Protein, Protein, Protein......

I don't know enough about it?

Why do we need it?
What does it do to you?
Why is this site obsessed by it?

I want to lose weight, so I am eating less fat and sugar and doing plenty of cardio exercise.

Should I be trying to take on more Protein? If so, how will I do this without taking on loads of calories?

Your thoughts?


  • Protein is what keep your muscle alive. Without your muscles you won't be able to do your exercices and loose weight... Don't loose your muscle density, loose the fat ! Keep your muscle.

    look at that :
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Should I be trying to take on more Protein? If so, how will I do this without taking on loads of calories?

    Your thoughts?

    Protein has the same calories per gram as carbs, and less than half that of fat so the "loads of calories" is unfounded.

    Up to about 1/3 of your calories as protein may benefit weight loss.
  • Supertact
    Supertact Posts: 466 Member
    Protein is what keep your muscle alive. Without your muscles you won't be able to do your exercices and loose weight... Don't loose your muscle density, loose the fat ! Keep your muscle.

    look at that :

  • cajuntank
    cajuntank Posts: 924 Member
    I don't know enough about it?

    Why do we need it?
    What does it do to you?
    Why is this site obsessed by it?

    I want to lose weight, so I am eating less fat and sugar and doing plenty of cardio exercise.

    Should I be trying to take on more Protein? If so, how will I do this without taking on loads of calories?

    Your thoughts?

    In a nutshell: (Google for more scientific data)

    1. Because it is the macronutrient our muscles use to maintain themselves (i.e... repair, build, exist)
    2. Keeps muscle from wasting away (see number 1)
    3. Because this is a fitness site revolving either around losing weight and/or getting fit (maybe that includes building muscle, running, etc...). Vast scientific studies show that both of those goals are benefited greatly by increased protein consumption. For losing, protein has both an appetite satiating effect and stimulates the body to not use muscle as energy as the body will use either muscle or fat as energy once carbs are depleted in a caloric deficit. This, along with strength training (another muscle sparing stimulus), and not restricting calories by a severe amount, will help keep muscle loss to a minimum so that fat loss is at its greatest level. For building muscle, that same strength stimulus must be in place and there has to be building material coming into the body in the form of protein (again, see number 1) and extra carbs to make that happen. Notice I said excess carbs to build muscle, as again if you burn all available carbs, your body turns to burning fat and muscle. And yes, muscle loss is minimum, but muscle building is slow, so you basically, for the most part, be spinning your wheel...but some prefer to do it this's known as Recomping. and put in your stats, this will give you a estimate on daily calories you should eat a day based on your stats and a suggested macronutrient (protein, fat, carbs) breakdown in grams a day. Run that for 2-3 weeks, and adjust calories up or down accordingly to your weight-loss goals. But try not to lose more than .5%-1% of your bodyweight a week (unless you are severely overweight); otherwise, your probably losing more muscle mass than you'd like.
  • Giddy72
    Giddy72 Posts: 33 Member
    thanks for the replies
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Proteins are the main building blocks for many more things than just muscle. The hormones that regulate our bodies are made from proteins (amino acids). It is also a faster energy source for the body than fat which is why you may lose muscle instead of fat when on too strict a calorie deficit.
  • xythian
    xythian Posts: 4
    In addition to the other benefits people have mentioned, protein also has a higher Thermic Effect of Food (the energy required to digest food) than carbs. Your body has to work harder and longer to digest protein which helps you stay full longer. This tremendously helps dietary adherence while cutting overall calories.
  • p_s1984
    p_s1984 Posts: 30 Member
    I've been having the same thought. I try to eat protein in chicken, turkey, egg white, broccoli..etc, but I never seem to get enough! Its a little frustrating since I have been researching protein and it is vital in keeping you full and building muscle while you're losing fat. I am considering investing in protein powder, but not sure if I should since I am at an 11 pound loss with much more to go.....
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    EVERY cell in your body is made up of A LOT of protein. For instance, DNA is protein. Now, lucky for us, our body can manufacture some of the protein it needs from other things. But there's 10 "essential" (the number varies by opinion) proteins you have to consume in your diet. And even some other proteins that are semi-essential, in that your body can only make them from other proteins. The essential proteins are found in a number of food products, but a lot of people will refer to things like meat, eggs, and soy (again, experts vary on this) as "complete proteins" because they contain all of the "essential" proteins your body needs for cell repair, nutrient transport, and so many other functions.

    No protein, no cells. No cells, (metaphysics aside) no you!