Not Losing Weight

I hate to do this, as I don't want to be that person who freaks out about the scale, but I am getting frustrated. I have bee logging for about a month I think, eating within my alloted calories for the most part, making sure to log everything. Problem is, the scale does not seem to be moving.

I don't have access to a regular scale, so I weigh myself sporadically. It usually happens once a week. I feel thinner, I feel better, but I am baffled when I step on the scale.

Please take a look at my food diary, maybe somebody will see something I don't. One thing is, I am 6'6 245 lbs. Could it be that MFP sets my calories too low? I don't feel like I am starving usually, so I don't know. Any help would be great!


  • Chiquita_Banana
    the scale you use, is it the same one? if i weigh myself at home and at work they are off... and i used to do a research study for obesity, and i had to calibrate the scale weekly so its best to use the same scale all the time to get more accurate results.
  • kendradl
    kendradl Posts: 595 Member
    Are you noticing a difference in how your clothes are fitting? You are probably losing fat and gaining muscle hence the number on the scale is not moving. Just a thought and hopefully it helps you out.
  • pursuinghappiness
    "I feel thinner, I feel better, but I am baffled when I step on the scale. "

    That is what is most important!!! Don't let the scale frustrate you! You could be gaining muscle? You food looks good. What about exercises? What kind of weight lifting are you doing?
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    are you exercising? diet needs to be matched with exercise to see great loss. Diet won't show on the scale as well by itself. Also, maybe on days you do exercise, try not eating them all back. Your sodium was extremely high a few days (will cause you to retain). I also saw you over 3 days in a row which would counteract days when you're under. Try not to go over your allotted calories.
  • Pwauhop
    Pwauhop Posts: 4 Member
    if you've been working out a lot while dieting then you may be losing fat but gaining muscle and that's why the scale isn't going down any...don't get discouraged...just feeling better shows that you're on the right track....
  • umfan85
    umfan85 Posts: 113 Member
    Yeah, it is the same scale. I am really trying to not let it affect me, but I do admit that it's a tad bit frustrating. I know I am doing the right thing though, I have been eating far less than I use to and much healthier! I am also exercising more regularly than ever.

    I am really ust wondering if I am doing something wrong. I just received a HRM so we'll see if maybe I have been over estimating my calories burned working out. We'll see.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
  • ganesha303
    ganesha303 Posts: 257 Member
    If you are doing any strength training, that would be normal. I am doing weight training, and on the scale I have barely moved, but it is pretty clear in the mirror there is a huge difference. I also picked up an Omron body fat analyzer for $25 at and it has confirmed I am losing fat and gaining lean body mass despite the scale barely moving.
  • Chiquita_Banana
    then i would go by how your clothes fit, are they fitting better?
  • whetzel3141
    I can relate totally. For me, my body cycles very regularly with how I lose weight. I will lose 2-3 lbs and then nothing for 2 weeks, then I will lose 2-3 more. I found myself getting very frustrated. I recently changed my workout routines completely and started to eat back 1/2 of my exercise calories, then the scale will budge. It is very frustrating for me when I see that other people lose 30-40 lbs in 3 months and I am struggling. But I have to remember that there are so many other non-scale victories and that is what you have to focus on. Get through each day and trust me, this site keeps me honest with my diet and exercise and it does work. Hang in there!
  • morganadk2_deleted
    morganadk2_deleted Posts: 1,696 Member
    I looked at your diary, my only thought often your Sodium is high, and i don't see any water, it makes a big difference.

    good luck!
  • territbo
    territbo Posts: 18 Member
    Scale alone is is not the best indicator of getting fit. You may want to take your measurements once a week. As you know muscle is heavier and leaner then Fat. Just a suggestion.

    Good luck and just don't give up....
  • EKarma
    EKarma Posts: 594 Member
    How's the water intake? Watch your sodium too.. Also, try eating a lot more fiber. If you have a hard time eating raw veg or fruit, than buy some Original Konsyl. It's a fiber supplement and I mix it with Crystal Lite and chug it down.

    But the most important thing is that you are feeling thinner and better overall. That's worth it to keep going. Cheers.
  • mcthomason
    I too looked at your diary and the advice that has been given is great. One place I might try to make some changes is in your Carbs. They seem to be high, and on some days they even are over. Maybe try uping your Protein and lowering your carbs. Water is also another area that can never hurt.

    For me personally, my body doesn't handle carbs and sugar very well, so I try to take in less than 100 carbs daily. This is working for me, but I am only starting in my 2nd month. I am sure I will be making changes in order to keep my motabolism guessing, in the weeks ahead.

    Just keep tweaking with it and you will find what works for your body.
  • ashley0616
    ashley0616 Posts: 579 Member
    I agree with Morganadk2. There is a lot of sodium and a lot of sugar in your diet. Sugars come in all kinds of varieteis: soda, breads, processed foods, etc. I think taking away even a serving of carbs a day, staying away from fast food and alcohol, and adding nuts or another good fat into your day will help you see a difference. I always try to remember what my nutritionist told me: You want to get the most bang for your calories. It's always better to eat something like almonds or avocados that are higher fat but also better for you (and the cause!) than say an egg and bacon breakfast.

    Also, if you are working out regularly and you haven't before, and you are noticing a differnece in how you look and feel, you are probably just changing what makes up the number rather than losing any actual weight. This is great! You are probably building muscle and replacing some of the fat that was there before. I bet with some modifications to your diet and with what you're doing in the gym, you'll start to see the number go down soon. Good luck!
  • eamartin
    eamartin Posts: 216 Member
    My advice is, make sure you are using the same scale and weighing at the same time everyday. Usually right away in the morning. Also from looking at your dairy you need more water intake. Those 8 glasses really make a difference. Im not sure how much weight you are trying to lose but you might want to look at your setting again to make sure everything is accurate. and lastly, if you are feeling more fit, then chances are, you ARE :) And.. I would really suggest getting a measuring tape. After only 2 weeks on here I had lost 4lbs but to my surprise lost 2" off my waist and 2" off my hips and almost 1" off my neck. I now use that as a measurment instead of the scale :) Im sure you are doing great!
  • mctobey
    make sure you weigh your self the same day each week and around the same time body weight fluctuates each day and time. If you are gaining muscle then the sale may go up a few notches then it will start coming down keep up the good work.
  • umfan85
    umfan85 Posts: 113 Member
    Wow, the response from MFP forums is just unbelievable. I am very thankful to find this place. Thanks for all of the suggestions, my sodium intake is always over, or at least close! I am setting my goal this week to be under every single day of the week. It's going to be hard, but I will make it happen.

    Thanks All!
  • tigertchr23
    tigertchr23 Posts: 418 Member
    Just briefly looking through your diary I saw a lot of breads, rice, and some alcohol. These are killers for my diet. Try to cut some of those out and replace them with fresh fruits and vegetables for your carbs/sugars. Also, eat more protein and good fats so you don't feel hungry without those bulk foods.

    Here is an example menu for you . . .

    - 3 eggs (hard boiled or scrambled)
    - Tomato slices (or you could stir fry some veggies into your scrambled eggs)
    - Cheese stick (made from skim or 2% milk)

    - 1 oz. Raw Almonds (Fresh and Easy has snack packs already measured out)

    - Light Chunk Tuna (You can make with Mayo --I like the one made with olive oil -- and pickles)
    - 5 celery sticks (You can fill the celery with the tuna mixture)
    - Apple
    - 1 serving of peanut butter (you could dip the apples in it or any leftover celery)

    - FAGE Greek Yogurt or Lowfat Cottage Cheese
    - Fresh berries (strawberries/blueberries/rasberries, etc.) to mix in the yogurt

    - Make a HUGE salad of mixed greens (romaine/spinach/iceburg/arugula/raddichio)
    - Add sliced carrots/bell peppers/broccoli/tomatoes/squash/celery/beets, etc.
    - Add a lean meat on top (steak/chicken/turkey/eggs)
    - Add a fat (dressing or avocado) *If you use avocado for your fat you could use salsa as a dressing*

    - Make a fruit salad of chopped fresh fruits (banana, pineapple, orange, grapes, apple, etc.) or slice up an apple and put it in a tupperware dish; sprinkle cinnamon on top and a little Stevia or Splenda; Cover it; Put it in the microwave for 1 min. It tastes like the inside of an apple pie.

    I hope this gives you some good ideas. Keep drinking your water and keep your chin up. We are all rooting for you. :happy: