first round of insanity but still have floppy belly

I don't think I lose weight or toned... I am 5.3feet and 110 pound. My goal is not weight loss but wanna lose my belly fat. I have been doing insanity for almost 2 month.. My belly is still floppy...I exercise insanity every morning. From Second month I added abs exercise 3times a week at evening time.
I don't have HRM but I push myself hard until can't breathe..

My diet is pretty healthy I guess ..

Morning: smoothie( skim milk, Greek yogurt 2%, mixed berries, banana) and 1 egg
Snack:1 apple, 15 almonds or 1 sweet potato and skim latte(8oz)
Lunch: quinoa salad with cucumber and tomatoes or chicken breast with field greens
Snack: sweet potatoes or almond. Twice a week milk chocolate (1bar:400cal)
Dinner: stake with field greens or chicken breast or brown rice with some side dish

Do you think something wrong with my diet? I know I should not eat chocolate but I am craving it so badly so I cut down to twice a week.. I normally eat almost everyday. Is it too soon to expect my belly is to be tight?

I eat 1500-1800 calorie but my net calorie I maintain 1200-1300
I don't know what kind of exercise I have to do lose belly fat...


  • AvonBell
    AvonBell Posts: 107 Member
    You must cut calories to lose fat. It is, by definition, weight loss. You can't target your belly but, eventually, your body will consume your belly fat. The good news is that for you, judging by your photo, you may not have to wait long.

    If you continue to strength train, you may lose fat but not weight. This sounds like what you are going for.
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    start lifting heavy weights. stop with the cardio.
  • katelim2014
    katelim2014 Posts: 7 Member
    I tried to cut down my calorie but I was starving all the time plus fatigue if I don't eat this much...:(

    I am planning to do it p90x after insanity.. Do you think it will help!!??
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    You must cut calories to lose fat. It is, by definition, weight loss. You can't target your belly but, eventually, your body will consume your belly fat. The good news is that for you, judging by your photo, you may not have to wait long.

    If you continue to strength train, you may lose fat but not weight. This sounds like what you are going for.

    Ummm, she's 110lbs at 5'3. She doesn't need to lose anymore weight.

    OP, I'd recommend working on body composition. You can do this by doing a bulk and cut or just doing a recomp (eating at maintenance). Either method would require including strength/resistance training into your workout routine and probably cutting down on the cardio. (And no, Insanity is more cardio based then strength training). Also, don't rely on a HRM for anything other then steady rate cardio (jogging/running and swimming). Don't use it for strength training, HIIT, Yoga, etc.

    For the most bang for your buck, you'd be looking at heavy lifting with barbells (or dumbbells if you don't have access to barbells).

    I highly suggest reading Starting Strength, Stronglifts, AllPros and NROL. Pick one of the routines and stick with it for a few months.

    Other forms of strength/resistance training you could also look into are TRX Supsension and Sandbags.

    If you don't have access to equipment, look into bodyweight routines from Convict Conditioning, NerdFitness, or/and You Are Your Own Gym.

    Links to some of the above programs and some additional info:

    (For Stronglifts, please be sure to get the Free PDF on this and read through it, not just the summary)


  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    First of all, I think you look beautiful and healthy. There's nothing "floppy" about your belly.

    My advice is to lift heavy weights, eat enough protein (1 gram per pound of lean body mass), and eat at maintenance. I don't think weight loss should be your goal, but you can recomp, which means your weight will stay the same but gradually your body fat % will decrease.
  • stronghealthywoman
    stronghealthywoman Posts: 44 Member
    I been debating on whether to buy T25 or P90X3 and so I came across this video on Youtube which describes the difference between both programs. I know you are doing Insanity, maybe after watching this video you may consider switching over to P90X3. I definitely liked the fact that the person in the video explains what each series is best for. Check it out!

    With regards to the food I don't really see major damage to your eating routine. Maybe you can try eating the brown rice during lunch versus at dinner? It could help.

    Also have you tried incorporating juicing? It really helps with cutting down on calories and also having to eat less food.
    I'm not about starving yourself to lose weight, but with juicing your receiving the nutrients, so your body when it receives nutrients like juicing does, you tend not too eat as much. Sticking to a raw(juicing)/vegan lifestyle has help me lose 32lb and I still have to lose 29lbs.

    I hope this helps.
  • vjohn04
    vjohn04 Posts: 2,276 Member
    First of all, I think you look beautiful and healthy. There's nothing "floppy" about your belly.

    My advice is to lift heavy weights, eat enough protein (1 gram per pound of lean body mass), and eat at maintenance. I don't think weight loss should be your goal, but you can recomp, which means your weight will stay the same but gradually your body fat % will decrease.

    Yes, this. You can eat far more and maintain your weight. Slowly increase your calories to your TDEE (maintenance). While my diary isn't always in good Macro proportion, you can take a look at mine and see that I eat quite a bit, so it can be done without weight gain .
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    Insanity is primarily cardio, if you don't need to lose weight (you don't, according to your current weight) Insanity isn't likely to give you results that you want. Make sure you're getting enough protein and start a resistance routine.
    I did P90X and am doing P90X3 now, which is structured in a way that you have three days of resistance/strength and three days of cardio. This is a much better balance for me personally.

    Also, your profile picture looks great, your belly definitely doesn't look "floppy" to me!
  • Sunbrooke
    Sunbrooke Posts: 632 Member
    I don't think your belly looks floppy at all. I think it is feminine and pretty. You are very slender. Maybe you would like the shape of your belly more if you built up your obliques and hip muscles. Pilates and belly dancing are supposed to be good for that. It could also be posture. If you slouch, it can affect how your belly looks and how the muscles develop as well.
  • katelim2014
    katelim2014 Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you very much for all the tips guys!
    My belly looks ok on picture but when I am walking or moving.. It shakes..!
    I am skinny but I really wanna be strong, tight and fit! Thank you all! I am going to try heavy lift from tmrw and less cardio. I will let you know how it goes!! You guys are awesome and very helpful!!