Wondering about people who eat the same foods



  • here_I_go_again
    here_I_go_again Posts: 463 Member
  • Gidzmo
    Gidzmo Posts: 904 Member
    I have my favorite snacks... But I have not been able to buy in bulk. I head to the 7-11 around the corner. While it does have a limited selection of healthy stuff, it does get me out of the office for a bit.
  • ranmini90
    ranmini90 Posts: 10
    i've done it.i once ate nothing but whole grain bread with what ever i wanted.example
    bf -1 wgb toast with scrambled eggs
    lunch- 2 wgb slices with what ever i want
    dinner- 2 wgb slices with again what ever i liked.(peanut butter/nuttella etc.
    i did it not to lose weight but cuz i was busy n guess what.i lost weight lol.
    hoped i helped you :) xo
    ps.my blood sugar level was ok too.
  • JisatsuHoshi
    JisatsuHoshi Posts: 421 Member
    I always look foward to eating home-made taco salads without the tortilla chips everyday :)
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Years ago, I lost 60 pounds in four months eating the same thing every day. Peanut butter toast w/ OJ for breakfast and bedtime snack and a Lean Cuisine w/ bread & margarine for dinner. I would die of boredom now...and/or starvation.
  • Joehenny
    Joehenny Posts: 1,222 Member
    I do. Combos:

    Meal 1: eggs and whites and turkey. Oats, grits, toast, poptarts, whey
    Meal 2: Chicken breast, tortillas, cheese, bread, burgers, tilapia, sandwhich
    Meal 3: More chicken, ground turkey any other lean cut of meat and veggies
    Meal 4: ice cream or cakes

    I eat these foods everyday, chicken almost exclusively every single day
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    It's bascally the SAFE bet you know what is "good" for you to stay under those cals and so you stick to it! :blushing:
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    I do. Combos:

    Meal 1: eggs and whites and turkey. Oats, grits,

    I eat these foods everyday, chicken almost exclusively every single day

    AHH that's what I like a man who has his oats in the mornings! :wink:
  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    I can be a bit repetitive with what I eat. There are certainly some staples in my diet that I opt for over and over again.

    Breakfast regulars:
    At the moment I'm going through a phase of Pop Tarts which I'm hoping I will get bored of soon and opt for something perhaps more nutritious! : )

    Tuna Salad... all year round I can happily eat this. I think it's because it's so filling and satisfying.
    In the winter I will quite often mix it up and have homemade vegetable soup (for days on end)

    Chicken Kebab (grilled of course) with loads of salad.

    If I eat out there are staples too but I think these are more things that I know are 'fairly safe' in terms of calories on the menu and I can have a good go at guestimating them:

    Mushroom Omelettes (if out for breakfast or 'brunch')
    Soups again
    Legarra Pizza from Pizza Express - they have a goat's cheese and chutney one which is heaven...
  • raychulj
    raychulj Posts: 458 Member
    I gotta have my omlete every morning. I never get tired of it. Most of my meals are the same. It saves money.
  • WalkingMermaid_
    WalkingMermaid_ Posts: 205 Member
    I literally eat the same foods everyday, and I like it that way. I am celiac, vegetarian and I don't consume milk dairy either, so my choices can be somewhat limited. But I get to eat foods I love everyday, feel healthy AND lose weight, so it's a win win! I have staples that I work around and can sometimes mix things up a little if I feel like a change.

    It makes shopping easier too :happy:
  • Bella_Figura
    Bella_Figura Posts: 4,172 Member
    My foods vary very little from day to day too. My main reason for doing so is that it's much easier for me to avoid temptation if I've already planned what I'm having to eat, and if I know exactly how it fits into my macros. I have my 'go to' foods that I prepare and log in advance, and the only meal I tend to vary a little is dinner, since that's the meal that I share with my hubby. Breakfast and lunch are solo meals for me, so I don't feel the need or inclination to mix things up - the most I'll change is the protein source (even then I tend to cycle through canned tuna, humous or cannellini beans, with chicken, chorizo or cheese as infrequent exotic additions).

    Life is simpler, easier, cheaper, less stressful and less tempting this way!
  • JCES10
    JCES10 Posts: 37 Member
    Honestly I don't like to eat the same food everyday but I've noticed that I've always eat the same food at least every few days, so eventually you learn the caloric value of all your repeated food.
  • Ta11asan
    Ta11asan Posts: 26 Member
    i eat pretty much the same thing for breakfast, lunch and snacks every day ....dinner is always different.

    works well for me.

  • Sizethree4Ever
    Sizethree4Ever Posts: 120 Member
    It's actually been proven that eating the same foods everyday can be helpful to weight loss because it takes away the temptation to over eat when offered lots of choices. That said you have to make those repetitive foods good nutritional choices in order to get the nutrients you need.

    This has always been true for me. Too much variety causes me to overeat. I love food and I don't want to miss out on anything.

    For hundreds of years, before travel was common, people ate the same basic foods all their lives and were healthy.

    This !!
  • aneexer
    aneexer Posts: 29
    I cook a large casserole dish of dinners like tuna pasta bake with heaps of veg that keeps me going for almost a week then I have a lentil dish with spinach, chicken and mushrooms in so that also does me a week.
    So yes I basically eat the same thing for a few days before change.
    Lunch is always a cup of soup which I enjoy different flavours each time. I dont get bored with what I eat and I am finding I am losing weight :)
  • robvasi
    robvasi Posts: 3
    I am a bodybuilder wanna be; working in that direction. I eat the same foods every day; easier to shop if nothing else. I am new to Fitness Pal. Is there way all the foods for one day can be selected for the next day without going through the process of building the meals?
  • SapiensPisces
    SapiensPisces Posts: 992 Member
    I have a collection of foods that I rotate within my diet. It does help having things onhand that you know fit your goals.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I am a bodybuilder wanna be; working in that direction. I eat the same foods every day; easier to shop if nothing else. I am new to Fitness Pal. Is there way all the foods for one day can be selected for the next day without going through the process of building the meals?

    I think you have to do each meal separately but you can click on tools and then "copy" and then you'll choose a date to copy it to.

    I do think there's benefit to getting a variety of foods though. Especially when it comes to veggies.
  • robvasi
    robvasi Posts: 3
    Thank you for your reply. My veggies consist of Spinach, Broccoli, and Kale. I am not sure if that is enough variety or not.

    I find the app and the web page rather frustrating to use; but I am new to it, so no doubt it takes some spool-up time. I just scanned several bar codes and they don't show up, so it seems I have more to learn.