Is it possible for me to lose with no exercise?

I'm 41, 5'2" and 132. Doesn't sound too bad but I look (and feel) awful. Due to injuries, bed rest, etc.... any muscle I had turned to squishy. Every year I try to lose and every year around this time I give up. Last year I recorded and tried hard for 2 months and gave up. I lose 2 pounds and then the scale doesn't budge. I currently can't exercise (am going to physical therapy 2x/week in hopes that someday I will).

I'm eating around 1200 calories/day. I've tried different websites and they all say to eat 1200. I eat that most days with a couple days of going slightly over. I eat pretty well. I will admit to eating too much sugar some days (but I record everything) and trying to up my protein.

Any advice from someone in my situation? Do you think I need to lower my calories because of no exercise? Is it because I have only 15 pounds to lose that its making it harder? Am I not giving it enough time?

Ideally I would LOVE to eat 500 more calories than I am now, lift HEAVY, and be muscular (not skinny). Right now I'm aiming to reduce the squishiness to a smaller size in order to someday build it back up in muscle. Any advice appreciated.


  • goodkeri
    goodkeri Posts: 1
    Your body and metabolism have adjusted to only receiving 1200 calories per day, so it will be quite hard to lose if you're not able to exercise. I don't think it would be healthy to go under that, I feel like it's the bare minimum. I was able to lose by eating healthy only but I had (and still have) a lot of weight to lose. I would try looking up how many calories your body naturally burns per day without exercise (basal metabolic rate, I believe) and eat calories closer to that number to rev up your metabolism a little. Just don't go over that number or you'll start gaining. Also remember that not all calories are burned the same. Our body burns calories from healthy nuts differently than it would a doughnut.
  • phys72
    phys72 Posts: 66 Member
    Thanks! I averaged out my calories since some days I'm under and other days I'm over and it looks like my average is closer to 1280 so almost 1300.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    Can you walk? or ride a bike? Even doing something like that regularly will greatly improve a lot of things and make it easier to lose. Just clapping your hands to music burns calories. Just standing and doing dishes burns calories.

    If you can do simply daily activities like those, I suggest getting a FitBit (I have the One) and seeing how many steps you can build up in your day. You might be surprised how many calories you CAN burn if you move just a little.

    There's just very few of us who'd recommend you eating less than 1200 calories per day. It's tough to get all your nutrition and vitamins in less calories than that.
  • dzorra123
    dzorra123 Posts: 7 Member
    It is definitely possible! However, it is much harder and will just go slower. Also, you will have to lower your caloric intake. However, don't try and eat below 1200 calories, I promise you will regret it. I have tried to do that in the past but all it does is make you really hungry and eventually I just would binge eat because I tried to deprive my body too much.

    I have been injured in the past and can't walk, but if you can even just stand, or maybe do anaerobic exercises like crunches, or muscle strengthening that could help a little?

    Good luck

    Also anyone looking for new friends feel free to add me!
  • phys72
    phys72 Posts: 66 Member
    Believe me, I don't want to go under 1200. I like food. :laugh:

    I was going to the gym and doing what I could (arms) and now I have 'Golfer's elbow'. So frustrating. The elliptical is the only one I can sometimes do if my hips are cooperating which lately they haven't. I'm not giving up..... I want to be ripped some day. :smile:

    I should have mentioned in the original post that I think in addition to losing muscle, and gaining fat, I also messed up my metabolism. 5 years ago when I was pregnant I had severe hypermesis and survived on diluted juice. I lost 15 pounds in the first 2 weeks and weighed less pregnant than I do now. Basically I starved my body so I'm wondering if that messed me up too.

    I will look into getting a fitbit. Thank you.
  • lorocks61
    lorocks61 Posts: 15
    For myself, I have limited refined carbs, increased protien, and use raw veges for snacks, I may walk occasionally, but have not had the time to work out on a daily basis, I have my food set around 1500, but usually eat under 1300. The key for me has really been to quit sugar, whte flour. Each person has a different meabolism, and way of using nutrients. You have to play with it to refine what works for you.
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    I'm 47 with a chronic back injury that has limited my ability to do higher intensity cardio and ruled out most heavier lifting, but I have lost (at 1200) and maintained ( at 1400-1500) my goal weight by eating less and keeping active with low impact cardio and just staying active with walking, bike riding etc.
    It is definitely possible.
  • JayBigelow
    JayBigelow Posts: 28 Member
    There must be a weigh for example like those people who literally weigh a tonne. They lose weight from simply dieting. There must be a way.
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,568 Member
    perhaps it would help to consult someone about a proper routine? get some help to develop a plan that isn't too strenuous for you but will still give you a workout to some degree

  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,620 Member
    Yes you can. But you'll only be a smaller version of how you currently may look physically.
    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • toaster6
    toaster6 Posts: 703 Member
    Yes, weight loss is possible without excerse. Obviously, try to do whatever physical activity you can as that is best for overall health and physical maintence. But weightloss depends mostly on diet rather than physical activity.
  • phys72
    phys72 Posts: 66 Member
    perhaps it would help to consult someone about a proper routine? get some help to develop a plan that isn't too strenuous for you but will still give you a workout to some degree


    Thanks. I'm going to consult with my physical therapist on Monday. Maybe she can think of some things that wouldn't impact my injuries.
  • glowgirl14
    glowgirl14 Posts: 200 Member
    I should have mentioned in the original post that I think in addition to losing muscle, and gaining fat, I also messed up my metabolism. 5 years ago when I was pregnant I had severe hypermesis and survived on diluted juice. I lost 15 pounds in the first 2 weeks and weighed less pregnant than I do now. Basically I starved my body so I'm wondering if that messed me up too.

    I will look into getting a fitbit. Thank you.

    It's possible...Do you feel run down all the time? No energy? I did that about 3 years ago doing stupid things on purpose to lose weight. 300 cals/day for 2 months. Didn't work. Really screwed me up. I started out on MFP last July at 5'4, and around 140. I am currently at about 120. When I was running, I lost about a pound a week. When I stopped running, the weight still comes off, but very, very slowly. You don't have a ton to lose, so it is going to be slow. And - FYI - I get being a healthy weight but still looking and feeling fat. It's the lack of tone. : ) Currently I still look a lot fatter than someone my height and build who is muscular and outweighs me by 20lbs. So you can lose, but you're probably not going to be happy with your body until you can get some toning in. :-/

    That said - the thing that really helped me get past my metabolism issues was fresh juice. Not for weight loss or a "cleanse" but for the sheer volume of nutrients in it. When I start to feel run down and exhausted, I'll add some juice to my day for about a week, and that makes me feel better.

    If I were in your shoes, I'd look into that fitbit. And get a decent estimate of what you're burning on a daily basis...eating you 1300 calories a day should let you lose weight. Metabolism gets screwed up sometimes, but with proper nutrition and a little bit of exercise, it can get better. Try to find some strength/resistance exercises that you can mention "some days" you can do some things, and some days you can't. If you can't do the elliptical one day, see if you can do the weights...or anything else. If you can't consistently do a routine, maybe you can try for consistently doing something.

    Good luck! :)
  • 7Allie
    7Allie Posts: 7 Member
    I have had impaired mobility at times, but it seems like I am finally getting some mojo back.
    What worked for me was finding an indoor pool. I would hobble to the edge and ease myself in. I got some weird looks, but I didn't care. You don't have to necessarily swim, but consider walking in the water. It is easier on the joints and the resistance of the water can increase the intensity if you want.
    Hope this helps!
  • phys72
    phys72 Posts: 66 Member
    thank you glowgirl. Congrats on your weight loss! Great advice.
  • phys72
    phys72 Posts: 66 Member
    thanks 7allie. My gym does have a pool. I'm a terrible swimmer so I don't actually use it but perhaps I can ask my therapist to give me some exercises to do in the pool.
  • scubasuenc
    scubasuenc Posts: 626 Member
    thanks 7allie. My gym does have a pool. I'm a terrible swimmer so I don't actually use it but perhaps I can ask my therapist to give me some exercises to do in the pool.

    If you aren't much of a swimmer you can walk in the pool. It has more resistance but less stress than walking on land. When I was recovering from a broken leg, that is what I did as part of my PT. Also, there are lots of good toning exercises that can be done in the water, they also tend to be less stressful on the joints. They may feel easy, but I am just as sore after a day of my water exercises as I am after a day with stretchy bands and dumb bells.
  • naturesfempower
    naturesfempower Posts: 107 Member
    If they gym has a pool, does it have water aerobics? The rec center here has water aerobics several times a day through the week at different ability levels. I enjoy it and my best friend 4 hours away does it at her gym 4 days a week. It gives you a good workout without damaging already weak or damaged body parts.
  • ClaudiaTheNice
    When I put your numbers into the calculator I use I got a BMR of 1327.9,
  • phys72
    phys72 Posts: 66 Member
    When I put your numbers into the calculator I use I got a BMR of 1327.9,

    Thank you!
    So according to that site with little to no exercise my daily caloric needs are 1593. It says in order to lose weight to subtract 500 but also says not to go under 1200. So basically I need to stay at 1200??? Am I understanding this right?