21 day fix Pals wanted!



  • happyhealthydiana
    happyhealthydiana Posts: 19 Member
    Did really bad today :(

    Had a pear for breakfast and a handful of almonds, little pasta salad with chicken for lunch and thought I was on the right track. I saw sweettarts (my weakness) in a dish in the office, and figured, eh I work out tonight, I'll have a few. Before I knew it, the whole bowl was gone and now I just feel sick.

    Going to have to make sure to down the water and eat really good for dinner. What do you guys do when you get a craving like I did today? I blame most of it on the curse (monthly) lol

    That's something I battle with too! I know if I have that one little spoon of nutella, within a few hours, that bottle is going to be empty!! I have to remind myself that I will feel sick if I over do it... although, when you're enjoying that first mouthful, it's hard to remember :(

    Ps - my monthly curse is coming too!! LOL!
  • happyhealthydiana
    happyhealthydiana Posts: 19 Member
    Sent friend request to all of you (:
    Are you guys logging your meals on here still? I was going to put I'm not too sure on what to enter for portion sizes because I'm not sure how much each container holds!
    I fell into the third calorie range, which is WAY more food than I've been eating, but I'm going to follow it and see what happens.

    Here's my Day 1 meal plan: 5 G, 3 P, 5 R, 4 Y, 1 B, 1 O, 5 tsp

    B: Smoothie with chocolate shakeology (1R), almond milk (1 Y), strawberries (1 P), and spinach (1 G)
    S: Cottage cheese (1R) and 2 tangerines (1 P)
    L: Salad with power greens (1 G), tomato, broccoli, peppers, and onion (1 G), Creamy Herb dressing (1 O), and chicken (1 R)
    S: Watermelon (1 P) and pistachios (1 B)
    D: Grilled chicken (1 R), brown and wild rice (1 Y), grilled peppers and onions (1 G), 2 corn tortillas (1 Y) and coconut oil (1 tsp)
    S: Veggie burger (1 R), brown and wild rice (1 Y), tomatoes (1 G)

    Soooo much food! Used everything except my tsps!

    Hi! Yup! I've been logging in my foods on here still. Feel free to take a peek into my food diary!

    Generally speaking, I think the measurements are:

    Green and purple are around 1cup
    Red is 3/4 cup
    Yellow is 1/2 cup
    Blue is 1/3 cup
    Orange is 2 tbsp

    As for what I do to input it into MPF, I actually use a food scale for everything I am using with the food containers - at least for the first time. So by now, I know I can stuff about 100g of chicken in the red container. ;) Hope this helps!
  • AliEmoXxOo
    AliEmoXxOo Posts: 18 Member
    Sent friend request to all of you (:
    Are you guys logging your meals on here still? I was going to put I'm not too sure on what to enter for portion sizes because I'm not sure how much each container holds!
    I fell into the third calorie range, which is WAY more food than I've been eating, but I'm going to follow it and see what happens.

    Here's my Day 1 meal plan: 5 G, 3 P, 5 R, 4 Y, 1 B, 1 O, 5 tsp

    B: Smoothie with chocolate shakeology (1R), almond milk (1 Y), strawberries (1 P), and spinach (1 G)
    S: Cottage cheese (1R) and 2 tangerines (1 P)
    L: Salad with power greens (1 G), tomato, broccoli, peppers, and onion (1 G), Creamy Herb dressing (1 O), and chicken (1 R)
    S: Watermelon (1 P) and pistachios (1 B)
    D: Grilled chicken (1 R), brown and wild rice (1 Y), grilled peppers and onions (1 G), 2 corn tortillas (1 Y) and coconut oil (1 tsp)
    S: Veggie burger (1 R), brown and wild rice (1 Y), tomatoes (1 G)

    Soooo much food! Used everything except my tsps!

    Hi! Yup! I've been logging in my foods on here still. Feel free to take a peek into my food diary!

    Generally speaking, I think the measurements are:

    Green and purple are around 1cup
    Red is 3/4 cup
    Yellow is 1/2 cup
    Blue is 1/3 cup
    Orange is 2 tbsp

    As for what I do to input it into MPF, I actually use a food scale for everything I am using with the food containers - at least for the first time. So by now, I know I can stuff about 100g of chicken in the red container. ;) Hope this helps!

    Yes, awesome, thank you!
  • kyunda
    kyunda Posts: 340 Member
    I started today and would love to add you all. How has your progress been so far?
  • beardedwarriortx
    beardedwarriortx Posts: 238 Member
    Women have been trying to fix me for 37 years... No luck so far!
  • jess_fowler
    jess_fowler Posts: 16 Member
    I started today. I feel like I am eating constantly but never feel full. We'll see how the workout goes tonight.
  • Tiff1124
    Tiff1124 Posts: 261 Member
    Thank you guys! It does feel better knowing I'm not alone :-) Ive always had the most trouble with the nutrition aspect of diets. I get so confused about no carbs for breakfast or for dinner, no cheese, no milk, etc etc that i get so frustrated and give up ! This is really helping me but i know i have a long way to go!
  • FirmFitFab
    FirmFitFab Posts: 1 Member
    Im waiting to get mine!! New here on the boards. Would love to have the support and of course be supportive if anyone wants to add me.
  • mychellelynne
    mychellelynne Posts: 122 Member
    I am on day 3. I am on the highest calorie range. So far I feel great. The workouts are the hardest thing for me right now but I have doing as much as I can and also supplementing with Walk Away the Pounds DVDs.

    Feel free to add me if you want!
  • redhead5838
    redhead5838 Posts: 8 Member
    I am starting in Monday. Feel free to add me. Looking for support
  • Tiff1124
    Tiff1124 Posts: 261 Member
    Sorry for the delay! Super busy this weekend and yesterday. Meal plan for Tuesday, March 4

    Breakfast- Yoplait greek yogurt, blueberry with granola

    Snack- 20 almonds and a banana

    Lunch- veggie burger on sandwich thin, with red onion, romaine lettuce and lite mayo. Baby carrots

    Snack- apple with cottage cheese

    Dinner- tilapia with brussel sprouts and green beans.

    How did you ladies do today?
  • KCfam6
    KCfam6 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, I started the exercise program but haven't started using the containers just yet. I wanted to give myself a week of logging my food on MFP to make sure I stick with it. The whole container thing seems overwhelming. For those of you working, did you just plan your day ahead of time and "pack" your food or set it aside for the day? How do you all do it who are cooking for families?
  • helsingj
    helsingj Posts: 4
    Yes, I am...I like sweets so it is hard but eating much better. I do workout though as I teach some too.
  • helsingj
    helsingj Posts: 4
    Yes...you plan ahead...Today I had some pre-made scrambled eggs and cooked kale/onions and turkey bacon..it was good.
    (heated in mirco). I also brought some pre-made oatmeal/fruit. Cook your meat on the weekend if you can.
  • heaterrr
    heaterrr Posts: 75 Member
    Still waiting on mine. No update on shipping :(
  • cahndoit
    cahndoit Posts: 14 Member
    I just ordered it. Need to get my eating under control, and looking forward to an exercise "program". Not sure yet about doing the Shakeology though.

    I would like to see what others are eating on this program too.
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    I'm nearing the end of the 21 days, but i'll keep eating 'mostly' this way.

    I'm really enjoying it

    I need to branch out in my foods though

    with lots of illness that hit at home, I had a hard time planning well... like today, its off to th e grocery at lunch that has the good salad bar, and pick up a few other things for the weekend. But it works. :)
  • Tiff1124
    Tiff1124 Posts: 261 Member
    I found myself getting really frustrated today. I understand that the containers are designed for portion size, but I don't really plan or like to take them with me everywhere I go. I really wish they would give the approximate size (1 cup, 1/2 cup, etc) so if I am out of town or somewhere other than home, I can use different size tupperware.

    Is it just me or does this bother anyone else? Or am I just blind and not seeing it lol
  • slimfitnessmoms
    slimfitnessmoms Posts: 206 Member
    I am starting SUNDAY! If anyone wants to add me :)
  • cnl91_W
    cnl91_W Posts: 89 Member
    I'm ordering mine tomorrow and hopefully will get it within a week! Feel free to add me and we can all help each other! :)

    It's on backorder -- if you haven't ordered it yet, it likely won't come until early next month.