I have about a week when I'm absolutely starving and then my appetite calms down. I would stick with the 1360 for two weeks or so to give your body time to adjust. More protein could help with satiety, and you can always add bulk to your meals with veggies.
  • susie3g
    susie3g Posts: 267
    I've been struggling to stay over 1200 calories because I felt it was counterproductive to force myself to eat when I was already full. After learning from some that I really needed to get my calories up, I've forced myself to eat much closer to my goal of 1360. The problem is that now I feel like I'm starving to death. Why is that? Why do I feel more hungry when I eat more food? I'm really hoping this evens out to some happy medium because I don't want to feel hunger pangs like this every day. This just makes no sense to me.

    GOOD! This is GOOD. It's your metabolism doing what it's DESIGNED to do! Hit a calculator, find your TDEE, and then gradually work your way up so you're eating at ~500 calorie deficit from your TDEE and you'll be golden.

    My TDEE is 1779. 1779 - 500 = 1279. MFP has my goal set at 1360. So basically I was better off doing what I was doing before. ? I am so freaking confused.
    How did you calculate your TDEE?

    I have you at 39 years old, 5'2", and 187 pounds (based on info you've given in your posts) and TDEE at sedentary shows at 1885. Light exercise kicks that up to 2160. If I've missed something, let me know, I just want to make sure that you didn't miscalculate somewhere and take a deduction from your BMR or something.

    I went to this site ( http://iifym.com/tdee-calculator/ ) , put in 39 years old, female, 5'2", and 188 pounds, no exercise/couch potato and it says my BMR is 1483 and TDEE is 1779.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    I upped my calories to 1350 but actually eat 1500-:huh: