
Anyone here doing Keto? How are you doing on it? Any struggles?

I've been doing it for awhile and love it, down 20 lbs. It has been the easiest plan I have every followed and I feel a million times better than before.


  • elliottwave
    elliottwave Posts: 6 Member
    Agreed. I've been keto for 2 months and I feel amazing. It is the first "diet" that I feel like I really could live with forever and make into a lifestyle. My cravings are gone, I'm sleeping better, I have better focus and I am down 12 lbs (20 to go). It's hard to explain without sounding dramatic, but for the first time in my life, I feel like I have a really healthy and normal relationship with food: food is now fuel and not an addiction. I /love/ what I eat and I still love to eat, but now I am utterly happy to stop when I'm satisfied - I have NO desire to overeat! It's incredibly freeing! The only struggles I seem to have is forgetting to drink enough water and keeping up with sodium and magnesium (I get muscle cramps when I do forget) Other than that, it's awesome. :glasses:
  • swaggityswagbag
    swaggityswagbag Posts: 78 Member
    I'm keto, have been on and off for a year :) (When I was off I still did low-carb). Definitely feel better, lost weight, stomach problems cleared up, feeling better, even my skin cleared up! (Well...I'm having a break out but that's probably due to insane stress levels at the moment).

    edit: and I have had similar experiences as poster above. I've had such a bad relationship with food my entire life, keto lets me eat healthy without constantly concerning myself with "is this bad? are people judging what i'm eating? i shouldn't eat this". It makes it easy because I'm not STARVING all the time anymore (I used to restrict or binge, no in-between). In fact, most days I'm so full I struggle to get within 500 calories of my goal (1400 approximately). Usually if I eat 900 calories, it's because I'm restricting - now it's because I'm just FULL! (I will try to make it up with a peanut butter/protein powder mixture that tastes pretty good and is about 400 calories of protein and fat :D).

    I can't stop recommending keto to people. YES there are no bad foods, and YES carbs are not evil, but NOT eating carbs and eating fat and protein instead will solve all the problems that people keep talking about - always hungry, low energy, thinking about food all the time. Also, I wish people would stop treating ketosis like a disease that should be avoided; being in ketosis is GREAT, and there is SO MUCH misinformation out there about it.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    High I'm eating primal, but do dip in and out of Keri every now and then when I am eating in IF.

    Feeling very energetic on it .
  • Rainboots80
    Rainboots80 Posts: 218 Member
    I am doing it currently and have lost 20 my first month
  • lemonychild
    lemonychild Posts: 654 Member
    which book are you using to create the keto plan?
  • elliottwave
    elliottwave Posts: 6 Member
    The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living by Stephen Phinney and Jeff Volek is my go too. I also love Peter Attia's blog "The Eating Academy." Both great resources.
  • zentha1384
    zentha1384 Posts: 323 Member
    There is a Keto group on here. You should join :)
  • This is my second week.

    When do the bread cravings go away?! lol My SO got a huge batch of blueberry muffins and its like walking past a venomous snake every time i go in the kitchen. I know I can pass on the muffins, but the CRAVINGS! God help me.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    This is my second week.

    When do the bread cravings go away?! lol My SO got a huge batch of blueberry muffins and its like walking past a venomous snake every time i go in the kitchen. I know I can pass on the muffins, but the CRAVINGS! God help me.

    You should look up recipes for low-carb breads or muffins. There are TONS on the internet! Personally, I never got cravings for bread. Never been a fan of bread to be honest.
  • huneydrop
    huneydrop Posts: 84
    You still get cravings on keto but I relate them to NORMAL cravings as in "gee that muffin would be nice to have" and not CRAZY cravings like, "I need to eat that muffin or I will die!!".

    As mentioned above, my relationship with food is a million times healthier than it was which I think it a big part of it for people.

    PS: I created this thread on my first day, before I realized there are groups (which I've joined). Would've deleted it if I could but I can't so......
  • Kcfit842
    Kcfit842 Posts: 2
    Just started Keto, on my second day. It is pretty good so far, felt a bit sick this morning and weird yesterday.