Anybody sick of the winter, the cold and the snow?



  • Me!!! I am from MA and we have been in a very long cold snap boo. I'm sick of freezing my booty off walking my pup at night! I took her for a walk this afternoon and she protested, I think her paws got cold. I hate snow and there is still so much left AND they are saying we are probably getting 6+ inches Monday oh joy. The plows always manage to mound up behind my car no matter where I park. I miss spring terribly! I want 65 degrees so I can take my pup Tessie for walks without needing a coat, hat, gloves, scarf etc. Once the weather is nicer time will go faster and my wedding will be around the corner :)
  • hyphenbobbit
    hyphenbobbit Posts: 81 Member
    Lots of area's badly affected. I'm in the South West which has been trollied (still no rail links). Lost the trampoline, shed roof and garden gate but lucky enough not to have flooded. Chickens looking rather sad though!!!:laugh:
  • hyphenbobbit
    hyphenbobbit Posts: 81 Member
    Ok, so tried to reply to a post and add it as a quote but obviously did something wrong!!! Anyone tell me how to insert the post so this reply doesn't look like double dutch!

    Lots of area's badly affected. I'm in the South West which has been trollied (still no rail links). Lost the trampoline, shed roof and garden gate but lucky enough not to have flooded. Chickens looking rather sad though!!!:laugh:
  • dbanks80
    dbanks80 Posts: 3,685 Member
    Im sick of this Chicago weather! I miss all of my outdoor activities. I will move to the southeast where I can enjoy them year-round. Anyone hiring??

    I am from Chi town as well. Ready for the snowstorm this weekend? I hear 12 inches! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: No Wait :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: I am delirious!!1
  • Going back to the 80's here in Florida....but we did have a cold night last night....low 35 with frost...but the sun is shining and it is going to a warming trend will just get warmer and warmer and then it's summer and it is awful...the humidity is terrible...UGH!!!! and our pollen is crazy right now and we won't see the end of that until the middle of April...GRRR!!!! I'll trade someone's snow for all my pollen...HA!!
  • No snow here in Florida.....just tons and tons of your snow for all our pollen...HA!! Noticed your weight loss, WOW, congratulations on that...wish it was me, just joined MFP today...have a long hard road to lose what I want.... :-)
  • toadg53
    toadg53 Posts: 302 Member
    Heh, tavenne323, I wondered when I'd see another northern MN gal on this site ... I'm an hour north of Duluth. this is miserable. I would so like to take my dog for a walk, but don't dare. if it's not snow, then it's the packed snow that's like ice, or it's 30 below, actual temp. we must have done something wrong and really pissed off the weather gods or something. right now there's about 3 1/2 feet of snow on the level, and it's the same where my daughter lives in Duluth too. March is our big snow month. This is getting downright scary. ugh, afraid it's never going to end :(
  • Raemac25
    Raemac25 Posts: 6 Member
    Well...I won't complain about IN weather! What about the skywalk? I think there is one in Duluth and Minneapolis...
  • Raemac25
    Raemac25 Posts: 6 Member
    NO worries, it will end eventually
  • amyrrich96
    amyrrich96 Posts: 15 Member
    Ohhh how I love living in Minnesnowta
  • blazergrad
    blazergrad Posts: 603 Member
  • amyrrich96
    amyrrich96 Posts: 15 Member
    Well that successfully made my night.
  • traerjudy
    traerjudy Posts: 36 Member
    I'm in Iowa and we have had a long, cold, snowy winter also. I cannot WAIT for spring. I'm planning on showing spring my love by being outside every day possible. Next year my husband will be retired almost one year. Maybe we won't spend the :drinker: :laugh: winter in Iowa.
  • LeahFerri
    LeahFerri Posts: 186 Member
    The wind is the worst. I was outside for about two minutes last night helping a friend with a car issue, and within those two minutes my hands started to hurt from the cold like no other. I think I would have gotten frostbite if I'd been out there much longer! Never mind that my hands are super dry. They get better for about eight hours if I put Vaseline/lubricant on them, and then they die again.
  • fitfreakymom
    fitfreakymom Posts: 1,400 Member
    from Canada hate winter
  • Sunshine2plus2
    Sunshine2plus2 Posts: 1,492 Member
    Yep beyond sick of it!
  • SandyTrevor
    SandyTrevor Posts: 6 Member
    Not yet!

    But the snow and ice hasn't stopped me from running outside, although i've only started running again in the past two weeks!

    Soon enough everyone will be complaining they are too hot

    YOU know it!!!
  • brendanstallard
    brendanstallard Posts: 59 Member
    "YOU know it!"


    Not this ole dude. My blood dun got thin.

    I'm a 20 year implant to GA from Yoorp. I like it outside and walking, sweaty at 85F. I'm used to it now.

    It gets below 50 now and I stay inside, swim/treadmill or gym and I love to be out in the glorious light of GA. Usetabe, I'd put long pants on at 40F or so...

    I WON'T be moaning about the heat...I might shiver a bit at the thunderstorms, but that's just fear:)

  • Yes. I am so done with this weather. I just want to run!!!!
  • rondaj05
    rondaj05 Posts: 497 Member
    We don't have snow but this is the coldest winter ever in the south. Totally over it. I want my flip flops!!! :sad: