Needing encouragment



  • Sarahndipity30
    Sarahndipity30 Posts: 312 Member
    Stevia in the Raw is excellent. It helped me do away with sodas and sweet teas.

    One thing you just need to remind yourself everyday when you look in the mirror:

    YOU do DESERVE this.
    YOU are CAPABLE.
    YOU are in CONTROL.
    YOU CAN and WILL.

    Every day is another chance. Don't give up. Don't go backwards. ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS MOVE FORWARD. Do not let your past define you. Do not let your failed attempts tie you down. Every person that succeeds in life has failed many many many times. It won't happen overnight. But you already know this. you already know you have to work for it. And you CAN work your *kitten* off because you KNOW it is all mental. Push. Hang on to whatever is pushing you to do it to fit into more clothes, to hike tha tbig get married..or have babies one day..or just to be able to walk up a flight of stairs! Whatever your goals are STICK to those. Keep them in sight. Faith my friend!
  • simsburyjet
    simsburyjet Posts: 999 Member
    Feeling fit is the greatest feeling you can have..
    Start walking as much as possible..
    Start eating lots of fruits and vegetables.
    Start your day out with a smoothie.
    Join a gym and go everyday.
    Hang around people that think being fit is a good thing.
    Do not overthink it just do it.
  • kncybul
    I think most have had that feeling at some point that "nothing is happening, why?" I think you need to stop being down on yourself.

    And I also think if you have a bad day, don't get down. Just go right back at it the next day. I'm sure we're all going to say what everyone else has said many times, and you've probably heard it more than once, but I still say, "Don't give up!"
  • RamonaFr
    RamonaFr Posts: 112
    Lots of good encouragement here. I enjoyed all the recommendations you folks posted.

    Think about this, too: you don't want to be 64 years old and saying to yourself, as I am, "this is the LAST time!" I've had weight problems my whole life, would have been nice to get a handle on it when I was your age!

    Also, one of the things that helped me become really confident and have a successful career was education. Please get an education, learn some skills that will keep you employed and get yourself an interesting career. You'll find the weight problems don't hold you back, if you don't let them hold you back.

    I liked the suggestion one person made of having more than one goal. Lose weight AND get that education! If you can't afford college, go to a career school and learn what you need there.
  • bubbybaloo
    You watch all these TV shows like the Biggest Loser and my favorite - Extreme Weight Loss and what is it these people are doing? Yes, they are losing weight, but they are also working through some deep seeded emotional issue that caused them to gain weight in the first place. It might be sub-conscious but it's still there and they need help of someone to bring it out and work through it. Why not try therapy? I bet if you can figure out whatever that is, the weight loss should come easy.

    But it all comes down to integrity. You are breaking promises to yourself. And you're the only one who is suffering. If you were breaking promises like this to a friend, I'm not sure the friend would hang around very long. Put up motivational signs around your house. Motivation is something that needs renewed daily, if not several times a day. But I promise: once you start seeing results - and that will take a several weeks to a couple of months to see it physically - you will be addicted.
  • retiree2006
    retiree2006 Posts: 951 Member
    We get so caught up sometimes in wanting immediate results and so we become frustrated when we find it doesn't always happen that way. With March starting tomorrow, maybe consider giving it your best shot for the month and don't even step on the scale until the 31st. Realize some days may seem like a failure if you slip up, but don't let that derail you. If you show a loss...any loss...hopefully that will help you realize you're on the right track.

    Good luck!
  • chrasss151
    Stick with it! It gets easier once you start seeing results :)
  • Beth2bthin
    I know how you feel. Been there and always trying to keep things out of my diet. I found that having a pitcher of water with lemon and lime slices in it, helps curve my appetite. Remember sweet tea has both caffeine and sugar in it. It was hard, but I started drinking un sweet tea with equal. Unsweet tea, water, decafe coffee and decafe tea are the only things that I drink. A soft drink, even diet and regular tea are all too sweet for me now. And I see the results, and I even feel better. Just keep reading up on healthy eating etc, and you will see those lbs. fall off..Beth
  • losing270
    I weigh around the same as you.. 267 and I am 41. You being younger than me has its advantages cause the younger you are the easier to come off faster. The older you are your metabolism is slower. I loved soda so much, but gave it up and just drink water. Now if I go out I will drink it just one glass. It is a treat. Just take baby steps. Use soda as a treat or sweet tea as a treat. If you don't like artificial sweeteners mix your tea half and half. Half real sugar and half sweetener. Do this until you are totally on sweetener. Again only drink it as a treat and do water the rest of the time.
  • bachampion04
    bachampion04 Posts: 137 Member
    Hello my name is James and I would be honored to help keep you motivated and provide any information you need to reach your goal.

    Friend request sent :-)
  • oceanbreeze27
    oceanbreeze27 Posts: 66 Member
    First of all, you deserve a hearty CONGRATULATIONS for realizing that you cannot and do not want to continue living this way. So CONGRATULATIONS! Losing weight becomes harder the older you get so starting out at 19 is great. I also tended to get discouraged when I didn't see results right away but eventually I came to terms with the adage "you didn't gain it overnight, you won't lose it overnight." Weight loss really is a one day at a time effort. Actually, I've found it's a one meal at a time effort.

    MFP has a lot to offer you in the way of support and help -- community, diary tools, apps, etc. -- but it can't do everything for you. It was hard for me to accept but when I finally told myself that no one could fix this for me, that it was up to me to get this done, my whole perspective changed. Since my weight loss journey started in 2008, I've lost and kept off over 50 pounds. It's not always easy but it is always worth it.

    Cutting out soda is a fantastic start! I love cola drinks and it's hard for me to always choose water but I do it. Everything worth doing takes sacrifice. Remember that this is your health and happiness we're talking about! YOU ARE WORTH IT!

    Do the best you can every day. Don't beat yourself up when you slip. Go to others for support, advice, accountability, and encouragement. We've all been there (or are there) and we're ready to walk this road with you -- and help you celebrate when you've reached your destination. :o)
  • sarafischbach9
    sarafischbach9 Posts: 466 Member
    Good luck! If you keep it up and don't look back, you will do great and be successful. It will be hard and some days are going to better than others. If you mess up for a day ( we all do ) you start again and get on the bandwagon. There is always a new day. But don't get into the mode of thinking "Well its Friday and I ate too much, so I will eat too much over the weekend because Monday is a new week." Every day is a new day. Every second is a new second. Every meal is a new meal. So I think the best advice I can give you is: Keep it up. Keep going. Stay motivated. Do not eat too little. Keep active.

    I will add you if that is alright!
  • sltaylor94
    All of you are amazing. Thank you.
  • xJillyFromPhillyx
    Hi :) Everyone feel free to add me! I'm SUPER interactive so if you're looking for someone to constantly comment and talk, I'm your girl!