

  • edraper70
    edraper70 Posts: 211 Member
    Amanda, adorable little one, I just love those little hands!

    Still raining. Went to zumba and now am staying home for the day.

    Eileen near San Diego
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    I am so glad to see February out of here! It was not one of my better months. I did not meet my goals I set so I will be a little more light on the goals for March. I'd like to reach 190 and keep going! That would be a goal I could celebrate. February did end on a good note. Our newest grandbaby girl was born yesterday weighing in at 7 lbs and 11 oz. Mom and baby are doing fine. We will be traveling to see them the third week of March for a week so that is going to hinder my goal of 190 but I'll sure give it a try.

    CONGRATULATIONS to all the women who met their goals. You deserve a big hand of applause. And so does everyone who made an effort which is persevering and that's an accomplishment!

    BARBIE I really like the graphic you chose for March; thank you for keeping this thread going.

    Off to watch granddaughter play volleyball; some shopping and enjoying this Spring-like day in Plano.

    Plano Teral :flowerforyou:

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    Katla - I am having salmon tonight, but I cheat and use hickory smoke drops and chipotle paste. Heaven, but I'm sure not as good as the real thing.

    Yanniejannie - It's about time you treated yourself and had some ME time. I used to go the cinema by myself to watch my foreign films and have a curry laksa before hand. Loved those times. Now I look forward to DH being at the football! :laugh:

    Jaya - welcome! We are a chatty bunch on here. I have been to India for two longish holidays and love it. My father was in the Indian army, so I have always felt an affinity with all its many cultures and I cook a lot of the food from different areas.

    Alison - you are doing the right thing, making yourself the priority at last. About time!

    Well, today I copied all the music from my old computer on to a memory stick - something I have been meaning yo do for years. I had even bought a new stick years ago!:blushing: Then I put it on my new computer ready to transfer chosen albums to the phone tomorrow. I will have to ensure it goes on to internal memory, not sure how. Gradually getting the hang of things. Good thing is I was so concentrating on what I was doing I didn't eat lunch until gone 2pm! ! ! ! That is late for me! So I haven't had an afternoon snack!:drinker: More for tonight! :bigsmile:

    DH'S team won! Expecting him home any minute.

    Love Heather in Hampshire UK
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Happy March! C'mon Spring! :flowerforyou:

    Welcome everyone new! :happy:

    Just a quick hello, I'm getting things ready for tonight...having dinner & cards here with my cousin, his wife & a couple of good friends. Funnnnn :bigsmile:

    Thanks for continuing the thread, Barbie. :happy:

    Michele, I peeked at the last page of February's thread and had to do a double-take :noway: as I thought you fed Vince "park raccoons" !! :laugh:

    Wonderful day to all.

    :smile: jb in Portland
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Update-hubby know has an eye infection along with the sinus infection.:mad:
    On a good note,I`m feeling better and actually have an appetite.Went to Mcdonald`s,not the best food,but after having no apetite,it was what I had a taste for.Back to clean eating next week.
  • lhunterq
    lhunterq Posts: 1 Member
    Not sure how to join this group or even how to post so thought I'd just reply to you. Just started this website yesterday, so tired of paying weight watchers and I always get stuck after the first 30 pound loss. Then I start gaining again. I need to lose at least 50 pounds and am going to try this way. I workout 3 times a week and pay a trainer to keep me on track but I have to get my eating under control again which I started yesterday. The red wine doesn't help at all either but don't feel like I can give that up too. I quit smoking again and am just plain trying to live a healthier life. I'm 64 yrs. young and in good health despite the extra weight. I live in Southwestern Ontario. Any advice about this website would be beneficial to me, thanks. Lois
  • tammytylerjones
    tammytylerjones Posts: 109 Member
    Oh Amanda! Your grandbaby is beautiful! Congrats!

    I don't post very often, but I read through all of yours. Congrats to all who are losing! Hang in there all those, like me, who are trying!!! haha!

    Have a great day... Enjoy being healthier!!

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • caroldavison332
    caroldavison332 Posts: 864 Member
    Yes water does has an impact on your body. If you drink it in the morning, it makes you pee. If you drink it in the afternoon, it makes you pee. If you drink it at night, it makes you get up in the middle of the night and pee.

    However I prefer to exercise while walking and playing with my dog tater. I just started 10 days ago and will only commit to continuing.

    Is there a way to sign up to receive these posts?

    Also, is there a way to omit smiley faces? I have a visual disability and can't read anything around them.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,098 Member
    Good afternoon,

    Barbie thank you for the thread.:flowerforyou:

    Deedee having a cup of coffee with you and water.:drinker:

    Joyce glad only property damage and no one hurt.

    Katla love the fun goal.

    Christchild Happy Birthday!:flowerforyou:

    Alison I am working at reducing sugar too.

    Amanda so happy for you. Congratulations on new granddaughter.:flowerforyou:

    Jb hope you have a great dinner party.

    Carol I hope they figure out what is wrong with your son soon.

    Michelle thanks for the reminder about the rice. We are going to a Vietnamese restaurant tomorrow.

    Sylvia I am picturing your forsythia blooming. It makes me think spring is not too far off for us too.

    Katla buffet s are not my friend either. Even when I try to load up on the veggies I am often up a pound the next day after going to one.

    Jane hugs for you and your family.:flowerforyou:

    Heather I have to sometimes turn my Kindle off to get it to reboot. I learned that on the internet. At first I thought it was done for. Then I read you turn it off for 30 seconds to get it to reboot. I know I sometimes have had to do that with computers at some of the schools I have worked. Hope you feel better soon. I realized when you said surgery you meant going to the doctor. In the states surgery means you are going for an operation. None of that for you I hope.

    Lily agree about the Chromium. Sugar also uses up Magnesium in the body too.

    Juanita and Sandy feel your pain with cold and snow.:grumble:

    Cythnia !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!on weight loss.

    Meg thanks for the encouragement. Thanks for the tip about the hide option. Haven’t had the need just nice to know about it.

    Beth healing thoughts for your sons.:flowerforyou:

    Helped my friend in Kindergarten yesterday. We made hats for Dr. Seuss's birthday. He is one of my favorite children's author because he is so mush fun!. Staying home today because of cold and bad roads. We had 3-6 foot snow drifts at intersections and many intersections are still icy. When you make a turn you have to take into consideration it might take you longer to make the turn because your wheels might spin on the ice.:grumble: At least we are not going to get the 5-7 inches of new snow that St. Louis will get tonight. Fortunately the end is in sight . We will be in the 20-30's by the end of the week.
    Also feel for UK sisters who are having to deal with all that flooding and California with the flash flooding.

    February goal of making healthy choices went well. For the past two week significantly reduced refined sugar, did some form of exercise six days a week, sleeping 7-8m hours a night very few interrupted with leg cramps, drinking 8 glasses of water a day. I am down three pounds from my maintenance goal; blood pressure is 118/76. Down 10/5 points from last month.

    March goals continue to make healthy choices today, so I will have a healthier tomorrow.
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    I didn't make any specific goals for February but will make some for March. I will increase my water on weekends and go to at least one new class at the gym. I think this month will be cardiobox.

    Thanks Barbie for keeping us going.

    Kim – it's a great goal, it's so important to your success

    Vicki – I hope the party is a success and that the weather hasn't kept anyone away. I hope you & esp DH are having an amazing time.

    Deb – hope you feel better, take care of yourself

    Eileen – I'm hoping that you have decent weather when you visit your new DGS. You must be excited. Congrats on getting your taxes done.

    Patriciah62 – welcome, it's a great bunch of women. Come back often and post as much as you want as we really like getting to know you. Happy bday! Take it a day at a time and it will happen!

    Susan in Dallas – welcome! Wow, congrats on your weight loss! It's a supportive bunch ... come back often

    Katla – congrats on the salmon. I'm jealous that you can sit outside and soak up that glorious Vit D. I can't wait! YAY that your DH is going to get his eyes checked.

    Allison – rye wraps? Are they lower in sodium? I don't think I've seen them here. My downfall is sodium. I'm totally fine without sugar, don't even take any in my coffee or tea. Being aware of what we need to do is half the battle. You can do it!!

    Amanda – oh my your DGD is absolutely a doll. Congratulations. I can't wait to be a grandmother but will have to wait for now. Get some extra cuddles for me.

    Heather – I really hope you feel better soon.

    Jaya – welcome! I'm sure you will enjoy this amazing group of ladies! Congrats on the weight loss so far. Summer? Oh my!

    Yanniejannie – woohoo, that's awesome that you did something just for you! I've often thought of going to the movies alone but I so enjoy being home by myself that I rarely want to go out once I'm home.

    DeeDee in NC – the sunset sounds glorious! Enjoy your saturday

    Liz – I'm of the same belief as you, winter is NEVER going to leave. I hope that your EKG comes back fine. It must be a bit scary to get those dizzy spells. I think if I didn't have to go to work every day that I would not go out much either. I too get a bit nervous about being outside esp alone.

    DeeDeeLHF – welcome!

    Pat – feel better soon!

    Sue in SD – Take care of that shoulder. Awesome goals for March. I think I need to up my step count. I have to remember to wear my fitbit every day

    Jane – oh my goodness, you guys have had more then your fair share of illness. I hope you all get better soon.

    Lily – welcome! Another fellow Canadian! Yay! You have far more cold then we do. Stay warm!!

    Plano Teral – congrats on the new DGD! Glad to hear mom & baby are well.

    Lois – welcome to a fellow Canadian! You join by just posting, come back often and post as often as you want. It's a great bunch of ladies.

    I lost 1 lb this week and had an awesome NSV today. Getting out of the pool this morning, a woman approaches me and says that the Y should have a success board and I should be on it, that she is impressed with how far I've come. At the same time the lifeguard, the instructor and yet another woman all chimed in with how awesome my weight loss has been. (BTW the instructor is my personal trainer too). I couldn't stop smiling :)

    Have a great day!

    :heart: Sandy in ON
  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    Hi all - waiting for the snow to come tomorrow night.

    Alison - looks like you will once again be getting more snow than us further north! I know how tired you are of shoveling!! We are now supposed to only get 2-4 inches instead of 6-12 inches. Hoping the lower numbers turn out to be true.

    Met with a nutritionist last week to strategize on night snacking, my major downfall. Medicare will pay for that too!! She set my limits at 200 calories and 30 carbs, assuming I didn't already use up my quotas. Fresh pineapple turns out to be a pretty good choice. Also, the larger rice cakes (about 40 calories each, depending on flavor and the salt isn't too bad either). I'm making my diabetic hot chocolate with leftover coffee, so that stays about 30 calories. When I can afford the extra, I make it with unsweetened almond milk (which is 30 calories a cup). That is VERY rich and filling!!

    February goals - Continue more vegetables - done
    Drink 8-10 glasses water a day - done
    50 min cardio twice a week - done
    Lose 2-3 pounds - not yet
    Work out 3 times a week - DONE!!!
    Up my weights in strength training - Done and still doing

    Also had a great NSV Thursday when a couple of young women in my strength training class saw me doing leg presses and came over to tell me how impressed they were with the amount of weight I had put on the leg press (115 lbs. per side). I do love lifting weights!

    March goals are the same

    Jill in western MA
  • kayms13
    kayms13 Posts: 47 Member
    Interesting about sugar using up magnesium in your body. That could explain why my blood work last year showed I was low. Sugar has always been my downfall.

    Congrats to all who have new grandbabies :flowerforyou: Hopefully one day that will be me!

    And yanniejannie--good for you to treat yourself to a manicure, massage & special meal :flowerforyou: Why is it we often feel guilty when we do nice things for ourselves?

    Those of you who do planks--any suggestions on a good website with instructions? Do you do them on your forearms or straight arms? I thought I found a good link on Pinterest, but I can't get the pictures to come up. I've heard they're an excellent core exercise, but want to make sure I'm doing them properly.

    Goals for March:
    Log 6 days a week
    Physical activity 5 days a week
    Don't buy Easter candy

    Enjoy the weekend :drinker: :bigsmile:

    Kay in WI
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Goodnight ladies! A special goodnight to Alison; hope you sleep well!

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Goal for March: log every day.
    Walk at least 60 miles.
  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    Kayms - you can do planks on your forearms, and if you want, progress to having straightened arms. There are a lot of variations to a plank. It's important to keep your back straight - don't arch up or sag down. It is an excellent core exercise. I can't kneel, so getting up and down from the floor is tricky. My physical therapist showed me a plank I can do seated - I do 5 85-second planks three times a week. Your abdominal muscles and lower back will thank you!

    Also love your goal - don't buy Easter candy!! LOL

    Jill in western MA
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    You ladies are amazing!! I cannot believe the number of posts already!! What an active thread!!

    I see I have missed a few things...like... My real name is Donna and I almost always sign "D". From Orchard Park, NY a suburb of Buffalo.

    My goals for March:

    Increase my fledgling weight lifting to 30 minutes, 4 times per week.
    Continue my quest to keep grains to a minimum.
    Hoping to lose 3-4 # this month.
    I have been processed sugar free for almost 9 years and then suddenly I have been cheating...:grumble: :noway: So, back to no sugar!!

    D from NY
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Hello everyone! I've spent the day shopping and getting ready for the winter storm that is supposed to hit tonight. It's already cold and windy, but so far nothing wet has fallen. We are in the zone where they predict up to 1/4 inch of ice and 2 inches of snow so it could be worse.

    Hubby took me out for supper tonight because it looks like this will be our last upportunity for a while. We went to our local steak house where they have the best grilled chicken salad in town. It was great, but I couldn't finish it all. Brought home enough for lunch tomorrow.

    I'm really conflicted about this starvation mode thing. I don't think I believe it. But I had been at 203.4 pounds for a couple of days, then Thursday when my system was all mixed up because of the fire at my friend's house I only got about 700 calories. And I didn't eat my exercise calories. Friday morning my weight was 204.6 pounds. Friday I threw caution to the wind and had 1300 calories even thought my plan is only 1200. This morning, Saturday, I'm back to 203.4 again. Hmmm. But I know things fluctuate so I'm trying not to read too much into it.

    My February goals didn't work out too well. I tried to lose 5 pounds but only lost three. I tried to take better care of my appearance and managed to fix my hair every day for about a week, and I wore earrings a couple of times, but that's it. Too much trouble when I'm swimming every day. And I still haven't managed to work much in the studio. Having too much fun with the grandkids.

    So for March, I'm going to work on another 5 pounds. I'm determined to visit Onederland this month if it kills me! And to have my ticker show 100 pounds lost.

    Welcome to all the new ladies. Tell us more about yourselves, do you have kids, grandkids, dogs, cats, hobbies, work, hubby? All kind of things interest us.

    Take care if you're in this storm!

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :tongue: I just want to point out that core exercises, such as planks and crunches are great, but not great for women-and men for that matter- who have abdominal muscle separation. Check that first.http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diastasis_recti. I had this, tx to 4 pregnancies and babies who got larger and larger, and made it worse. It is good to be educated. Just saying.

    February is behind us, and I wish for a new look for March. Althought, I did lose some weight in the past month, the last while has been busy. Spring is what I want, with new energy and enthusiasm.

    Vancouver Island, B.C.

    P.s. I am also cognizant of someone who posted she had visual problems with smileys, so will limit those until I hear differently.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :flowerforyou: Amanda, I am so happy for you and your family at the birth of your granddaughter and the news that you will be going to see her soon.

    :flowerforyou: Yanniejannie, I like being alone….today Jake is gone for the day and I am having the most wonderful time and enjoying every minute

    :flowerforyou: DeeDee, what I like most about using a yoga DVD is that I hold the poses as long as they should be held….on my own, I tend to rush or at least have no time perspective.

    :flowerforyou: Beth, when I went through a very bad time about ten years ago, a friend recommended writing in a gratitude journal daily and I’ve done that ever since…..it helps me focus on what is right in my world instead of seeing all the troubles.

    :flowerforyou: Lily, you can be good example on this thread about how to stay active even with terribly cold weather outside….best wishes on your daily walking indoors.

    :flowerforyou: Heather, I have a memory card in my phone with a lot of music……..I have a Bluetooth so I can listen to my music when I walk the dogs…I can also listen to sound recordings of inspirational speakers……the thing I do most with my phone is listen to music.

    :bigsmile: Jb, you have a never-ending supply of wonderful dog pictures

    :flowerforyou: Lois from Ontario, you joined our supportive family just by posting….keep coming back…..don’t try to fix all your behaviours at once…..start by logging your food (and wine) so you can see where the calories are coming from and begin to make a plan for change.

    :bigsmile: Sandy, congrats on your NSV…it’s great when someone notices

    :flowerforyou: Kay, here is the link to a short video with a good looking guy showing how to do a plank……I do one with my strength training workout every other day http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSHjTRCQxIw

    :flowerforyou: I am almost finished listening to the CD’s of “Salt, Sugar, Fat” and have learned so much about processed foods and how their ingredients work to make us crave more. I highly recommend the book either to read or to listen to.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington

    24,000 steps today ---3 minute plank

    “All truly great thoughts are conceived while walking."
    - Friedrich Nietzsche

    March Resolutions
    *do weight training and yoga on alternate days
    *add triceps pushups to weight training
    *act the way I want to feel
    *finish updating my will
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Oh my, what do you eat when you just don't feel like eating anything??? I had a light lunch, nothing since and don't feel like eating anything now. I may feel like eating my bedtime snack because that is one of my favorite things of the day but I know 500 calories in't enough for a day.

    Joyce, Indiana