Xmas 20lb Challenge P2!!!



  • I've been waiting until that last minute to check in just in case the scale shows something, but as it stands today, I have

    0 lbs. lost this week, 9 lbs. total lost for the challenge

    Xmas skinny ideas: ummmm, eating a cube of cheese before showing up somewhere where there's a lot of food and people celebrating, so as to not arrive famished and eating the most convenient food in sight.

    I like the holding the wine glass idea mentioned. Usually I enjoy the taste of wine so much that it just goes down like water with a nice meal, and I don't stop to think it has alcohol and calories until it all hits me. lol All those calories add up though, so I'll try sipping slowly to make it last.
  • Hi all, I'm down by 3lbs:bigsmile: that makes 13lbs for the Xmas Challenge!! Keep the good work up :happy:
  • taz12
    taz12 Posts: 32
    Hey there guys. Have decided not to go near the scales this week cause I had 3 christmas parties this week and I know it will not be positive news. will log in again next friday and get back on track in the meantime!!! Good luck everyone. xxx

    I totally understand! With Christmas parties on the go now,it is so hard to avoid those temptations! I hosted a Christmas get together last night. I just couldn't bring myself to log the food. It was all appetizers with loads of carbs and cheese. I personally though, will step on the scale. I feel it is important for me to see the results and hold myself accountable. If I don't step on the scale then, what's stopping me from continuing to eat all the crap. It helps me a little bit to keep on track. Stay strong. We can do this.

    You are a star! After I read your posts I decided you were completely right. I stopped logging my calories and everything last week. Got on the scales and thank god there was no change. Have been exercising loads so that must have worked. Am back on track this week and hoping for a good result on Friday. I probably would have just given up if it wasn't for the support. Thanks so much. Its really appreciated. Hope everyone else is going well. xxxxxx
  • Ze List!

    twinsfan1976 3.4;bs
    MrsRios 2lbs
    miko412 10.6lbs (so far)
    jippygirl 1lb
    ley1 2lbs
    Heidi716 2lbs
    ickybella 2lbs
    twilightteamedwar 2lbs
    ferff3 3lbs
    janetay01 1.8lbs
    rayfromtx 2lbs
    lornawalker 3lbs

    Congrats to everyone!

    Anyone got any tips for restarting my weight loss? I seem to have plateued! really hoping for a loss of 2.5 -3.5 lbs this week! :)
  • jippygirl
    jippygirl Posts: 14 Member
    Oops. Late reporting in. Down 1.6 pounds last week for an 8.8 Christmas challenge total.
    The holiday parties are upon us. 20 may not be realistic, but as long as I'm headed in the right direction, I'll take it!
    Thanks for all the tips on making the holiday parties more "fit-friendly". They are excellent suggestions.
    My biggest problem is finding enough time for excercise with all the additional holiday obligations for myself, husband and kids! Any ideas? (Adding hours to the day does not work, I've tried it. LOL)
  • chocolateandvodka
    chocolateandvodka Posts: 1,850 Member
    SW for the challenge - 179
    CW - 166.2
    GW 159
  • Heidi716
    Heidi716 Posts: 135
    I'm early or late reporting, I get confused because my official weigh in day at the clinic is Wednesdays, so anyhoo, I lost a single pound this week. I'm thankful it's at least going in the right direction! It's tough getting through party season and stay completely on program!
  • ley1
    ley1 Posts: 115
    1lb down this week
  • ickybella
    ickybella Posts: 1,438 Member
    I'm down 2 pounds this week, but I'm still a pound behind for the challenge. :(
  • ley1
    ley1 Posts: 115
    yeah theres no way i'm gonna be able to loose 7lbs in 2 weeks lol! but i'll still be ha:happy: ppy with whatever i loose by xmas
  • merguson
    merguson Posts: 281 Member
    DOWN 1 more pound this week!!

    Heid716: You are sooooo right! It's gettting so tough now that all the parties and get togethers have begun!!!
  • Down 4lbs this week!! Running total for this challenge =15lbs so far!
  • Heidi716
    Heidi716 Posts: 135
    It is tough getting through the holiday season with out indulging at least a little bit! Knowing this my nutritionist gave me some extra tips to get through, she realized just saying "Is it worth it?" wasn't going to keep everyone away from the pot lucks and booze this holiday season, so she came up with these tips! I'm happy to pass on to y'all, feel free to use or not... Happy Holidays!

    Add Lime juice to anything/everything you can. When you drink water, when you're cooking, even doing a shot of lime juice a couple times a day. Limes as opposed Lemons because Lemons have a slightly higher sugar content. The limes help with burning fat and help flush out whatever indulgence you are getting into. She also recommends adding Cayenne Pepper to your cooking if you can, as much as you can handle.

    If you are out drinking the best option is Clear Liquors with clear mixers (ie. Vodka & Soda) and don't forget that lime, infact a Vodka Gimlet (vodka and lime juice) is a great low cal option just make sure it's fresh lime and not a syrup! Beer drinkers go for the light beer and if wine is your poison, choose red over white!

    For food cravings and appetite suppressing try cinnamon in whatever foods are appropriate and use listerine strips! Remember cravings only last 15 minutes so try to distract yourself for 15 minutes and hopefully the craving will go away!

    Also, on a party day, don't starve yourself in an attempt to "save" your calories for the party. Eat normally throughout the day and then you won't pig out at the pot luck because you are so hungry and then trying to make better choices will be easier, because seriously when you are starving do you really think some carrot and celery sticks are gonna cut it? No way, you're gonna go straight for the carbs! Good luck everyone!
  • merguson
    merguson Posts: 281 Member
    Awesome tips!! I wonder what the cayenne pepper does for you??? I didn't know that limes were so good for you either. Going to go get me some of those for sure!!! Thanks!!!!
  • Lisa_reds
    Lisa_reds Posts: 19 Member
    I have SO been out the loop with this challenge. I am only down 9 pounds, but I am so THRILLED because my goal was one pound a week and it has been 8 weeks so far. I wanted to be 133 by my birthday (Christmas day) and last weigh in was 137 (But yesterday I was unofficially 136! so that is 10 pounds! I just hope my weigh in on Sunday will be 136 or better!

    Ok so here are the stats:

    SW: 146
    CW: 137
    GW: 133 by Christmas, 125 by March :)
  • Heidi716
    Heidi716 Posts: 135
    Awesome tips!! I wonder what the cayenne pepper does for you??? I didn't know that limes were so good for you either. Going to go get me some of those for sure!!! Thanks!!!!

    So I looked up all these tips I just passed on and turns out according to eHow.com the thought that lime juice is a fat burner is not a proven theory, but there are still other benefits to adding lime juice to your daily diet. However I did find an answer to your question about the cayenne pepper and it sounds like its benefits are remarkable, here's the website for more info! Happy cooking! :drinker:

  • It is getting harder to stick to it with all the yummy food out there. I try to eat small portions but can't! oh well I still have 6 lbs. to go I'll give it to New Years see if I can make it happen!! Good luck everyone
  • 0 pounds this week 12 total so far.
  • 0 lbs. lost for the week, but 9 lbs. gone for the challenge

    I didn't lose last week even though my calories were reduced, so this week I got discouraged and ate enough to maintain. I'll see about cutting down again tomorrow. Hmmmmm ........maybe I can start even tonight, even by a couple hundred calories to get things moving.
  • Well I have not checked in with this board in a while but I wont be losing anymore weight I reached my goal weight of 160 so now i just have to maintain it, if i gain weight then I will be back in my diet. Thanks for the support and inspiration everyone! Good luck to everyone in the future goodbye.
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